Personal: Business correspondence A-D., Jul 1945 - Jul 1947
Scope and Contents
Correspondents include: representatives of Lloyds Bank including Geoffrey Mason and T E R Harris (3); Rosemary McEntire of the British Embassy in Paris [France] (4) and Thomas Bromley (Foreign Office) on repairs to WSC's Breguet watch; Claus Vogel on WSC's visit to Switzerland in 1946; representatives of Cassell and Company (2), including a director, Desmond Flower, on the publication of WSC's war memoirs in the Daily Telegraph; Colonel Frank Clarke... (4), HM Customs and Excise (5), and Alfred Dunhill on cigars; representatives of Nicholl, Manisty and Few [WSC's solicitors] (10), Hamish Hamilton, Brendan Bracken, and Quintin Hogg [later Lord Hailsham of Marylebone] on a libel case concerning allegations about WSC in "Dinner at the White House" by Louis Adamic. Also includes notes and copies of correspondence from: secretaries Anne Hipwell, Jo Sturdee ("N S") [later Lady Onslow], Lettice Marston [later Lettice Shillingford], Christine Taylor [CSC's private secretary], Elizabeth Gilliatt, Kathleen Hill, and Grace Hamblin; Personal Assistants Sir Desmond Morton and Commander Charles Thompson; and a draft of a letter from CSC.Other subjects include: WSC's and CSC's life assurance; WSC's income tax affairs; film and publishing rights in various of WSC's works; purchasing various items, including a folding bed for WSC's House of Commons room, whisky, champagne, cigar bands, and deed boxes; signing, binding, and presenting complimentary copies of WSC's literary works; WSC leaving some items behind after a stay at Bordaberry in 1945 [Hendaye, France]; obtaining butterflies and other matters concerning the Chartwell [Kent] estate.Also includes: drawing and swatch for the folding bed; leather binding sample; details of prices for butterflies; delivery notes for cigars from Tabacalera Cubana; legal papers and newspaper cuttings concerning the libel case.
See moreDates
- Creation: Jul 1945 - Jul 1947
Conditions Governing Access
1 item(s) (1 file (256 loose folios))
Language of Materials
External Documents
Repository Details
Part of the Churchill Archives Centre Repository
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