Samoa (nation)
Found in 216 Collections and/or Records:
Pago Pago village from coalsheds, 1899 - 1900
A view looking along the beach at Pago Pago towards a few warehouses and bungalows on the other side of the bay. With steep hills in the background. Print number 48.
Pango-Pango Harbour, Samoa, 1884 - 1885
A view looking along a sandy sweep of beach, with thickly wooded hills in the background and a village between the beach and the trees. In the foreground Samoans sit in two small wooden canoes with outriggers.
Pango Pango, Samoa, 1899
200 x 142 mm. A view showing Samoan craft in Pago Pago harbour.
Papasea Fall, ‘Sliding rock’, 1899 - 1900
A coloured slide showing a party at Papasea Fall, with a woman half-way down the slide. Powell also describes the rock in the lecture on Samoa among his papers. Print number 23.
Papaseea Falls, 1899
146 x 198 mm. A view of the rock and waterfall, with a party of men at the top of the falls, and two men in the water below.
Papiloa falls, Samoa, 1899
145 x 198 mm. A view of the waterfall also known as the 'sliding rock.'
[Pathway in Samoa], 1899
156 x 111 mm. A view showing a pathway between palm trees.
Photo taken just before Mrs. R.L. Stevenson left Apia, 1899 - 1900
A coloured lantern slide of Samoans and Europeans. The Samoans are presumably friends and estate workers at Vailima. The Europeans in the picture are, from left to right, Isobel Strong, Fanny Stevenson and Mr. Gurr. Gurr was a friend and neighbour of the Stevenson’s and married to a Samoan. His various misfortunes are described in ‘Our Samoan Adventure’. Fanny Stevenson left Samoa in April 1895, which would date the original photograph to this time. Print number 43.
Photographs of [England], Samoa and Hawaii from the Powell Collections
Photographs of New Zealand, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Norway, Samoa and Fiji
Photographs of Samoa
Portrait of short-haired young woman in simple dress, 1890
130 x 200 mm. Head and shoulders portrait.
Raising flag at Pago Pago, 1900-02-16
A view showing the American flag being raised on a small hill behind the harbour. With official personnel at the base of the flagpole, and building work going on in the foreground of the picture. Presumably taken on 16th February 1900. Print number 53.
Reading the Berlin Treaty for the King, 1899
Shows Malietoa Laupepa seated among his aides, with armed soldiers standing behind. A figure at the left reads the treaty. The 1889 treaty brought Malietoa back to the throne, which he had occupied on and off since 1868. He returned from exile in the Cameroons, where he had been since 1887, and Mata'afa was exiled in turn. No print, but for another photograph of the king see Y309C/32.
Reception on arrival, 1899
175 x 140 mm. A view looking down on Samoan boats and canoes drawn up alongside a steamer in Pago-Pago harbour (Tutuila Island). Copyright registered 28 Aug. 1899.
[River scene], 1899 - 1900
Coloured lantern slide showing a boat in a river. No print but there is one at Y309B/47.
River scene, Samoa, 1885 - 1890
132 x 108 mm. A view showing a Samoan in a boat on a river.
River scene, Samoa, 1885 - 1890
98 x 56 mm. A view showing a Samoan in a small canoe, with a village in the background.
River scene, Samoa, 1885 - 1890
126 x 107 mm. The same scene as that shown in Y309B/47, but without the boatman.
River scene, Samoa, 1885 - 1890
137 x 104 mm. A view showing a Samoan in a rowing boat, with palm trees on the bank behind.
River scene, Samoa, 1885 - 1890
99 x 58 mm. A view looking along a small river, with a wooden footbridge, and a Samoan village in the background.
[Road at Mulinu'u, Apia], 1903
Smithson has pencilled '24/9' next to '75. Road at Mulinuu Vaea Mountain'.
[Roadside hut, Samoa], 1899
156 x 109 mm. A view of a small thatched hut surrounded by palm trees.
[Robert Louis Stevenson and Tuimaleali’ifagu], 1899
140 x 200 mm. A copy of the portrait of Robert Louis Stevenson, in riding boots, standing beside his friend the high chief Tuimaleali’ifagu. Elsie Campbell, in ‘Last Witness for Robert Louis Stevenson’ (Melbourne, 1960), states that this photograph was taken by a Lutheran missionary on her way home from work in Melanesia
Robert Louis Stevenson's tomb, 1899 - 1900
Stevenson died on 3 Dec. 1894. He was buried on the summit of Mount Vada, where by 1897 a tomb was constructed. The image shows a quotation from his poem ‘Requiem’ inscribed upon its side. No print.