Found in 429 Collections and/or Records:
Legal reports, Late sixteenth and/or early seventeenth centuries
Reports of cases adjudged in the Queen's Bench and other courts, 39-42 Eliz. I; also, 'Quædam observationes de mensurationibus terrarum in Anglia', from the time of King James I.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Notes of law cases, decided chiefly in the later years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, with a very few in the reigns of King James I and King Charles I. There are tables of contents at the beginning and end.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Law reports from the first eight years of the reign of King James I, chiefly of cases decided in the king's bench, with a few in the common bench, exchequer and court of wards. The earlier part of the book is a transcript of Crokes reports, and commences with the memorandum from Croke that the Michaelmas term 1 James I was adjourned in consequence of the plague.
Legal reports, Seventeenth century
Common bench reports from Easter term 1 James I to Michaelmas term 22 James I.
Legal reports, Seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the King's Bench and other courts, from 'Hilary T. 18 Jas. I to Mich. T. 20 Jas. I'. Similar to MS Dd.06.58, and in the same handwriting. The name of Robert Nicholas is given as that of the reporter, on the authority of former catalogues. Many of the cases are not reported in Croke.
Legal reports, Seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the King's Bench and other courts, from 'Hilary, 17 Jas. I to Mich. 18 James I'. Similar to MS Dd.06.57, and in the same handwriting.
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Legal reports, c 1607
Reports of cases in the common pleas, with an index. Damaged by damp at the commencement. The handwriting is of a somewhat later date than the cases reported (tempore Jac. I).
Legal reports, seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the king's bench, in the 32nd and 33rd years of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.
Legal reports, mid or late seventeenth century
Reports of cases from Michaelmas Term, 4 Charles I, to Hilary Term, 17 Charles I, with an index of matters, and also of cases.
Legal reports, early seventeenth century
Legal reports, Late sixteenth or early seventeenth century
(1) Moot cases, in number 313, stated; (2) Sir Edward Coke: a report of the judgement and part of the arguments of 'Shellies' case, addressed to the right honourable Sir Thomas Sackville, Baron Buckhurst, 1581; (3) reports of cases, chiefly in the reigns of King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth I.
Legal reports, Early seventeenth century
Reports of cases adjudged in the court of wards in the reign of King James I.
Legal reports and extracts from statutes, 1544, 1564
(1) Reports, 7 and 8 Hen. VI; (2) extracts from the statutes of Hen. VIII.
Legal reports and presentations, c 1635
(1) Cases decided in the court of wards and liveries between 6 Jac. I and 7 Car. I; (2) presentations made and granted by the master of the court of wards and liveries.
Legal reports and religious notes, Seventeenth century
Legal reports of Sir Henry Hobart, Seventeenth century
Sir Henry Hobart's reports of cases decided in the reign of King James I, with a few in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. The cases in this volume end with that of Lord Sheffeild v. Ratcliffe.
Legal reports of Sir Humphrey Winch, c 1657
Sir Humphrey Winch's reports of cases decided in the Common Bench from Easter Term, 19 James I, to Hilary Term, 22 James I.
Legal reports of Sir Thomas Hetley, c 1657
Sir Thomas Hetley's reports of cases decided in the Common Bench from Easter Term, 3 Charles I, to Trinity Term, 7 Charles I. The first leaf, in a different handwriting, contains three cases in Hilary Term, 2 Charles I, and at the end is an index of cases.
Legal treatise, Seventeenth century
'An historicall and legall discourse upon a case taken out of the 26 Ass. Fol. 20 by Recorder Fleetewoode'.
Legal treatises by Sir Francis Bacon, c 1600
(1) Rules and maxims of the common laws of England; (2) A preparation toward the union of the laws of England and Scotland (incomplete: breaks off in the chapter on ‘The punishment, triall, and proceedings, in cases of felonye’). This is followed by eight leaves, partly blank, containing unconnected notes.
Letters patent, and writings on various offices, seventeenth centuries
Licences for University preachers, teachers and related others, 1514 - 1694
The category - External relations records - comprises records relating to relations with the Crown, central government, the Colleges and the city of Cambridge; also University-initiated outreach, such as adult education, teacher-training, school examining, and alumni relations.