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Labour relations

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Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 11 Feb 1950 - 24 Feb 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/32A-C
Scope and Contents Press Association transcript and press cutting from the Sevenoaks News reporting WSC's election address (11 February, Sevenoaks [Kent] Constitutional Club) on the Labour threat to the economy and the Empire. Also includes transcript of comments by Ness Edwards [Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Labour and National Service] on WSC's responsibility for sending in troops during the miners' strike at [Tonypandy, Glamorgan, Wales, 1910]. Part published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 7935 -...
Dates: 11 Feb 1950 - 24 Feb 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 30 Sep 1951 - 12 Oct 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/43A-D
Scope and Contents Speech notes and typescript for WSC's election campaign (30 September - 10 October) on subjects including the grim economic outlook, regaining Britain's prestige abroad, the advantages of not winning the last election and improving the National Health Service. Source material includes: notes by 1st Lord Moran [earlier Charles Wilson] on the National Health Service, national unity and peace through strength, the tone of WSC's election broadcast, rearmament, Labour attempts to take credit for...
Dates: 30 Sep 1951 - 12 Oct 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 14 Oct 1951 - 23 Oct 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/44A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes and typescript for WSC's election address (15 October, Huddersfield Town Hall [Yorkshire]) on subjects including: the decision by the Colne Valley [Yorkshire] Conservatives to support a Liberal candidate to stop Labour from winning the seat; the duty of all Conservatives and Liberals to combine against Labour; a tribute to Lady Violet Bonham-Carter [earlier Violet Asquith and Violet Lady Bonham- Carter, later Violet, Lady Asquith of Yarnbury], Liberal candidate for Colne Valley;...
Dates: 14 Oct 1951 - 23 Oct 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, source material and press cuttings., 27 Nov 1926 - 06 May 1927

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/80
Scope and Contents Print of the speeches (3 January, Wolfe Society Bicentenary Dinner, Savoy Hotel, London), including a speech by WSC, entitled "Canada" on changes in the constitution of the Empire and Canada's part in the Empire. Also includes speeches by Edward, Prince of Wales [later Edward VIII, then Edward, Duke of Windsor], Sir Charles Warde, President of the society, Peter Larkin, High Commissioner for Canada, 7th Lord Stanhope, Vice-President of the society, and a telegram from MacKenzie King, Prime...
Dates: 27 Nov 1926 - 06 May 1927
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 25 Apr 1925 - 15 Dec 1925

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/73
Scope and Contents Print of WSC's speech (25 April, Royal Naval Division War Memorial unveiling ceremony, Admiralty Building, London). Also includes a note from Lieutenant-Colonel Bernard Freyberg. Published: Complete Speeches IV pp 3554 - 3556.Speech notes for WSC's speech (1 May, Primrose League Demonstration, Albert Hall, London) on the founding of the League, conditions now facing Conservatives, the Budget and foreign policy. Also includes a note from [Stanley Baldwin, Prime Minister], regretting his...
Dates: 25 Apr 1925 - 15 Dec 1925
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 02 Jul 1926 - 08 Dec 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/77A-B
Scope and Contents Typescript for WSC's speech (3 January, Wolfe Dinner, Westerham, Kent) on the achievements and prosperity of Canada.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (20 January, Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Leeds, Yorkshire), entitled "National Finance", on the increase in national expenditure and necessity for cuts, particularly in education, on the changing funding system for local authorities, electricity development, the coal subsidy and averting a coal dispute, and the general improvement in...
Dates: 02 Jul 1926 - 08 Dec 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 14 Jul 1926 - 26 Nov 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/78
Scope and Contents Print and partial typescript of WSC's speech (14 July, Lord Mayor's Banquet, Mansion House, London), entitled "War Debts" on the mysteries of finance, the need for a stable currency and economy, the settlement of France's debt and the whole principle of war debts, the effects of the coal dispute and Trade Union involvement in politics. Also includes a press cutting from the City Press reporting the banquet. Published: Complete Speeches IV pp 4038 - 4042.Typescript and speech notes for WSC's...
Dates: 14 Jul 1926 - 26 Nov 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non House of Commons: Speech notes, typescript and press cuttings., 11 May 1927 - 12 Sep 1927

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/81
Scope and Contents Typescript of WSC's speech (11 May, British Bankers' Association Annual Dinner, Merchant Taylors' Hall, London), entitled "The Financial Situation" on the results of the Budget, the trade revival and the war debt to the United States. Also includes a press cutting from the Financial Times reporting the speech. Published: Complete Speeches IV pp 4217 - 4218 (part).Typescript of WSC's speech (12 July, Lord Mayor's Banquet to Bankers and Merchants, Mansion House, London), entitled "Peace and...
Dates: 11 May 1927 - 12 Sep 1927
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes., 28 Sep 1949 - 27 Oct 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/27A-E
Scope and Contents Speech notes and Hansard report of WSC's speech (28 September, House of Commons) on the devaluation of the pound including: economic affairs; the forthcoming General Election; atomic weapons; the Labour government's policy on taxation; statements by Sir Stafford Cripps [Chancellor of the Exchequer]; the return to the Gold Standard; and nationalisation. Source material includes: notes of statements made by Aneurin Bevan [Minister of Health] and Herbert Morrison [Deputy Prime Minister]; notes...
Dates: 28 Sep 1949 - 27 Oct 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes and other material., 09 Jan 1941 - 27 Apr 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/150A-B
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (9 January, Pilgrim's Society Luncheon, Savoy Hotel, London) entitled "United States co-operation" proposing a toast to Lord Halifax [earlier Edward Wood and Lord Irwin] on his appointment as British Ambassador to the United States and on the death of [11th] Lord Lothian [earlier Philip Kerr]. Also includes cutting from the Times reporting WSC's speech. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6327-9. Various cuttings reporting WSC's speech (17 January, Glasgow [Scotland])...
Dates: 09 Jan 1941 - 27 Apr 1941
Conditions Governing Access: Open

"The Coal Dispute", 15 Jun 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 22/96/53-54
Scope and Contents

Draft statement to be made by the Prime Minister [Stanley Baldwin] when announcing the decision of the government to legislate on Miners' Hours, covering miners hours and wages. Typescript marked "secret".

