Air warfare
Found in 1041 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 28 Aug 1941
Telegram from WSC to Stalin on subjects including: the provision of fighter aircraft, Tomahawks and Hurricanes; Persian [Iranian] resistance has ended enabling development of railway for supplies; Anglo-Soviet resistance to Japan.
(Untitled), 25 Oct 1941
Telegram from Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder [Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Middle East] to WSC expressing confidence in assisting the army offensive.
(Untitled), 25 Oct 1941
Telegram from WSC to the Minister of State, Middle East [Oliver Lyttelton, later 1st Lord Chandos] for Commanders-in- Chief Committee Middle East advising against relying on German engagement in the Soviet Union; feels Whipcord [codename for a British plan for the invasion of Sicily] should proceed immediately relying on superiority of Allied air power, to link up with Mediterranean; Germany will be threatened in Europe and provoke resistance by Spain.
(Untitled), 29 Oct 1941
Telegram from WSC to General Jan Smuts [Prime Minister of South Africa] explaining that the bombing campaign has been dispersed due to bad weather and inadequate navigational aids.
(Untitled), 21 Nov 1941
Telegram from Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder [Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Middle East] to WSC: battle report; mentions Tobruk, Derna, Bardia [Libya], Malta and Benghazi.
(Untitled), 29 Sep 1941
Telegram from 1st Lord Beaverbrook [Minister of Supply, British Supply Mission to the Soviet Union, earlier Max Aitken] to WSC on non-arrival in the Soviet Union of promised aircraft.
(Untitled), 30 Sep 1941
Telegram from 1st Lord Beaverbrook [Minister of Supply, British Supply Mission to the Soviet Union, earlier Max Aitken] to WSC: Stalin no longer wants Spitfires, instead requires Tomahawks and Hurricanes.
(Untitled), 01 Oct 1941
Telegram from WSC to 1st Lord Beaverbrook [Minister of Supply, British Supply Mission to the Soviet Union, earlier Max Aitken] agreeing to increased order of Hurricanes and Tomahawks for the Soviet Union.
(Untitled), 31 Dec 1941
Telegram from General Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander-in- Chief, Middle East, to WSC on subjects including a tank encounter to the south of Agedabia [Ajdabiyah, Libya], the accuracy of RAF bombing and the movement of enemy ships from Ras el Aali.
(Untitled), 02 Jan 1942
Telegrams from General Sir Claude Auchinleck, Commander- in-Chief, Middle East, to WSC on subjects including: activity in Agedabia [Ajdabiyah, Libya]; RAF bombing of Ras Aali; prisoner-of-war figures; fighter planes over Agedabia; news from Lieutenant-General Neil Ritchie [Commander of 8th Army] on the Allied capture of Bardia, and release of British prisoners-of-war.
(Untitled), 14 Jan 1942
Telegram from WSC to the Prime Minister of Australia [John Curtin] with figures for army and air reinforcement of Malaya [later Malaysia].
(Untitled), 14 Jan 1942
Telegram from WSC to the Government of New Zealand [and Peter Fraser, Prime Minister] with figures for air reinforcement of New Zealand.
(Untitled), 24 Jan 1942
Telegram from Commanders in Chief (Middle East) to WSC giving details of German and Allied army strengths at the beginning of "Crusader" [codename for British North African operation], including details of losses on both sides and reasons for Allied success.
(Untitled), 27 Jan 1942
Telegram from the Prime Minister of Australia [John Curtin] to WSC pressing for the allotment of additional aircraft and giving details of operational strength, adding that Australia is left almost defenceless against its enemies.
(Untitled), 28 Dec 1942 - 29 Dec 1942
Letter and report from Peregrine Churchill to WSC on a meeting with Sir Stafford Cripps [Minister of Aircraft Production] about the photographic projection of engineering designs direct onto templates for aircraft construction; with acknowledgement by John Peck [Assistant Private Secretary to WSC].
(Untitled), 02 Jan 1942 - 28 Feb 1942
(Untitled), 01 Mar 1942 - 30 Mar 1942
(Untitled), 01 Apr 1942 - 30 Apr 1942
(Untitled), 01 May 1942 - 31 May 1942
(Untitled), 01 Jun 1942 - 27 Jun 1942
(Untitled), 02 Sep 1942 - 30 Sep 1942
(Untitled), 02 Oct 1942 - 31 Oct 1942
(Untitled), 01 Nov 1942 - 30 Nov 1942
(Untitled), 01 Dec 1942 - 31 Dec 1942
(Untitled), 31 Dec 1941
Telegram from the Prime Minister of Australia, John Curtin, to WSC on modifications to the Empire Air Training Scheme; asks about strength of force in South Western Pacific.