North and Central America (continent)
Found in 5483 Collections and/or Records:
[King Street, Kingston], 1900 - 1910
229 x 180 mm. A view from the harbour looking along King Street towards the mountains in the distance. The street itself is crowded with promenading Jamaicans, while in the foreground stands the Metcalfe Statue with the Victoria Market to the right.
King Street, Kingston, Jamaica, 1879 - 1886
184 x 123 mm. A view looking south along King Street towards the harbour from the tower and the parish church. A similar view to Y3073D/16 but with some new building work in the foreground on both sides of the street.
King's Birthday, 1908, 1908
117 x 95 mm. A snapshot of Engineer Commander D.P. Green in full dress uniform and cocked hat standing on the deck of HMS 'Cornwall'.
King's Birthday, 1908. St. John's [i.e. Saint John's] Newfoundland, 1908
119 x 94 mm. Showing three officers from HMS 'Cornwall' in full dress uniform and cocked hats, posing on the deck. They are from left to right: Engineer Commander D.P. Green, Captain W.R. Hall and Lieutenant F.W. Talbot-Ponsonby.
King's Highway, Honolulu, 1948
125 x 80 mm.
King's Highway, Honolulu, 1948
125 x 75 mm.
King's Highway, Honolulu, 1948
80 x 50 mm.
King's House, 1908 - 1910
232 x 178 mm. A view from the lawn showing the back of the new King's House in St. Andrew on the Liguanea Plain (a different building to that in Spanish Town seen in plate 9). The building, designed by Sir Charles Nicholson after the former Kings House, Bishop's Lodge, had been destroyed in the earthquake of 1907. It is constructed from reinforced concrete and comprises three floors with rooms arranged around an open patio.
King’s House, Governor’s Residence, Jamaica, 1879 - 1886
238 x 175 mm. A view looking across the lawn towards the Governor’s Residence, a two storey building with louvred windows. The building was destroyed in the earthquake of 1907 and replaced by the building designed by Sir Charles Nicholson (see Y3073B/15).
King’s House, Jamaica. The residence of the Governor., 1879 - 1886
241 x 187 mm.
King’s House, St Andrews, 1887
178 x 228 mm.
Kingston, 1919
Kingston 1833, 1975
334 x 500 mm reproduction of Frome's pencil drawing sold by the RCS to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre of Queen’s University, Kingston. The original had been housed in Album 6, number 187.
Kingston from the Messhouse 1833, 1975
227 x 450 mm reproduction of Frome's pencil drawing sold by the RCS to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre of Queen’s University, Kingston. The original had been housed in Album 6, number 189.
[Kingston Harbour], 1900 - 1910
230 x 177 mm. A view from the harbour showing steamers moored at the wharves on the Kingston dockside, with mountains in the distance.
Kingston, Jamaica, 1880 - 1889
215x132mm. View from the top of the Victoria Market looking north along King Street towards the Victoria Gardens. The tower and spire of the Parish Church can be seen in the distance. A line of horse-drawn trams can be seen in the middle ground.
Kingston, looking over the Dockyard from Fort Henry, 1975
270 x 490 mm reproduction of Frome's ink and pencil drawing sold by the RCS to the Agnes Etherington Art Centre of Queen’s University, Kingston. The original had been housed in Album 6, number 191.
Kingstown, 1971-10
[From above].
Kingstown, 1971-10
[From above].
Kingstown from Ft Charles, 1970-05
Contains slides all in Kodachrome mounts. Only a few of these show St Vincent itself; the majority are of the Grenadines including several of Mustique. Slides have been renumbered but arrangement in the file remains as per the original typescript catalogue.
Kingstown west, 1890 - 1900
235 x 191 mm. A sharply defined view from a hillside behind the town, looking along the bay and showing the town and harbour with steamers at anchor in the deeper water and smaller sailing boats closer inshore. At the far end of the bay the landing pier can be seen, with the police barracks partially obscured by other buildings.
L 'Ange Guardian, 1909
L' Ex Votodu Fonds-Cohéet le Tramway, 1900
133 x 88 mm.
L. Jarvis, Canon Frouette. Medje, 1900 - 1903
83 x 84 mm. Showing Leslie Jarvis, Canon Frouette and a young girl (Medje) standing on the steps of an unidentified building.
La choeur de la Cathédrale du Mouillage, 1900
133 x 88 mm.