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Subject Source: UK Archival Thesaurus

Found in 385 Collections and/or Records:


1941 (iii) Diary, 1941-05-15 - 1941-09-08

Reference Code: GBR/0014/HMTN 1/7
Scope and Contents Subjects include Mary Agnes Hamilton's work at the Reconstruction Secretariat; her work on salvage, refugees, and rationing for the Women's Voluntary Service; Ministry of Information Planning Committee meetings and a discussion on 'American Understanding (publicity)'; a lunch with Storm Jameson; bomb damage in central London; the emotional and psychological impact of the war and her fear of invasion; writing, including the impact of war on the modern novel; her move to Richmond Terrace; a...
Dates: 1941-05-15 - 1941-09-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

A Scheme of Mathematical Learning Proposed for Mr Stone's Foundation at Christ's Hospital, c 1665-c 1727

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS Add.4005.19: 85-90
Scope and Contents

Several drafts.

Dates: c 1665-c 1727
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Due to the fragile nature of the material access to the collection is restricted. It is available to view in the Cambridge University Digital Library at with the exception of MS.Add.4007, which is open for consultation by holders of a Reader's Ticket valid for the Manuscripts Reading Room.

Acquired Papers. Letters from James Welldon, Headmaster of Harrow School, to Lady Randolph Churchill. All items are manuscript and signed unless otherwise described., 1891 - 1897

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/53
Scope and Contents From the Series: This class of papers was acquired by WSC at various times either by inheritance or gift and has been arranged in groups according to the presumed original owner: Lady Randolph Churchill; Lord Randolph Churchill; John S Churchill; W Bernau of Lloyds Bank and others.The major groups may be broken into sub-series by correspondents and the papers thereafter are arranged chronologically (e.g. Lady Randolph Churchill's letters from WSC are mainly found at CHAR 28/13-28).The series includes a...
Dates: 1891 - 1897
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Acquired Papers. School reports for WSC and John S Churchill. Includes some undated reports from Harrow which could refer to either WSC or John S Churchill., Sep 1881 - Oct 1894

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/44
Scope and Contents From the Series: This class of papers was acquired by WSC at various times either by inheritance or gift and has been arranged in groups according to the presumed original owner: Lady Randolph Churchill; Lord Randolph Churchill; John S Churchill; W Bernau of Lloyds Bank and others.The major groups may be broken into sub-series by correspondents and the papers thereafter are arranged chronologically (e.g. Lady Randolph Churchill's letters from WSC are mainly found at CHAR 28/13-28).The series includes a...
Dates: Sep 1881 - Oct 1894
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

Annan: The Papers of Noel Gilroy Annan

Reference Code: GBR/0272/NGA
Scope and Contents

The collection includes notes and drafts of published writings, texts of speeches given to the House of Lords and to other institutions, reference notes, subject files, engagement diaries, and personal papers.

Dates: 1889 - 2001
Conditions Governing Access: Some files are closed because they contain personal information. Most files which are marked as restricted access can be read with the written permission of the author. All other files may be consulted in the Archive Centre following the standard registration procedures.

Archives of the Faculty of Classics, 1923 - 1993

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/CLAS
Scope and Contents

The archives cover faculty governance, award of graduate degrees and accommodation.

Dates: 1923 - 1993
Conditions Governing Access: From the Management Group: The University Archives are generally freely available to the holder of a reader's ticket for the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library, West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DR. Restrictions on access are imposed on certain categories of sensitive record: financial, governmental and personal, by order of the originating body or under data protection legislation. Access information, including opening hours and how to obtain a reader's ticket, appears as part of the Library's web site (

Articles, 1960 - 1965

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 2/1/3
Scope and Contents Comprising: "The Chipped White Cups of Dover", 1960; with Hildred Geertz, "Old Age in London and San Francisco", 1961; "A Note for Discussion on the Mother-Daughter Tie", 1961; "Is Your Child in the Unlucky Generation?", 1962; with John Gibson, "In Search of an Explanation of Social Mobility", 1963; with Bernard Benjamin and Chris Wallis, "The Mortality of Widowers", 1963; "Policy for Public Schools", 1963; "What Sort of People", 1963; "Family Life in 1984", 1963; "Announcing the National...
Dates: 1960 - 1965

Articles, 1967 - 1969

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 2/1/4
Scope and Contents Comprising: "A Visit to an Elementary School in Kenya", 1967; with Peter Willmott, "The Next 17,000 Tides", 1967; "The Liberal Approach: its weaknesses and its strengths", 1968; with Peter Willmott, "Demeter and Advertising" and "Does Advertising Influence People?", 1968; "The New Radicalism", 1969; Open Group, including Michael Young, "Social Reform in the Centrifugal Society", 1969; "Why Our Susan?", 1969; "Parental Contribution to the Costs of Nursery Schools", undated [1960s];...
Dates: 1967 - 1969

Articles, 1971 - 1979

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 2/1/5
Scope and Contents Comprising: with John Ziman, "Cycles in Social Behaviour", 1971; with Peter Willmott, "Social Class and the Peak-Load Traffic Problem in London", 1971; "Historical Changes in Social Cycles", 1972; "Parish Councils for Cities?", 1972; "Dilemmas in a New Europe", 1972; "A Dosser's Day", 1973; with Jorg Münstermann and Konrad Schacht, "Poverty in a West German Town", 1975; "For Richer, For Poorer. Some Problems of Low-Income Consumers", 1975; "SSRC - the First Years", 1975; "Suffer the...
Dates: 1971 - 1979

Articles, 1991 - 2001

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 2/1/7
Scope and Contents Comprising: "SSRC Grants - the First Three Years", undated [1990]; "Slaves of Time", 1991; article on death for the "Encyclopedia of Time", 1992; "Open University Open About Death", 1993; introduction to "Innovations in Information", 1993; comment on the Commission on Social Justice, 1994; "Moral Intelligence", 1994; "The Significance of U3A", 1994; with Chelly Halsey, "Family and Community Socialism", 1995; " Why Where?", 1995; "Threatened Americanisation of Privatised Crematoria", 1995;...
Dates: 1991 - 2001

BBC: Further Education, 1950 - 1955

Reference Code: GBR/0014/ABMS 5/3
Scope and Contents

File of papers originally enclosed in file entitled 'BBC - Further Education etc', with copies of audience research reports on radio programmes, and correspondence between Abrams and Joseph Trenaman, Further Education Officer, BBC.

