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Churchill cigar, 1961 - 1965

Reference Code: GBR/0014/WCHL 6/75
Scope and Contents

One of WSC's cigars given to Mr Paul Keane as a boy by WSC's nurse Muriel Thomson on WSC's arrival in New York [United States] aboard the yacht Christina, 1961. Also includes a scrapbook describing the event and also containing other WSC memorabilia, cuttings etc, including matches from the Christina and one of WSC's handkerchiefs, also given to Keane by Muriel Thomson.

Dates: 1961 - 1965
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Closures are noted in the catalogue.

Literary: Articles: Amalgamated Press., Jan 1934 - Aug 1934

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/501
Scope and Contents Proofs, press cuttings and correspondence on the following articles by WSC: "Do Bye-Elections Count?" discounting the East Fulham bye-election, stating the differences between bye-elections and general elections and discussing the divisions in the Conservative Party; "Defence not Defiance" on the current strength of the country; "How we made the Irish treaty" in defence of the Irish Settlement [1922] and WSC's meetings with Michael Collins; "Will the League survive?" on the crisis facing the...
Dates: Jan 1934 - Aug 1934
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: Sunday Chronicle articles by WSC., 02 Jan 1938 - 27 Mar 1938

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/619
Scope and Contents Includes galley proofs and press cuttings from the Sunday Chronicle for: "I Escape" on WSC's capture by the Boers and details of his subsequent escape; "The Blunder that Beat Germany" on the Battle of the Marne [France]; "The True Story of the Tank" on the development of the tank during World War I, its initial rejection, WSC's intervention, and its first use in action; "When Britain Nearly Starved" on the German submarine campaign during World War I, British anti-submarine warfare, and...
Dates: 02 Jan 1938 - 27 Mar 1938
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 1., 07 Jan 1940 - 25 Feb 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/665
Scope and Contents Includes cuttings from the Sunday Dispatch for: "My Secret Tank Plans were Missing" on WSC's experiences at "Plugstreet" (Ploegsteert [Belgium]) during World War I, being shelled and thinking he had lost some secret tank plans; "My 17 Fateful Hours with Clemenceau" on being sent by [David] Lloyd George to see [Georges] Clemenceau on the Western Front, and his opinions of [Field Marshal Ferdinand] Foch and [General Lord] Rawlinson; "I Compel Lawrence of Arabia [T E Lawrence, later T E Shaw]...
Dates: 07 Jan 1940 - 25 Feb 1940
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Literary: Sunday Dispatch articles by WSC: 8., 17 Nov 1940 - 29 Dec 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/672
Scope and Contents Includes cuttings from the Sunday Dispatch for: "Neville Chamberlain" on British Prime Ministers since [William] Gladstone, Chamberlain's career, including during World War I, and as Chancellor of the Exchequer, and WSC's views on his personality; "The Grimmest Task in the Government" on WSC's experiences as Home Secretary, capital punishment, and prison reform; "Maiden and Other Speeches" on speeches by F E Smith [later 1st Lord Birkenhead], Timothy Healy, WSC, Lord Hugh Cecil [later Lord...
Dates: 17 Nov 1940 - 29 Dec 1940
Conditions Governing Access: Open.

Personal: Business correspondence., Jun 1950 - Aug 1956

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 1/22
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: James Mark (HM Treasury); Ben Russell, [Director] Cunard White Star Limited; representatives of Lloyds Bank (5); representatives of A Durr and Company on cigars (4); George Andrews (2) and James Boyd (3) on seeing WSC on board the Queen Mary; Wilfred Fish [WSC's dentist] (2); Desmond Crawley [Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary for Commonwealth Relations] (2); Sir Charles Howard, Sergeant at Arms, House of Commons, on aiding WSC's hearing in the House; O C...
Dates: Jun 1950 - Aug 1956
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Personal: Business correspondence A-D., Jul 1945 - Jul 1947

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 1/15
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: representatives of Lloyds Bank including Geoffrey Mason and T E R Harris (3); Rosemary McEntire of the British Embassy in Paris [France] (4) and Thomas Bromley (Foreign Office) on repairs to WSC's Breguet watch; Claus Vogel on WSC's visit to Switzerland in 1946; representatives of Cassell and Company (2), including a director, Desmond Flower, on the publication of WSC's war memoirs in the Daily Telegraph; Colonel Frank Clarke (4), HM Customs and Excise (5), and Alfred...
Dates: Jul 1945 - Jul 1947
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Personal: Business correspondence A-F., Nov 1945 - Mar 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 1/18
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: representatives of Nicholl, Manisty and Few [WSC's solicitors] (24) and J C Tweed [an Irish solicitor] (4) on subjects including WSC selling the Carnlough [Antrim, Ulster, Ireland] estate to 13th Lord Antrim [earlier Randall McDonnell]; representatives of Berry Brothers and Rudd Limited on WSC's orders for champagne and whisky (9); 1st Lord Sandford [earlier Sir Albert Edmondson]; Sir William Rootes (2) and Christopher Soames on providing cars; Ben Russell, [Director]...
Dates: Nov 1945 - Mar 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Political: Constituency, Epping [Essex]: correspondence Ra-Ri., 28 Oct 1941 - 31 Jul 1945