Dates: 15 Jun 1926
Conditions Governing Access: Open

["The General Strike"], 1937

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/567/1-19
Scope and Contents

Draft proof of an article by WSC on the General Strike including: the railway strikes of 1911 and 1919; liaison with the Trade Unions; his decisions and concerns as Chancellor of the Exchequer; the Royal Commission; Ernest Bevin, Ramsay Macdonald and the Trade Union Congress; the press; Government organisation for the transport and distribution of food; the British Gazette and the end of the strike. Typescript proofs annotated with amendments and corrections in black ink by WSC.

Dates: 1937
Conditions Governing Access: Open

The Papers of Ernest Bevin

Reference Code: GBR/0014/BEVN
Scope and Contents

The Papers consist of political papers, correspondence, speeches and press cuttings, mainly relating to Trade Unions, the Ministry of Labour and National Service, and the Foreign Office.

Dates: 1889 - 1965
Conditions Governing Access: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Trade Unions, 1954 - 1965

Reference Code: GBR/0014/ABMS 5/44
Scope and Contents Working papers on trade unions and work, covering subjects such as union membership and organisation; legal issues; the Trades Union Congress; religion and trade union politics; and public opinion of unions and strikes. Consists largely of reports, press cuttings, and opinion polling data, with Mark Abrams's notes. Includes copy of Mark Abrams's paper "The Individual and Large-Scale Industry" (1956); and working papers for a survey of attitudes to working conditions. Also includes letter...
Dates: 1954 - 1965
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

(Untitled), [Jan] [1912]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/11/73-74
Scope and Contents

Minute from [WSC, First Lord of the Admiralty] to the 1st Sea Lord [Admiral Sir Francis Bridgeman], on the actions to be followed by the Navy during the threatened coal strike. [Typescript copy, with address to 1st Sea Lord struck through].

Dates: [Jan] [1912]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), [1912]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/11/75-77
Scope and Contents

Minute from [Admiral Sir Francis Bridgeman, 1st Sea Lord] to WSC, on coaling arrangements for the Navy during the threatened coal strike.

Dates: [1912]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), [1913]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/23/15
Scope and Contents

Statement by the Director of Dockyards [Sir James Marshall] on the rise in numbers and wages of dockyard workmen since 1906.

Dates: [1913]
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 25 Apr 1913

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/23/22
Scope and Contents

Copy of a letter from Sir (William) Graham Greene [Secretary to the Admiralty] to the Treasury, on the labour situation in the naval dockyards, particularly the growing agitation for higher wages; includes covering note by WSC [First Lord of the Admiralty].

Dates: 25 Apr 1913
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 16 Jul 1912

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/9/106
Scope and Contents

Admiralty minute to WSC, on a deputation of shipwrights to the House of Commons, complaining about wages in the outside yards on the Tyne, Clyde, Mersey and at Barrow [Lancashire].

Dates: 16 Jul 1912
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), [Dec 1935]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 1/272/99
Scope and Contents Press-cutting from the Daily Mail of an interview with Joseph Jones, President of the Miners' Federation, by Randolph Churchill. Churchill notes that the miners had voted to strike if they did not receive a wage increase of 2 shillings a day and gives an account of Jones's explanation of the miners' position, particularly that a strike would be held in the winter and that the main financial costs would be to the local authorities. Churchill then comments that he was certain the strike would...
Dates: [Dec 1935]
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Open

(Untitled), 10 Sep [1926]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 1/179/45-47
Scope and Contents

Letter from CSC to WSC, on the coal dispute, also on WSC's meeting with Lord Beaverbrook and Beaverbrook's relationship with Jean Norton Part pub. CV V, Part 1, pp.823-824.

Dates: 10 Sep [1926]
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Open

(Untitled), [Sep 1926]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 1/179/49
Scope and Contents

Letter from CSC to WSC, on the coal dispute, passing on the views of Lord Ancaster, who felt that "mediation was a mistake".

Dates: [Sep 1926]
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Open

(Untitled), 09 Sep 1926

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 1/179/44
Scope and Contents

Letter from CSC to WSC, commenting on the coal dispute.

Dates: 09 Sep 1926
Conditions Governing Access: From the File: Open

(Untitled), 04 Feb 1915

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/47/1
Scope and Contents

Telegram from a Mr McKechnie, Vickers Shipbuilders, Barrow [Lancashire], to Edward Marsh, Private Secretary to WSC, asking if WSC would be willing to meet Mr Smith, General Secretary of the Employers Engineering Federation, to discuss the serious labour position in the engineering trade as affecting naval work.

Dates: 04 Feb 1915
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 13 Feb 1915

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 13/47/53
Scope and Contents

Letter from Walter Runciman [President of the Board of Trade] to WSC [First Lord of the Admiralty], apologising for involving Sir Francis Hopwood [Additional Civil Lord of the Admiralty, later 1st Lord Southborough], in Trades Union negotiations. Runciman also mentions his idea of extending War Risks Insurance to neutrals.

Dates: 13 Feb 1915
Conditions Governing Access: Open