Dates: 1950 - 1955
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Broadcasts, 1955-10 - 1970-02

Reference Code: GBR/0014/POLL 4/1/27
Scope and Contents Annotated transcripts of television and radio interviews and broadcasts by JEP on subjects including: immigration; defence, particularly cuts in the Middle East, British withdrawal from Singapore (in interviews with Denis Healey, Secretary of State for Defence, 1967), and retaining use of nuclear weapons; floating exchange rates; JEP's book on the relationship between the Ministry of Health and the National Health Service, A New Look at Medicine and Politics; Parliamentary privilege and...
Dates: 1955-10 - 1970-02
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The majority of the collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge. Please see individual files for details.

Committees and Policy Groups: Education policy groups, June 1975-January 1977, 1975-06 - 1977-01

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/38
Scope and Contents

Includes copy minutes and papers of the Standards and Discipline in Schools Education Committee, June 1975, January 1976 & January 1977, and Parents Charter Policy Group, December 1975

Dates: 1975-06 - 1977-01
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Committees and Policy Groups: Leader's Consultative Committee, Policy Sub-Committee (MT did not attend), Includes copy minutes July 1975-May 1978 & November 1978, 1975-07 - 1978-11

Reference Code: GBR/0014/THCR 2/6/1/51
Scope and Contents Also includes correspondence with Sir Keith Joseph MP; general progress report on the policy groups and list of groups, December 1975; and meetings and papers on topics including education and immigration Also includes individual papers by Sir Geoffrey Howe MP on broader options in economic policy, February 1976; the Planning and Land Use Group, ca. November 1977; Conservative Research Department, "Job creation, job subsidisation, youth employment and protection", January 1978;...
Dates: 1975-07 - 1978-11
Conditions Governing Access: Opened in November 2003 It may be possible to access a digital version of the file in PDF format at Churchill Archives Centre. Advance notice is essential so please contact us to make a request.

Communication, 1946 - 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/ABMS 5/7
Scope and Contents Working papers previously enclosed in file entitled 'Difficulties of Communication and Failures in Teaching'. Subjects covered include: educational psychology; further education; the educational background of apprentices; the influence of the mass media on everyday speech; the myth of 'economic man' and its relationship to contemporary party politics in Britain; the social needs of individuals; democracy in industry; and the problems of communication in a welfare state. Consists largely of...
Dates: 1946 - 1951
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Copy of an unpublished memoir, 1865-1926, 1926 - 1946

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CAVN 1/1
Scope and Contents

Comprising: Home, Clevedon, Eton; Sandhurst and Examinations; The Grenadier Guards; Racing: a Story of the Inevitable; Ireland; Canada; South African War 1900-1902; Tennis, Hunting, Stalking, Golf, Fishing and Shooting; The First German War: France and Belgium; Italy; Some Notes on the Battle of Vittorio Veneto and After; From Aldershot to Washington; and War Office 1922-26.
With correspondence with Field Marshal Sir William Robertson, 1925 (2).

Dates: 1926 - 1946
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Correspondence, 1986 - 1987

Reference Code: GBR/0014/GLAD 1/5/19
Scope and Contents

Education of overseas students.

Dates: 1986 - 1987
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Correspondence about Dartington Tech, 1983 - 1989

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/20
Scope and Contents

Dartington Tech provides training and continuing education in South Devon.

Dates: 1983 - 1989

Correspondence about Education Extra, 1991 - 2000

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/23
Scope and Contents

Education Extra encouraged the use of school facilities for after-school activities.

Dates: 1991 - 2000

Correspondence about Schumacher College, Dartington Hall, 1990 - 1993

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/59
Scope and Contents

Schumacher College is a centre for ecological studies.

Dates: 1990 - 1993

Correspondence about the Advisory Centre for Education, 1975 - 2000

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/1
Scope and Contents

The Advisory Centre for Education is an information service about education for parents.
With press cuttings, 1962.

Dates: 1975 - 2000

Correspondence about the Cambridge Educational Development Trust, 1973 - 1978

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/6
Scope and Contents From the Fonds: Papers comprising manuscripts of books, articles, lectures, research data, diaries, correspondence, press cuttings, photographs, video and audio tape recordings. The bulk of the collection is formed by Michael Young's correspondence subject files about organisations he was involved in starting up or with existing organisations who collaborated in his ventures. There is also substantial correspondence with individuals, including family, friends, colleagues and financial backers. A...
Dates: 1973 - 1978

Correspondence about the Centre for Educational Choice, 1987 - 1994

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/7
Scope and Contents

The Centre for Educational Choice studied and promoted small schools started by parents' groups.

Dates: 1987 - 1994

Correspondence about the International Extension College, 1972 - 2000

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/35
Scope and Contents

The International Extension College promotes distance learning in less developed countries, mainly in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean.

Dates: 1972 - 2000

Correspondence about the International Research Foundation for Open Learning, 1994 - 2000

Reference Code: GBR/0014/YUNG 6/36
Scope and Contents

The International Research Foundation for Open Learning carries out research on open and distance learning, mainly in less developed countries.

Dates: 1994 - 2000