Found in 44 Collections and/or Records:
Adversaria physica: auditones quotidianæ, Sepr. 1630, 1630 - 1650
A collection of recipes by Theodore Turquet de Mayerne, in his handwriting, with his modifications to the recipes denoted by his monogram appended. It includes prescriptions for cosmetics and washes and for preservation of flowers, etc.
Collection of medical, cosmetic, culinary and household recipes, Late sixteenth - early seventeenth century
A collection of medical receipts with A Short Method to Cure Wounds Made With Gunshot, f. 81. Directions what to do 'For Rupture' (f. 61, in a later hand, c 1610?) are signed 'Richard Burrell M[aste]r in Chyrurgya'. Ff. 1-5 are wholly or partly torn away. F. 55v.: 'To Mr. John Daniell', 'Jos. Troutbecke', 'To his very loving son Cap. Ellis in Edenbourow' and scribblings (all late 17th century).
Collection of medical recipes, Undated
Contains recipes for various affections, with remarks and advice as to regimen and diet, each recipe bearing a reference to Nicholaus Florentinus.
Collection of medical recipes, c. 1714
On p.1 is the recipe (1) entitled 'A temperate plague water'. On p.115 is 'Here ends Dr Baits his receipts'. Then follow some recipes 'for a scurf head', and on p.116 is 'Finis. 1714'.
Collection of medical recipes, 1657
The book is begun at both ends.
Collection of medical treatises, Early seventeenth century
The treatises are principally taken from Capivaccius, with the Nomen, Definitio, Causa, Signa, Judicatio, Prognosis, Cautio, Curatio of each malady duly considered. On the fly-leaves are memoranda of other remedies for particular diseases, and there are also recipes from 'Dr Clarke, 'Mr Rob Dey' and 'Sir Will Paddy his practice from Mr Drue'. With an index.
Collection of tracts, Sixteenth to eighteenth centuries
Collection of tracts and other writings, Seventeenth century
Collections from Dr John Baverius and Johannes Schenkius by Drue Burton, seventeenth century
Consultations and Remedies translated by Drue Burton from Giovanni Zecchi's Consultationes Medicæ, seventeenth century
'Sondrie Consultations and Remedies translated by D[rue] B[urton] out of the learned Phisition Zecchius his Consultationes Medicæ'. Prefixed is 'A perfect alphabeticall Calender or Table for the easie finding of the severall Remedies conteyned in this Booke.' See Dd.02.41. Same handwriting as Ll.05.06, with which it is bound up.
Frank Webster Furniss collection, 1917 - 1921
George Stuart Graham-Smith: Papers
Lecture notes on medicine and history of medicine, reports on diphtheria outbreaks and medical related photographs and drawings.
Gertrude Caldwell: Notes on lectures of Sir Walter Langdon-Brown
Notes on Cambridge lectures given by Walter Langdon-Brown on elementary medicine.
Medical and chemical collections of Augustus Kuffeler and Charles Ferrers, 1666 - 1690
Medical and culinary recipes, 1649
'Book of phisicall receipts, 1649', anonymous, followed by 'Receipts of Mr Henry Harcourt for cookery', in the same handwriting; after these there is another page of medical receipes in another hand. With an index.
Medical case-books of George Murray Humphry (1820-1896)
Medical casebook and journal, 1653-1655
The casebook and journal of the physician Theodore Turquet de Mayerne. The maladies, and their treatment with its results, of several noble and royal personages, are given in detail.
Medical commonplace book, Seventeenth century
Arranged alphabetically. Most of the recipes seem to be by Dr Butler, physician, of Cambridge, 1570.
Medical notebook, 1622 - 1640
Prescription book of Sir Theodore Turquet de Mayerne containing prescriptions date 1622-1640 including one made up for the Queen and one for Prince Charles (afterwards King Charles II).
Medical recipes, Seventeenth century
A volume of receipts, anonymous. On the last leaf is a table of contents of the whole, headed 'A general table of the receipts of chirurgery and physicke' and 'A table of phisicall waights'.
Medical recipes, Sixteenth century
Incomplete: 43 pages are lost at the beginning. Text begins: 'Wythe thys medysyn a frenche man heled it …'; the names of the persons who gave the recipes to the compiler are noted in the margin.
Medical recipes of William Browne, Late sixteenth century
Begins: 'A sement that neyther fier nor water shall dissolve …', and ends with some charms for the 'thoeth ake'; the collection seems to have been commenced by 'Jeames Oxforde' in 1566.
Medical remedies, Seventeenth century
Medical remedies, Seventeenth century
Medical remedies, seventeenth century
'Sundrie cures and remedies for divers deseases in men women and children, breifely collected out of Ludovicus Mercatus phisition to the king of Spayne his workes contained in three great tomes or volumes, and done into English by D[rue] B[urton]'. The handwriting is that of Drue Burton. The references to the original are given throughout the work. The intention of the collection appears from a note, 'This booke is fitt for a shee phisitian ...'.