Japan (nation)
Found in 274 Collections and/or Records:
1923 earthquake and typhoon: barrack dwellings after earthquake, 1923
82 x 82 mm. glass slides with brief, largely undated captions.
A Japanese belle - another picture in Real Japan, 1890
Head and shoulders portrait of a girl posed against a background of leaves. This is similar to the illustration in Norman, 'The real Japan' (1891), p. 177.
A Japanese garden, 1890
View looking across an ornamental lake towards pavilions and houses.
A journey to Asia and Africa
A Mousme [hand coloured], 1870 - 1900
205 x 232 mm. Full length studio portrait of a Japanese girl examining her hairstyle with the aid of two mirrors. A mousme is an unmarried Japanese girl, a term particularly applied to a tea girl or waitress.
Africa and Asia, 1914 - 1950
A collection of captioned glass negatives illustrating the CMS's work, many dated from 1937.
Africa, Asia and the Middle East, 1930 - 1939
A collection of captioned glass negatives illustrating the CMS's work, many dated 1937.
Annotated article on ‘Resort to War’ and the interpretation of the League of Nations Covenant during the Manchurian dispute , 1934-01
Article published in the American Journal of International Law on Japan's invasion of the Manchuria region of China.
Areas of Tokyo devastated by 1923 earthquake and typhoon, 1923
82 x 82 mm. glass slides with brief, largely undated captions.
Articles from 'The Field'
Asaka Pagoda, 1870 - 1912
194 x 243 mm. General view of the pagoda, with smaller houses in the foreground. Photograph probably by Kusakabe Kimbei.
Ascension, West Africa, New Zealand, etc
Atago Yama Tokio, 1870 - 1912
269 x 209 mm. View from a terrace looking out across Tokyo. Photograph probably by Kusakabe Kimbei.
Badge and papers relating to Sidney Baddeley on his liberation from Fukuoka prisoner-of-war camp, Japan, 1945 - 2024
Comprises: badge presented to Sidney Baddeley by United States Air Force 5th Air Force on the liberation of Fukuoka prisoner-of-war camp in 1945; an account of the capture of Baddeley and his assistant, F.W. Chamberlin, in 1942; Baddeley family history papers; related papers.
Band [Bund] of Kobe [1890s], 1890 - 1899
270 x 207 mm. View looking along the waterfront at Kobe, with buildings in European style on the right and the Hiogo Hotel in the foreground.
Band [Bund] of Kobe [1890s], 1890 - 1899
270 x 210 mm. Duplicate of Y3077C/72.
Benten Dori, Yokohama, 1870 - 1899
254 x 206 mm. View looking along Benten Dori Street, situated in the quarters between Minami Naka Dori and Ota Machi.
Birds of the view [sic] at Higashiyarna, 1870 - 1920
527 x 204 mm., (two prints joined). Panoramic view of Kioto.
Bishop Poole Girls School, 1930 - 1939
A collection of captioned glass negatives illustrating the CMS's work, many dated 1937.
Biwa Lake from Ishiyama, 1870 - 1920
271 x 206 mm. Duplicate of Y3039A/64.
Biwa Lake from Ishiyama, 1870 - 1899
261 x 203 mm. View looking down onto Biwa Lake from the balcony of house. The 40 mile long lake is in South Honshu a few miles north east of Kyoto.
Biwa Lake from Miidera, 1870 - 1920
269 x 209 mm. View looking out over the lake with the town on the shore in the foreground.
Blind shampooer, 1870 - 1889
263 x 207 mm. Showing a girl lying on her side on the floor, with the shampooer (masseur) kneeling beside her with his hands resting on her leg.
Bluff Garden, Yokohama, 1870 - 1889
265 x 207 mm. View looking down onto the tennis courts in the Bluff gardens in the southern part of Yokohama.
Bronze portal, Nikko, 1870 - 1912
269 x 201 mm. View looking towards the torii, or free standing entrance arch, with the Shinto temple beyond. Photograph probably by Kusakabe Kimbei.