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Subject Source: UK Archival Thesaurus

Found in 11 Collections and/or Records:


Literary: Articles: Amalgamated Press., Jan 1934 - Aug 1934

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/501
Scope and Contents Proofs, press cuttings and correspondence on the following articles by WSC: "Do Bye-Elections Count?" discounting the East Fulham bye-election, stating the differences between bye-elections and general elections and discussing the divisions in the Conservative Party; "Defence not Defiance" on the current strength of the country; "How we made the Irish treaty" in defence of the Irish Settlement [1922] and WSC's meetings with Michael Collins; "Will the League survive?" on the crisis facing the...
Dates: Jan 1934 - Aug 1934
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "My Life", News of the World: copy., Jan 1935 - Mar 1935

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/522A-B
Scope and Contents Carbon copies of the following articles by WSC: "My Life" [in 12 parts]: "Looking Back on Sixty Years" on WSC's childhood, education and time at Sandhurst; "Frontier Days in India" on WSC's expedition to India with the 4th Hussars, and the frontier risings of 1897; "Charge of the 21st Lancers" on the battle of Omdurman and the Sudan Campaign; "Taken Prisoner by the Boers" on WSC as a war correspondent in South Africa; "My Escape from Pretoria"; "My Entry into Politics" on writing Lord...
Dates: Jan 1935 - Mar 1935
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Literary: "My Life", News of the World": proofs., Jan 1935 - Mar 1935

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 8/523A-B
Scope and Contents Galley proofs of the following articles by WSC: "My Life" [in 12 parts]: "Looking Back on Sixty Years" on WSC's childhood, education and time at Sandhurst; "Frontier Days in India" on WSC's expedition to India with the 4th Hussars, and the frontier risings of 1897; "Charge of the 21st Lancers" on the battle of Omdurman and the Sudan Campaign; "Taken Prisoner by the Boers" on WSC as a war correspondent in South Africa; "My Escape from Pretoria"; "My Entry into Politics" on writing Lord...
Dates: Jan 1935 - Mar 1935
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 24 Oct 1955 - 16 Dec 1955

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/59A-C
Scope and Contents Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (18 November, Monkhams Ward Dinner and Dance, Woodford [Essex]) on the increased Conservative majority, Conservative support for a varied, tolerant society, the current political situation, including the last Budget, the rejection of nationalization by the electorate, and Labour's lack of other policies. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8662 - 3.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (24 November, Harrow [Middlesex]) on receiving the...
Dates: 24 Oct 1955 - 16 Dec 1955
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes., 13 Jan 1946 - 29 Apr 1946

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/4A-E
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's address to personnel on board the R M S Queen Elizabeth (13 January) in which he reviews the war and links between the United Kingdom and Canada.Speech notes for WSC's speech of thanks (26 February, University of Miami, United States) on receiving an honorary law degree in which he discusses education. Includes the phrase "I am surprised that in my later life I should have become so experienced in taking degrees, when, as a school boy, I was so bad at passing...
Dates: 13 Jan 1946 - 29 Apr 1946
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes., 01 Apr 1949 - 28 May 1949

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/25A-E
Scope and Contents Speech notes for WSC's speech (United Europe Economic Conference, Church House, Westminster [London]) entitled "The three circles (foreign policy)" including: the importance of the European movement in foreign policy; the resources of Europe; the "three circles" of significance in world affairs being the British empire and commonwealth, the English-speaking world, and United Europe. Source material includes: background notes from Duncan Sandys [Chairman of the International Executive of the...
Dates: 01 Apr 1949 - 28 May 1949
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes and other material., 09 Oct 1940 - 24 Dec 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/145
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (9 October, [Caxton Hall, London]) on his leadership of the Conservative Party and the retirement of Neville Chamberlain. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6294-6.Notes for WSC's broadcast (21 October, BBC) to the people of France entitled "Dieu protege la France". Also includes French translation of WSC's broadcast. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6296-8.Notes for WSC's speech (9 November, Mansion House [London]) entitled "A long road to tread" on the illness of...
Dates: 09 Oct 1940 - 24 Dec 1940
Conditions Governing Access: Open

(Untitled), 15 Feb [1886]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/100/12-14
Scope and Contents Letter from Lady Randolph Churchill (2 Connaught Place [London]) to [Lord Randolph Churchill] including: pleasure that he is enjoying his travels; a dinner with [4th Lord] Dunraven; comments by [Lord] Hartington [later 8th Duke of Devonshire] about [Lord Randolph]; [Robert, 3rd Lord] Salisbury's interview with [4th Lord] Dunraven concerning the latter's resignation [as Under Secretary of State for the Colonies]; speculation on the possible appointment of [George] Goschen; WSC's visit to a...
Dates: 15 Feb [1886]
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), 13 Jul [1886]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/13/90
Scope and Contents

Letter from WSC (29 & 30 Brunswick Road, Brighton [Hove, East Sussex]) to "Mama" [Lady Randolph Churchill] asking her whether she will allow him to learn the violincello instead of the piano, speculating on the Conservatives electoral prospects and asking for money as he is "bankrupt".

Dates: 13 Jul [1886]
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), 24 May 1887

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/14/14
Scope and Contents

Letter from "Winny" [WSC] (29 & 30 Brunswick Road, Brighton [Hove, East Sussex]) to [Lady Randolph Churchill] discussing the popularity of the Primrose League at school and asking whether he might join the London branch.

Dates: 24 May 1887
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.

(Untitled), [Apr 1881]

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 28/7/13-14
Scope and Contents Letter from Lord Randolph Churchill (Carlton Club [London]) to [Lady Randolph Churchill] including: his preoccupation with the Land Bill; his family's annoyance that he had not travelled to London with [John, 7th Duke of Marlborough]; a description of WSC as looking "thin and mangey"; the [Conservative] Party's pleasure at their victory over [Charles] Bradlaugh; anticipation of lively debates about the Land Bill; and the news that Mrs Mundy has "run off" with [20th Lord] Shrewsbury [and...
Dates: [Apr 1881]
Conditions Governing Access: From the Fonds: The Churchill Papers are made available to researchers using Churchill Archives Centre and worldwide in digital format. The digital edition of the Churchill Papers is published by Bloomsbury Academic and is available online to subscribing institutions at The Churchill archive is freely available in our reading rooms and onsite at Churchill College (via the Churchill College wireless network). Researchers can download images of documents directly from and so are encouraged to consider bringing a laptop or other device for this purpose. For conservation reasons, the fragile originals are no longer issued to researchers. This digital edition is open to researchers unless otherwise marked in the catalogue. Some material has been closed by the Cabinet Office or by Churchill Archives Centre in accordance with data protection legislation.