Asia-Pacific War, 1941-1945
Found in 670 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 27 Apr 1942
Telegram from WSC to the Prime Minister of Australia [John Curtin] regarding the naval position in the Far East: describes ship movements and losses between 4 April and 9 April resulting from Japanese raids on Colombo [Ceylon, later Sri Lanka] and Trincomalee [Ceylon]; comments on the relative strengths of Britain, the United States and Japan in aircraft carriers, aircraft and personnel; comments on future policy on the Eastern Fleet.
(Untitled), 28 Apr 1942
Telegram from WSC to the Viceroy [and Governor- General] of India [2nd Lord Linlithgow, earlier Lord Hopetoun] expressing concern over poor progress in the construction of aerodromes in India and asking the Viceroy to look into the civil aspects of the question.
(Untitled), 27 Apr 1942
Telegram from General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander- in-Chief, India] to WSC outlining the situation in India, Ceylon [later Sri Lanka] and Burma [later Myanmar]: comments on air strength; comments on the naval situation; comments on the defence of Ceylon; comments on difficulties in Burma and implications with regard to China; "Our tails are well up but not wagging very much as yet.".
(Untitled), 28 Apr 1942
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1942
(Untitled), 29 Apr 1942
(Untitled), 01 May 1942
(Untitled), 30 Apr 1942
(Untitled), 30 Apr 1942
Telegram from WSC to General Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, India, reciting the text of a telegram of 28 Apr 1942 from John Curtin [Prime Minister of Australia] to WSC requesting reinforcements [see CHAR 20/74/59-60].
(Untitled), 01 May 1942
(Untitled), 01 May 1942
Telegram from WSC to General Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, India, regarding the effect of "Ironclad" [codename for operation against Diego Suarez, Madagascar] on troop reinforcements for India.
(Untitled), 03 May 1942
Telegram from WSC to General Sir Archibald Wavell, Commander-in-Chief, India, stating that General Harold Alexander [General Officer Commanding, Burma, later Myanmar] should be ordered to return to India as soon as his command falls below the level of a division.
(Untitled), 02 May 1942
Telegram from General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander- in-Chief, India] to WSC complaining that he is not being kept sufficiently informed about decisions affecting India; comments on the inability of R class battleships to face the Japanese fleet; states that he was not consulted about "Ironclad" [codename for operation against Diego Suarez, Madagascar] and comments on the need for the 5th Division in India.
(Untitled), 02 May 1942
Telegram from Admiral Geoffrey Layton [Commander-in- Chief, Ceylon] reporting on progress in Ceylon [later Sri Lanka] since 5 April 1942: outlines reinforcements and withdrawals; describes defensive works and reports on the RDF [Radio Direction Finder] situation; comments on aerodrome facilities and the likely zone of the main enemy landing; reports present airforce and army dispositions.
(Untitled), 03 May 1942
Telegram from WSC to Governor of Burma [later Myanmar, Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith] ordering him to return by air to India "If and when you feel you cannot do any good by remaining". Repeated to Viceroy and Governor-General of India [2nd Lord Linlithgow, earlier Lord Hopetoun] with a request to pass a copy of the telegram to General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander-in-Chief, India].
(Untitled), 03 May 1942
Telegram from the Governor of Burma [Sir Reginald Dorman-Smith] to WSC stating that he will leave Burma [later Myanmar] at dawn on 5 May 1942: "With a very heavy heart I will obey your orders.".
(Untitled), 04 May 1942
Telegram from General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander- in-Chief, India] stating that he cannot extract General Harold Alexander [General Officer Commanding, Burma] from Burma [later Myanmar] until he reaches Kalewa.
(Untitled), 05 May 1942
(Untitled), 05 May 1942
(Untitled), 05 May 1942
Telegram from General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander- in-Chief, India] to WSC commenting on "Ironclad" [codename for operation against Diego Suarez, Madagascar], the situation in Ceylon [later Sri Lanka] and Burma [later Myanmar], General Harold Alexander [General Officer Commanding, Burma], and the defence of India.
(Untitled), 12 May 1942
(Untitled), 15 May 1942
(Untitled), 15 May 1942
(Untitled), 15 May 1942
Telegram from Rear-Admiral [Edward] Neville Syfret [Commander Force "H" Sea Command] marked "most secret" discussing the feasibility of further operations in Madagascar to capture Tamatave and Majunga.
(Untitled), 16 May 1942
Telegram from General Sir Archibald Wavell [Commander- in-Chief India] to WSC marked "most secret" regarding the situation in India: comments on estimates for the arrival of reinforcements; assesses principal dangers for the next two months; comments on problems of railway movement; promises to telegraph separately on the defences of Ceylon [later Sri Lanka]; states that all operations will depend mainly on the strength of air force that can be provided.