Found in 3247 Collections and/or Records:
Dichogamy / Common Rhubarb from tall stalks & numerous flowers with white perianths is conspicuous, 1864-05-15
Note; by [unidentified] pp-and Charles Robert Darwin
Dichogamy / Impatiens barbigerum / Put one plant under net The other plant was often visited by Bees, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dichogamy / Isotoma (a Lobeliad) white flow[ered] has curious long pointed filament from summit of united anthers, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin B87 most excised
Dichogamy / No one doubts that flowers are formed to produce seeds & they do not doubt this in the least, 1866-06-24
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dichogamy & Thyme-like Flowers / Bentham says flowers of two kinds on same tree of Vine, 1867-10-10
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dichogamy / Trifolium arvensa (Hares-foot Trefoil) flower excessively small & surrounded by wool, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dicot species in 17 or 18 British Provinces, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Area General or 17 [table of numbers of dicotyledonous plants in named species]
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Digestion / Abstract of [notes numbered A-B, BB-CC, CCC, G, 1-2], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Digestion of albumen [application also of water, hydrochloric acid, carbonate of sodium], 1873-09-06
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Digestion of chlorophyll / Thin sections of spinach leaf were slightly moistened with saliva, 1875-04-21
Note; by Sir Francis Darwin pp Charles Robert Darwin
Digestion of Drosera / B Sanderson says there are fibro-elastic tissue in muscle such as I saw [application of chondrine, gelatine], 1873-11-10
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Digestion (Red Beef) / Put cube of not much done roast beef, 1873-10-02
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Digitalis purpurea (see Port about fertility of first crosses), 1869-01-01 - 1871-12-31
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin; parts of table excised
diluted acetic acid 3 measured minims to 2 oz of water, 1873-06-20 - 1873-06-21
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin in with further note added 17 April
Dimorphism / Oxalis being trimorphic in S[outh] Africa & S[outh] America, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea, 1878-11-08
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea, 1878-12-04 - 1878-12-06
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea, 1879-02-19 - 1879-02-26
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea / 8 a m / Urea 1 gr to 1 oz towards the apex of each leaf & sugar 1 gr to 1 oz towards basis of each leaf, 1874-10-16 - 1874-10-17
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea / 8h 20 put on 2 bits of dry gelatine one of dry roast beef & albumen on 2 leaves, 1874-06-23 - 1874-06-25
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin on reverse of proofs of 'Expression' p [??]
Dionaea / A, B & C are sections transvsersely across the midrib [with diagrams], 1848-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Note; by Sir Francis Darwin pp Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea [application of carbonate of ammonia, glycerine, alcohol, acetic acid, iodine, 1881-01-01 - 1881-12-31
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea [application of water, carbonate of ammonia, hair, nitrate of silver, alcohol, cyanide of potassium], 1861-09-07 - 1861-09-16
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin
Dionaea [digestion: application of albumen, gelatine], 1874-09-09 - 1874-09-23
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin part of See item 22 by Sir Francis Darwin
Dionaea / [digestion: application of gelatine, carbonate of ammonia, water, sugar, sulphuric ether], 1873-01-01 - 1873-06-30
Note; by Charles Robert Darwin