Table Mountain (mountain)
Found in 51 Collections and/or Records:
28 Jany 1863. Table Mountain from below the Round House, 1863-01
149 x 75 mm. A view looking up towards the peaks of Table Mountain with wood and scrubland in the foreground.
28 Jany 1863. Table Mountain from Old Kloof Road, 1863-01
150 x 78 mm. A view looking up towards the plateau of Table Mountain with broken wood and scrubland in the foreground.
28 Jany 1863. Table Mountain from the Kloof, 1863-01
151 x 77 mm. Showing the peaks of Table Mountain from the Kloof Road.
28 Jany 1863. Table Mountain from Wynberg, 1863-01
147 x 77 mm. A view looking north-west from Wynberg towards Table Mountain with a road leading into woodland in the foreground.
A Hottentot [Khoekhoe] man and woman, 1864
'A Hottentot [Khoikhoi] man and woman with a view of the Table Mountain and Cape Town at the Cape of Good Hope. Engraved by T. Wallis from an original picture by W.M. Craig. Publish[e]d by C. Brightly, T. Kinnersley, June 1864'.
Adderley Street, Cape Town, 1880 - 1889
191 x 134 mm. A view looking across Adderley Street towards the post office with the Parade and the Dutch Reformed Church beyond and Table Mountain on the skyline in the background.
Camps Bay, near Table Mountain, 1942
85 x 53 mm
[Cape Argus offices, Adderley Street, Cape Town, ?September-October 1857], 1857-09 - 1857-10
Cape Town and Table Mountain, 1910
Envelope containing monochrome postcards (set of twelve plus additional card) showing views in Cape Province.
Cape Town and Table Mountain, 1900 - 1910
194 x 138 mm. A view looking south across Cape Town towards Table Mountain with the old Malay cemetery in the foreground.
Cape Town and Table Mountain, 1910
Cape Town Docks and Table Mountain from Breakwater, 1900 - 1929
Image by J.G.B, Spes Bona Series.
Cape Town from the Table Mountain, 1880
A printed book illustrated by photographic prints. The captions have been used as titles and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms. They have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation. The book resulted from a journey from Cape Town via Kimberley and the Transvaal to the Victoria Falls and back to Port Elizabeth.
Cape Town. Grain Elevator and storage bins. Capacity 30,000 tons, 1925
203 x 152 mm. Showing a large grain elevator on the Cape Town waterfront, with a cargo steamer moored in the foreground, the city beyond and Table Mountain in the background.
Cape Town - Table Mountain, 1880
A view of Table Mountain, with docks in the foreground. The print is initialled 'SA'.
Cape Town. Table Mountain in background, 1925
190 x 139 mm. A view looking back along Central Pier, which forms a continuation of Adderley Street out into Table Bay, towards Cape Town, with Table Mountain and the Lion's Head beyond. In the foreground a band plays on the pier, the building of which was started in 1912.
College Head Master's residence, Diocesan College on camp ground looking about West. Rondebosch, Cape of G. Hope, 1857 - 1879
245 x 195 mm. Showing the headmaster's thatched cottage in the grounds of the Rondebosch Diocesan College with Devil's Peak and Table Mountain in the background. The college was founded in 1849.
Departure of mail boat from Cape Town. In the shadow of Table Mountain, 1925
203 x 152 mm. Showing the 'Windsor Castle' steaming out of Table Bay, with Table Mountain on the skyline.
Devil's Head, Table Mountain ... April 1867, 1867-04
248 x 192 mm. A view looking towards Devil's Head (i.e. Peak) with scrub covered hillside in the foreground. The remainder of the caption reads ' ... Looking east from Blockhouse on Kloof on road to Camps Bay April 1867. Abt 600 ft high'.
Devil's Head. Table Mountain. Breda's house in foreground, 1866
293 x 194 mm. A view from Wynberg Hill looking across towards Devil's Peak and Table Mountain with Alex Breda's house, surrounded by tall trees, in the foreground.
[Devil's Head. Table Mountain. Breda's house in foreground], 1866
[Devil's Head. Table Mountain. Breda's house in foreground]
217 x 94 mm. A duplicate of Y3059A/16 but cropped to a different format and thus cutting out most of Devil's Peak in the background.
Devil's Head, Table Mountain from grounds of Diocesan College, Rondebosch, Cape of G. Hope (looking west), 1857 - 1879
245 x 189 mm. A view looking towards Devil's Peak from the east with scrubland in the foreground. A small part of Table Mountain can be seen in the left background of the print.
Devil's Head. Table Mountain looking N. West from Wynberg Hill ..., 1866
295 x 233 mm. A view looking towards Devil's Peak from Wynberg Hill with woodland and farmhouses in the valley below. The remainder of the caption reads ' ... Alex Breda's House Newlands on right side (Silver trees in foreground)'. The name Breda occurs several times in the Cape of Good Hope Directories for the period, most notably in connection with the firm of Breda, Halkett and Co. of 21 St. George's Street, Cape Town, but an Alexander Breda has not been traced.
Devil's Head, Table Mountain. Wynberg Hill, 1857 - 1879
204 x 147 mm. A view from Wynberg Hill looking across the valley to the eastern side of Table Mountain and Devil's Peak.
[Distant view of Cape Town backed by Table Mountain], 1920 - 1930
A collection of high quality photographs, measuring 210 x 160 mm, mounted on black album sheets. They are uncaptioned but most have been identified from books on the Cape and on South African architecture; 25-31 are almost certainly photographs of Zulu peoples; the remainder are less clearly identified. Photographer unknown.