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 7/90
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sir James Hawkey [Vice-Chairman of Epping Division Conservative Association and Mayor of Wanstead and Woodford] (6); L R Prescott [Assistant Private Secretary to the Minister of Health] (5).Subjects include: rehousing evacuees; the Post-war Credit savings scheme; opposition to the new medical service (June 1944); bomb damage claims, repair and new housing; the extra London allowance for servicemen's dependants; the Location of Retail Businesses Order; requests for...
Dates: 28 Oct 1941 - 31 Jul 1945
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: correspondence on gifts to WSC, A-B., Nov 1940 - Dec 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/456
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: [Alan] Hodge [Assistant Private Secretary to the Minister of Information] on gifts of a book and a flag (2); [Guy] Millard (2) and [John] Perowne of the Foreign Office and Sir [David] Kelly [British Ambassador to Argentina] (2) on subjects including a prize carcass from the Argentine Rural Society and accepting gifts from Argentine cattle breeders in light of the Argentine regime; Major-General [James] Chaney sending on oranges with the compliments of...
Dates: Nov 1940 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: correspondence on gifts to WSC, A-C, especially cigars., Dec 1940 - Aug 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/434
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: [3rd] Lord Rothschild of MI5 (8), Sir Norman Kendal [Assistant Commissioner], New Scotland Yard (2), Senior Official Analyst to the Home Office Roche Lynch (2), Sir George Ogilvie-Forbes, British Minister at Havana, Cuba (4), [John] Balfour (3) and [Cecil] King of the Foreign Office, and [1st] Lord Cherwell [earlier F A Lindemann, Prime Minister's Personal Assistant] on cigars and the possibility of them being poisoned; Sir Henry French, [Secretary] Ministry of Food,...
Dates: Dec 1940 - Aug 1942
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: correspondence on gifts to WSC, I-N., Aug 1941 - Dec 1942

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/458
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: John Wilmot [President] of the Board of Trade; Mackenzie King on gifts of a polar bear skin, a picture of the White House [Washington, United States], and copies of the photograph of WSC by [Yousuf] Karsh (2); [3rd] Lord Rothschild [of MI5] on testing cigars (2); [Rodney] Gallop (2) and [John] Perowne of the Foreign Office, [Thomas] Swan [British Minister to Colombia] (2), and [Rosalind] Culhane [later Rosalind, Lady Padmore, Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the...
Dates: Aug 1941 - Dec 1942
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: correspondence on gifts to WSC, R-W, especially cigars., Dec 1940 - Dec 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/437
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: [Anthony] Eden [later 1st Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary] sending on messages from WSC and Charles Peake [Personal Assistant to Lord Halifax, British Ambassador to the United States] on US wireless sets and batteries; [3rd] Lord Rothschild [of MI5] on testing some cigars sent by Abgar Renault, Brazilian Minister of Education; Hubert Beaumont [Parliamentary Private Secretary to Parliamentary Secretary] (Ministry of Agriculture) on tomatoes sent by the Mayor of Ryde [Isle...
Dates: Dec 1940 - Dec 1941
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Gifts A-I., 23 Nov 1949 - 11 Dec 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/385
Scope and Contents Correspondents (concerning gifts to WSC) include: Aga Khan [III]; 17th Duke of Alba; [John] Edward Jackson [3rd Secretary, British Embassy, Paris, France] on a book by Albert Sorel; Winthrop Aldrich [Chairman of Board of Directors of the Chase National Bank]; Prince [Bernhard] of the Netherlands; Joseph Allen (3); General Wladyslaw Anders [former Commander, Polish forces in Iran and Palestine]; Baron Lothar Wimmer [Austrian Ambassador to Britain]; 1st Lord Bledisloe [earlier Charles...
Dates: 23 Nov 1949 - 11 Dec 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Gifts: Correspondence T-W., 1945

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/567
Scope and Contents Correspondents concerning gifts to WSC include: Guy Millard of the Foreign Office advising on gifts from abroad; [5th Duke of] Palmella, Portuguese Ambassador to Great Britain; [1st Lord] Templewood [earlier Samuel Hoare], British Ambassador to Spain; Francis Turnbull, Principal Private Secretary to Secretary of State for India; "Chopper" [7th Duke of Portland, earlier Lord Tichfield]; Bernard Barnes, Director of the United States Office of War Information in London; Bernard Sendall,...
Dates: 1945
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence C., 22 Nov 1946 - 29 Dec 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/161
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: "Bill", 1st Lord Camrose [earlier Sir William Berry] on racing; Ruby, Lady Carson on black swans; Douglas Chandor on his portraits of WSC and CSC (5); "F T Cheng", Tien-Hsi Cheng [Chinese Ambassador to Britain] on gifts and invitations to WSC (2); Frank Clarke on subjects including the United States elections, sending cigars to WSC, and a projected visit by WSC to the United States (15); Walter Graebner [London representative for Time-Life International]; Randolph...
Dates: 22 Nov 1946 - 29 Dec 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence, Giraudier - Guest., Aug 1956 - Feb 1965

