South Africa (nation)
Found in 3623 Collections and/or Records:
Elands Spruit, road to Barberton, 1888
190 x 126 mm. A view looking along the Eland's, with two figures and a horse in the foreground.
Elands Spruit, Waterval Boven, Transvl.[I.e. Transvaal], 1900 - 1910
208 x 152 mm. Showing cascades and rapids on the Elands River near Waterval Boven.
Electric tramcar, Cape Town, 1902
100 x 71 mm. A good view of a Plein Street tramcar of the Cape Town Tramway Company, on an unidentified street. Cape Town's tram service was powered by electricity from 1896 onwards.
'Elend's River in the Swartungen division of Rustenburg, Transvaal, is infested with Pythons or Boa during the summer months and in the winter return to the Limpopo', 1869
The caption reads, 'I have seen as many as five together, large and small. This view was taken in 1889 [1869] when prospecting for gold. The country is of slate formation. Many of these snakes measure 16 to 18 feet in length and they make for the water as soon as they are disturbed.'
Elephant, 1967-08
Elephant, 1967-08
Elephant : Christmas Card, 1967-08
Elephant KP [?Kruger Park], 1967-08
Elephant leader, 1967-08
Elephant : [marked] good, 1967-08
Elephant : [marked] good, 1967-08
Elephant rear, 1967-08
Elephant rears, 1967-08
Elephant road block, 1967-08
Elephants' Creek, road from Barberton to Fair View and Eureka City, 1888
190 x 127 mm. Showing African travellers on the track at Elephants' Creek.
Elephants in spruit north of Letaba, 1967-08
[Letaba is in the Kruger National Park].
Embarkation of the Prince Imperial's Body at the Point, Port Natal [i.e. Durban], 11 June 1879
203 x 137 mm. Showing the military escort and crowds of spectators on the waterfront at Durban on 11 June 1879 to watch the embarkation of the body of Prince Napoleon aboard the tug 'Adonis' (only the funnel of which is here visible) for transportation out to H.M.S. 'Boadicea' lying beyond the bar.
Embarkation of the Prince Imperial's body at the Point, Port Natal [i.e. Durban], 11 June 1879
152 x 101 mm. Showing the military escort and crowds of spectators on the waterfront, at Durban on 11 June 1879 to watch the embarkation of the body of Prince Napoleon aboard the tug 'Adonis' for transportation out to H.M.S. 'Boadicea' lying beyond the bar. The photographers signature 'Kisch' is stamped on the reverse, but shows through the print.
Embarkation on Carnarvon Castle, 1936
Embarkation on Carnarvon Castle, 1936
Embarkation on Carnarvon Castle, 1936
Embarkation on Carnarvon Castle, 1936

Empire Settlement Tour
Kelsey’s record of the tour includes two volumes of daily diaries, a photograph album, loose photographs, eight boxes of lantern slides, a map, and a file of ephemera.
Entrance to Castle, Cape Town, 1915
A view looking along the battlements and down to the gareway. The castle was inaugurated in 1677.
Entrance to Herschell [sic] from the house, at Claremont 6¼ miles from Cape Town [C.W.B.], 1857 - 1879
139 x 69 mm. A view looking along the drive at 'Heschel' with an unidentified young boy standing in the foreground.