Showing Collections: 1 - 7 of 7
African Papers of Sir John Gray
Published and unpublished works on African history written by Gray, accompanied by research notes from archives and secondary sources.
Albums of Lt. Col. R.E. Thorne
Ivory from the mainland and Arab door
191 x 291 mm. A mounted print showing two Swahilis holding a huge pair of elephant tusks in front of an intricately carved Arab doorway in Zanzibar.
Newscuttings on Africa and South East Asia
The principal part of the collection is a set of thirteen scrapbooks of newscuttings relating to East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanganyika. The rest of the collection consists of a volume of cuttings relating to post-war trading opportunities in Nigeria and three scrapbooks concerning rubber and mining in South East Asia.
Newscuttings on Southern and East Africa
Four volumes of newscuttings, three relating to Southern and East Africa and one to the Native Question in South Africa, and loose cuttings on related subjects. Many of the articles concern the activities of the colonial powers in Africa, notably Great Britain, Germany, Spain and France.
Papers and photographs of Fergus Wilson
A memoir and photographs of Fergus Wilson's time in East Africa, papers concerning agricultural education, material relating to Makerere University College, the Food and Agriculture Organization and other organisations, and miscellaneous items. A file of papers regarding the collection is with RCMS 162/1.
Photographs of the East African Campaign 1915-16
Collection of twenty-nine 60 x 60 mm modern copy negatives (no prints) selected from an album compiled by J.H. Furniss R.A.F (also the photographer). The material relates to air and naval activity against the German battleship ‘Konigsberg’ in Zanzibar and German East Africa during 1915-16, with other general scenes from the German East Africa Campaign. Copy negatives made by John Falconer, May 1985.