Found in 1234 Collections and/or Records:
Literary: Co-operation: business correspondence., 31 Dec 1936 - 31 Dec 1937
Correspondents include: representatives of Co-operation Press Service, including Imre Revesz [Director, later Emery Reves] (45) on the overseas rights for WSC's articles; Sir Charles Mendl [Press Attache, British Embassy, Paris, France] introducing Revesz; Sir Austen Chamberlain introducing Revesz.Also includes: a list of contributors to Co-operation; a copy of the contract between WSC and Co-operation; publication statements for WSC's articles; part of an article by WSC on divorce.
Literary: Co-operation Press Service: business correspondence., 03 Jan 1939 - Dec 1939
Literary: Co-operation Press Service for International Understanding: business correspondence., 24 Dec 1937 - 27 Dec 1938
Literary: Co-operation Publishing Company: business correspondence., 27 Jul 1945 - 19 Dec 1945
Correspondence with Emery Reves [earlier Imre Revesz], head of Co-operation (10), on subjects including collaborating with Reves over offers for WSC to publish newspaper and magazine articles, war memoirs, and make radio broadcasts in the United States; and Reves' book on the atomic bomb, "The Anatomy of Peace".
Literary: Collier's Magazine articles: correspondence., 12 Nov 1936 - 02 Nov 1937
Correspondents include: representatives of Collier's including William Chenery [Editor] (22); Adam Marshall Diston on drafting the articles (10); representatives of Curtis Brown Limited, international publishing bureau, including Helen Everitt, Magazine Department (6) and Alan Collins, Manager (23).Also includes: statements of account from Curtis Brown Limited; royalty reports from Charles Scribner's Sons for "The World Crisis".
Literary: Collier's magazine articles: correspondence., 03 Feb 1938 - 30 Dec 1938
Literary: Correspondence., 23 Apr 1929 - 26 Dec 1929
Correspondents include: John Farquharson (11); Paul Reynolds (5), Butler and Tanner Limited; and [Brigadier General James] Edmonds [of the Military Branch of the Historical Section] concerning a series of articles by WSC for the Collier's Magazine entitled "Crucial Crises of the [First World] War".
Literary: correspondence and papers concerning the administration of the Chartwell Literary Trust and its role with regard to WSC's war memoirs ("The Second World War") and other works., May 1946 - Mar 1956
Literary: Correspondence concerning "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples"., 1932
Includes correspondence between WSC and Newman Flower of Cassell and Company on terms and conditions for the writing of the book, including agreement that WSC's fee should be 20,000 pounds.
Literary: Correspondence concerning "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples"., 1933
Correspondence between WSC and representatives of Cassell and Company Limited, Excess Insurance Company Limited and Lloyds Bank Limited concerning a life insurance policy on WSC's life taken out by his publishers (Cassell and Company) in the event of him being unable to complete "A History of the English-Speaking Peoples".
Literary: correspondence concerning "Marlborough: His Life and Times"., Jan 1946 - Sep 1955
Literary: Correspondence concerning "Marlborough: His Life and Times"., Sep 1933 - Oct 1933
Literary: correspondence concerning "My Early Life"., Oct 1946 - Sep 1951
Literary: correspondence concerning "Painting as a Pastime"., Mar 1947 - Apr 1953
Literary: correspondence concerning permission to quote from WSC's war memoirs ("The Second World War"), "My Early Life" and speeches., Jul 1949 - Feb 1956
Literary: correspondence concerning the British and United States publication of "The War Speeches (Definitive edition)", "The Sinews of Peace", "Europe Unite", "In the Balance", and "Stemming the Tide"., Sep 1946 - Aug 1952
Literary: correspondence concerning the Chartwell Literary Trust and Birthday Trust, many with Anthony Moir of Fladgate and Company [WSC's solicitor]., Feb 1946 - Mar 1957
Literary: Correspondence concerning the serialisation of Volume 1 of "Marlborough, His Life and Times" in the Sunday Times., Jan 1933 - Sep 1933
Correspondents include: 1st Lord Camrose [earlier William Berry, Chairman of the Daily Telegraph and Editor-in-Chief of the Sunday Times] discussing which newspaper "Marlborough" should be serialised in (3); William Hadley, Editor of the Sunday Times, on the selection of extracts (7) and representatives of Amalgamated Press Limited on payments to WSC.
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for Collier's Magazine., 1931
Correspondents include: Paul Reynolds on fees due to WSC and William Chenery, editor of Collier's Magazine.
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for Collier's Magazine., 1932
Correspondents include: representatives of Collier's Magazine including the editor, William Chenery (5) on the subjects to be covered in WSC's articles and the reception of articles; Paul Reynolds on the sale of serial rights; representatives of Curtis Brown Limited including Raymond Everitt (18) on payments due to WSC; Shane Leslie; Donald Fergusson on tea and sugar imports into the United Kingdom; and Sir Francis Floud on unemployment (2).
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for Collier's Magazine., 1933
Includes correspondence with: representatives of Curtis Brown Limited, including Raymond Everitt (5), on the sale of serial rights in WSC's articles and amounts credited to his account; William Chenery, editor of Collier's Magazine, suggesting subjects for articles and Aylmer Vallance of the Economist (3).
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for the Daily Mail., 1932
Correspondents include: Esmond Harmsworth [later 2nd Lord Rothermere] on subjects to be covered in WSC's articles and future contracts (5) and Robert Prew, Literary Editor of the Daily Mail (3).Also includes statements of payments to WSC, notes on Warren Hastings, copies of reports on WSC's speeches about the United States and Prohibition.
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for the Daily Mail., Jan 1933 - Oct 1933
Correspondence between WSC and various representatives of the Daily Mail including Esmond Harmsworth [later 2nd Lord Rothermere] and Robert Prew concerning WSC's regular contributions to the newspaper.Includes statements of fees paid to WSC.
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for the Daily Mail., 1931
Correspondents include: Brendan Bracken suggesting an agreement with the Daily Mail which would be financially beneficial to WSC (5); various staff of the Daily Mail including William McWhirter, Donald Bradfield and Robert Prew; Esmond Harmsworth [later 2nd Lord Rothermere on aspects of the arrangement with WSC including exclusivity (5).Also includes copies of letters from WSC on his accident involving a motor car in New York [United States] and on his friendship with David Lloyd George.
Literary: Correspondence concerning WSC's articles for the Daily Telegraph., 1931
Correspondents include: Kenneth Dewar on his progress researching naval articles by WSC (7); Colonel [Edward] Frederick Lawson [later 4th Lord Burnham, Director of the Daily Telegraph] on various subjects including his irritation with WSC's articles in the Daily Mail (6); and Sir Roger Keyes.Also includes a statement of the fees due to WSC.