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/524A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Antonio Giraudier on subjects including his family's departure from Cuba, gifts of cigars to WSC, and his application to live in Nassau [Bahamas] (94); Peter Stephens, Commercial Counsellor, Madrid [Spain]; Herbert Marchant, British Ambassador to Cuba on Giraudier and events in Cuba (3); Derek Pearse, Principal Private Secretary to Secretary of State for the Colonies; [2nd] Lord Bridges, Assistant Private Secretary to Foreign Secretary, regarding the son of Abdullah...
Dates: Aug 1956 - Feb 1965
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence Ros - Ry., 01 Apr 1946 - 28 Aug 1958

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/197
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Alan Hodge, Joint Editor, History Today, on WSC writing the preface to a paper by 5th Lord Rosebery (3); 6th Lord Rosebery [earlier Lord Dalmeny] on his father's papers (7); Lewis Rosenstiel on subjects including gifts of cigars and whisky for WSC (11); Bernard Baruch; 2nd Lord Rothermere [earlier Esmond Harmsworth, Chairman, Daily Mail] on subjects including WSC's retirement (5); Anthony de Rothschild; John Graham [Assistant Private Secretary to the Foreign...
Dates: 01 Apr 1946 - 28 Aug 1958
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence V - Z., 24 Jun 1951 - 10 Oct 1962

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/202A-C
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: Sarita, Lady Vansittart on the death of 1st Lord Vansittart; Baron D van Lynden, Dutch Embassy, on a bust of WSC by Wilhelm Verbon for Rotterdam [the Netherlands] (4); Margaret, Duchess of Buccleuch [earlier Margaret, Lady Dalkeith] on the bust (3); General Robert Astier de Villatte; Elaine [? Hunter, earlier Elaine Villiers and Elaine Guest]; Vivienne Entwistle, on photographs of WSC; Nathalie, Countess Volpi; Anthony Kendall [British Consul, Venice, Italy]; Lady...
Dates: 24 Jun 1951 - 10 Oct 1962
Conditions Governing Access: Open except folio 421 which has been closed on the instructions of the Royal Archives under sections 40 and 41(1) of the Freedom of Information Act. Review 2027.

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence with Antonio Giraudier., 08 Nov 1947 - 30 Mar 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/159
Scope and Contents Letters from Antonio Giraudier on his gifts to WSC, of cigars, wine, painting equipment and food parcels for London hospitals, WSC's painting, and on WSC's gifts to him, of books and a picture (49).Other correspondents include: Eleonora Mackenzie, British Legation, Cuba, on sending Giraudier's cigars (12); CSC on the hospital food parcels (3); G Ceris Jones, Matron, Westminster Hospital [London] on the food parcels; Elizabeth Cockayne, Matron, Royal Free Hospital [London] on the food...
Dates: 08 Nov 1947 - 30 Mar 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Private and Personal: Correspondence with Antonio Giraudier., 06 Apr 1951 - 03 May 1959

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/218
Scope and Contents Correspondence between WSC, his secretaries and Giraudier on gifts of cigars, brandy and wine from Giraudier to WSC, a proposed visit by Giraudier, gifts of books and a painting from WSC, food parcels from Giraudier to WSC's staff, and "The New World", volume 2 of "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples".Other correspondents include: representatives of H Sichel Sons Incorporated, wine merchants, delivering Giraudier's wine (12); representatives of Marshall Ellis Limited [? export agents]....
Dates: 06 Apr 1951 - 03 May 1959
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Public and Political: General: Visits and invitations: Cuba (February 1946)., 05 Jan 1946 - 19 Mar 1946

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 2/231
Scope and Contents Correspondents on WSC's visit to Cuba and invitation to Jamaica include: Frank Clarke (2); Ernest Bevin [Foreign Secretary]; Guillermo de Blanck [Cuban Ambassador to Britain]; Miguel de Leon, Acting-President, Cuban Congress; Albert Nathan, Publisher, Jamaica Daily Express (3); [William] Alexander Bustamente [leader of Government Business, Jamaica] (2); Cecil Bunbury, Press Attache, British Legation, Cuba (4); William Dunlop [Head of Communications Department, Foreign Office]. Also includes...
Dates: 05 Jan 1946 - 19 Mar 1946
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 09 Jan 1922

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/120/18
Scope and Contents

Letter from [WSC] to Lord Riddell [earlier Sir George Riddell] thanking him for a Christmas box of cigars and praising his handling of the American press at the Washington Conference on disarmament.

Dates: 09 Jan 1922
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), 09 Feb 1932

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 1/398B/199
Scope and Contents

Account from Equitable Cigar Stands, New York, $12, for 100 Royal Derby cigars.

Dates: 09 Feb 1932
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 25 Jan 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 2/147/32
Scope and Contents

Letter from Edward Marsh to E H Francis (The Expert Cigarette Company) stating that WSC does not smoke cigarettes and therefore cannot patronise Francis's company. Carbon typescript copy.

Dates: 25 Jan 1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.
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