Showing Collections: 1 - 18 of 18
'A short history of Paterson, Simons & Company'
Alistair W. Hay Collection
Archives of the British Association of Malaysia and Singapore
British civilians interned by the Japanese in World War Two
Prepared by the Association of British Civilian Internees Far East Region. The volume is a full size replica of the original which was dedicated and placed in the Church of St Michael's Cornhill on 24 May 2009.

Church Missionary Society photograph collection
Commonwealth Universities
Edred John Corner Collection
Material complementing John Corner's photograph collection which is stored at Y3031M.
F.T. Hill-Cottingham 1878-1974
Two portraits.
Hugh Le Fleming Collection
The collection includes letters, postcards, photographs, art work, maps and books.
James D C Noble Collection
Modern Commonwealth photograph collection
Newscuttings on South East Asia

Papers of the Colonial Office Visual Instruction Committee
Personal and family papers of Lillian Newton
Papers concerning Lillian Newton and her parents and siblings and additional items accumulated by Miss Newton.

Progress in the Colonies, 1940s-1950s
Sir John Bagnall Collection
The collection includes Bagnall's account of his evacuation from Singapore during the Second World War immediately before its fall to the Japanese in Feb. 1942. It is accompanied by photographs of the home he occupied at the time.
'The face in the mirror': autobiography of John Morley
The autobiography of John Morley, written during the 1970s, 122 pages.