Ireland (nation)
Found in 668 Collections and/or Records:
(Untitled), 04 Oct 1913
Letter from William Bourke Cockran (Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly, London) to WSC criticising the plan of the Ulster Unionists to establish a provisional government if the Home Rule Bill is passed and describing the economic and administrative dislocation which he believes would follow the establishment of such a government.
(Untitled), 07 Oct 1913
(Untitled), 06 Oct 1913
Cutting from the "Freeman's Journal" [Ireland]: speech in favour of Home Rule by Joseph Devlin at Dundalk [County Louth, Ireland]. Sent with CHAR 2/62/66-68.
(Untitled), 08 Oct [1913]
Letter from Henry Massingham (The Nation, 10 Adelphi Terrace, London) to WSC praising his speeches on Irish Home Rule.
(Untitled), 09 Oct [1913]
Letter from James Majendie (Hedingham Castle, Essex) to WSC recalling that he entered the House of Commons at the same time as WSC and praising his speech of the previous night on Irish Home Rule.
(Untitled), 09 Oct 1913
Letter from "Jack" [John Seely, later Lord Mottistone] to WSC praising his speech of the previous night on Irish Home Rule. Announces his imminent departure for India.
(Untitled), 12 Oct 1913
Letter from Sir Frederick Milner (11 Hereford Gardens, London) to WSC rejecting WSC's claim in a recent speech in Dundee that his opponents are trying to enlist the royal prerogative in their campaign against Home Rule. Asserts that the gravity of the situation in Ulster should not be underestimated.
(Untitled), 13 Oct 1913
Letter from Sir Frederick Milner (11 Hereford Gardens, London) to WSC expressing the hope that he will admit that he was wrong to bring the King [George V] into the controversy over Home Rule and that the Government will exclude Ulster from that measure.
(Untitled), 15 Oct 1913 - 17 Oct [1913]
Letter from Sir Frederick Milner (11 Hereford Gardens, [London]) to WSC asking whether he agrees to the publication of Milner's letter to him [denying WSC's claim that the opponents of Home Rule are seeking to enlist the royal prerogative to defeat it]. Annotated by WSC with the reply that for the purposes of publication it would be better to cast the arguments of the letter into a different form, 17 Oct.
(Untitled), 22 Oct 1913
Letter from T P O'Connor (5 Morpeth Mansions, Victoria Street, [London]) to WSC on the opposition to the proposal for the separation of Ulster from the rest of Ireland and the decline in the support in Ulster for Sir Edward Carson [later Lord Carson]. Signed typescript.
(Untitled), 28 Oct 1913
Letter from Sir Edward Grey [later Lord Grey of Fallodon] (Foreign Office) to WSC admitting that he summed up more decidedly than he had intended [in a speech in Berwick, Northumberland] against the exclusion of Ulster [from the Home Rule Bill].
(Untitled), 18 Nov 1913
Letter from J L Garvin (The Pall Mall Gazette, Editorial Offices, Newton Street, High Holborn, [London]) to WSC stating his position on Ireland and praising the latter part of WSC's recent speech in Dundee [Angus, Scotland]`.
(Untitled), 25 Nov 1913
Letter from R G Hickling (79 Surrey Street, Norwich, [Norfolk]) to WSC stating that astrological conditions are inauspicious for a settlement [in Ireland] but that they will improve.
(Untitled), 25 Nov 1913
Letter from Edward Grigg [later Lord Altrincham] (The Round Table, 175 Piccadilly, London] enclosing part of an article by him [not present] on the Irish question which he intends to publish in the Round Table and asking for WSC' s comments. Thanks him for the trip on the "Enchantress" and asks whether WSC can write an article on the Naval Flying Wing.
(Untitled), 29 Nov 1913
(Untitled), 02 Dec 1913
(Untitled), 10 Dec 1913
Letter from Lord Morley [earlier John Morley] (Privy Council Office) to WSC on a letter by Austen Chamberlain on Home Rule.
(Untitled), 12 Dec 1913
Letter from J L Garvin (9 Greville Place, [London]) to WSC asking whether WSC can supply definite information which would enable Garvin to assure William Astor [later Lord Astor] that his newspapers are on sound ground in taking a moderate line [?on Home Rule].
(Untitled), 15 Dec 1913
Letter from J L Garvin (the Pall Mall Gazette, editorial offices, Newton Street, High Holborn, [London]) to WSC acknowledging that WSC is unable to give extra information [?on the Government's approach to Home Rule] and asking whether, in view of the objections of a large part of the Liberal party to WSC's conversations with his moderate opponents, his meeting with Garvin should be postponed.
(Untitled), [Dec] [1913]
Letter from [WSC] to [?] casting doubt on the assertion of Sir Edward Carson [later Lord Carson] that he [Carson] resigned from the National Liberal Club as a result of the introduction of the Home Rule Bill of 1886. Draft in the hand of Edward Marsh.
(Untitled), [Dec] [1913]
Memorandum by [John Cathcart Wason] on the danger to the Empire posed by the current Home Rule crisis and suggesting that local parliaments for Ireland, Scotland, Wales and, possibly, the English regions on the Canadian and Australian federal model could be the answer. Typescript. Sent with CHAR 2/62/123.
(Untitled), [Dec] [1913]
Cutting from the Dundee Advertiser: speech by John Cathcart Wason advocating local parliaments for Ireland, Scotland, Wales, London and, possibly, English regions.
(Untitled), 27 Feb 1914
Letter from Samuel Mc Fadzean (61 Dunluce Avenue, Belfast [Ulster, Ireland]) to WSC enclosing a photograph of his son Winston [see CHAR 2/63/13] and assuring him that WSC's supporters in Belfast are more numerous than is apparent. Explains that as a Protestant Liberal he cannot openly express his political beliefs because of his dependence on the Unionist commercial community. Praises WSC's recent visit to Belfast.
(Untitled), [Mar] 1914
Note by WSC headed "as an alternative to adjournment" suggesting that the Ulster Unionists be given the opportunity to exclude the six counties from the operation of the Home Rule Bill.
(Untitled), 20 Mar 1914
Letter from John Redmond (House of Commons) to WSC reporting that he has discussed the question of a referendum on the Home Rule Bill with his colleagues and that they share his opinion. Encloses a copy of a letter which he has sent to Augustine Birrell [see CHAR 2/63/17-18]. Signed typescript.