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Found in 3247 Collections and/or Records:


Dichogamy / Common Rhubarb from tall stalks & numerous flowers with white perianths is conspicuous, 1864-05-15

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 76: B91
Scope and Contents

Note; by [unidentified] pp-and Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1864-05-15
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dichogamy / Impatiens barbigerum / Put one plant under net The other plant was often visited by Bees, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 76: B89r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dichogamy / Isotoma (a Lobeliad) white flow[ered] has curious long pointed filament from summit of united anthers, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 76: B86-B87
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin B87 most excised


Dates: 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dichogamy / No one doubts that flowers are formed to produce seeds & they do not doubt this in the least, 1866-06-24

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 76: B102r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1866-06-24
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dichogamy & Thyme-like Flowers / Bentham says flowers of two kinds on same tree of Vine, 1867-10-10

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 111: A53r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1867-10-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dichogamy / Trifolium arvensa (Hares-foot Trefoil) flower excessively small & surrounded by wool, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 76: B90r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dicot species in 17 or 18 British Provinces, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 46.2: B44-B47
Scope and Contents

Area General or 17 [table of numbers of dicotyledonous plants in named species]

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Digestion / Abstract of [notes numbered A-B, BB-CC, CCC, G, 1-2], 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.1: 6r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Digestion of albumen [application also of water, hydrochloric acid, carbonate of sodium], 1873-09-06

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 56: 53
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1873-09-06
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Digestion of chlorophyll / Thin sections of spinach leaf were slightly moistened with saliva, 1875-04-21

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.2: 95r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Sir Francis Darwin pp Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1875-04-21
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Digestion of Drosera / B Sanderson says there are fibro-elastic tissue in muscle such as I saw [application of chondrine, gelatine], 1873-11-10

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 56: 131r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1873-11-10
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Digestion (Red Beef) / Put cube of not much done roast beef, 1873-10-02

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 56: 87
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1873-10-02
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Digitalis purpurea (see Port about fertility of first crosses), 1869-01-01 - 1871-12-31

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 79: 167
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin; parts of table excised


Dates: 1869-01-01 - 1871-12-31
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

diluted acetic acid 3 measured minims to 2 oz of water, 1873-06-20 - 1873-06-21

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 56: 59r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin in with further note added 17 April


Dates: 1873-06-20 - 1873-06-21
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dimorphism / Oxalis being trimorphic in S[outh] Africa & S[outh] America, 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 111: B3r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1809-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea, 1878-11-08

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 209.3: 166r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1878-11-08
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea, 1878-12-04 - 1878-12-06

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 209.3: 167r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1878-12-04 - 1878-12-06
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea, 1879-02-19 - 1879-02-26

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 209.3: 168
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1879-02-19 - 1879-02-26
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea / 8 a m / Urea 1 gr to 1 oz towards the apex of each leaf & sugar 1 gr to 1 oz towards basis of each leaf, 1874-10-16 - 1874-10-17

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.1: 26-27
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1874-10-16 - 1874-10-17
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea / 8h 20 put on 2 bits of dry gelatine one of dry roast beef & albumen on 2 leaves, 1874-06-23 - 1874-06-25

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.1: 25r
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin on reverse of proofs of 'Expression' p [??]


Dates: 1874-06-23 - 1874-06-25
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea / A, B & C are sections transvsersely across the midrib [with diagrams], 1848-01-01 - 1882-04-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.1: 30-32
Scope and Contents

Note; by Sir Francis Darwin pp Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1848-01-01 - 1882-04-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea [application of carbonate of ammonia, glycerine, alcohol, acetic acid, iodine, 1881-01-01 - 1881-12-31

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 52: F73-F83
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1881-01-01 - 1881-12-31
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea [application of water, carbonate of ammonia, hair, nitrate of silver, alcohol, cyanide of potassium], 1861-09-07 - 1861-09-16

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 54: 50-54, 54V, 55-61
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1861-09-07 - 1861-09-16
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea [digestion: application of albumen, gelatine], 1874-09-09 - 1874-09-23

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.1: 22-24
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin part of See item 22 by Sir Francis Darwin


Dates: 1874-09-09 - 1874-09-23
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.

Dionaea / [digestion: application of gelatine, carbonate of ammonia, water, sugar, sulphuric ether], 1873-01-01 - 1873-06-30

Reference Code: GBR/0012/MS DAR 59.1: 8-19
Scope and Contents

Note; by Charles Robert Darwin


Dates: 1873-01-01 - 1873-06-30
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: Some material in the Darwin archive is not available because it is unfit for production and access to some very fragile material may only be possible with support from specialist conservation staff. Please see descriptions for further details.