Showing Collections: 51 - 75 of 152
Indian metal-work
Card portfolio containing photographs, all of items stocked by Soni Mawji Raghawji and Co., gold and silver smiths, of Bhuj in the Culch (Kachchh) region of Gujarat State, India. All the photographs are mounted on cards on which are entered the weight in tolas (1 tola The date is approximate. 11.66 grammes) and the cost in rupees of the various items.
Indian nursing collection of Diana Hartley
Papers and other material relating to Diana Hartley's work for the T.N.A.I. and her time in India. A folder of correspondence with and concerning Diana Hartley is kept with the collection.
Indian Nursing Photographs (Dora Chadwick Collection)
Indian scrapbooks of the Haig family
Scrapbooks kept by Neil and Gerard Haig and other members of their family, with related papers.
Industrial Development in India
A collection of photographs mounted on cards measuring 590 x 450 mm unless otherwise stated. Although probably supplied from official sources, there is no photographer's name on the back. The photographs are of good quality and the captions are, apart from 6, written on the front.
Jim Chaplin slide collection
John Seymour Benson Collection
Letters, diaries and photographs.
Journal of a voyage to India
A journal of a voyage on the 'Frances Anne' from Liverpool to Calcutta, 42 pages. Mackinnon probably kept the account to send to his mother: the last page closes with greetings to her.
Journey to Cochin [Kochi]
Jute Production in Bengal, circa 1900
Collection consisting of 6 x 6 cm copy negatives from original prints. The original photographs are in four volumes, entitled; Jute (cultivation and preparation), Jute (assorting and baling), Jute (its manufacture), and Jute (baling for export). Original photographs by Johnston and Hoffman, copy negatives made by John Falconer.
Keynes: The Papers of John Maynard Keynes
Letter books of Robert Cust
Letters from Robert Cust, chiefly in India, to correspondents in England. Most of the letters cover many pages.
Letters from India
Letters of Hugh Drummond Pearson
Lionel Berkeley: Letters and papers
Lionel Dunsterville (1865-1946): Letters to his sister May
Littledale India Collection
4 albums containing albumen prints. Y3022G-I were compiled by Harold Littledale and include photographs by Scowen and Co., A.T.W. Penn, Samuel Bourne and his successors, and others. Y3022I/A contains reproductions of the works of the Indian painter Raja Ravi Varma and was given to Littledale by the photographer V.G. Chiplonkar.
Log of the 'Houghton'
'The log book of Capt. John Edwards, R.N. Given to Robert Stafford Edwards by his Aunt Miss Jane Edwards 1880. Solihull. Warwickshire.'
Lord and Lady Mountbatten in India
Modern copies of photographs relating to Robin Wade Design Associates' work in India when Lord Mountbatten was Viceroy (March-August 1947) and Governor-General (August 1947-June 1948).
'Lord Ellenborough's ideas on Indian policy': MA thesis
A copy of a 1936 M.A. thesis for the University of London, 330 pages.