Showing Collections: 226 - 250 of 1097
Drawings of Egypt
A sketch book, 15" x 11", of 21 completed full-page pencil drawings, watercolours and wash drawings and 16 smaller or unfinished sketches of Egypt, each with a brief description and date. The drawings are chiefly of architectural remains. There is no signature or indication of the artist's identity.
'Drop the demon dai'
An unbound research paper on maternal mortality and the state in the Madras Presidency, 1840-1875, 68 pages. The paper discusses lying-in hospitals, midwifery training, dai (a traditional birth assistant), child-birth in India, the health and medical welfare of Indian women and female mortality.
Du Cap au Zambèze. Notes de voyage dans l'Afrique du Sud, Genève: Baden-Baden printed, 1884
A printed book illustrated by photographic prints. The captions have been used as titles and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms. They have been retained to reflect the context of the collection's creation. The book resulted from a journey from Cape Town via Kimberley and the Transvaal to the Victoria Falls and back to Port Elizabeth.
Dulcie Barron Collection
Album containing photographs of Entebbe and Kampala, colleagues and friends, travels around the country, and of the people of Uganda, including celebrations for the return of Mutesa II, Kabaka of Buganda.
E.A. Gay collection on Grenada
Prints showing a variety of scenes in town and country. They are listed in manuscript on a sheet of paper inserted at the front of the album and these descriptions have been transcribed as found.
E.A. Rothery Collection on Nigeria 1928-1939
Early views of the Gold Coast
East Africa
It is not known how the RCS acquired this collection of uncaptioned glass negatives. It is believed that they represent East Africa, but research will be required to identify the photographers, dates of creation and the slides' subjects.
East Africa and Ceylon [Sri Lanka] during the 1940s
'East Africa and Uganda 1912'
East Africa: Charles Stokes collection
East African Photographs
East African Railways and Harbours 1952 to 1964
13 photographs and 3 letters documenting Satwant Singh Suman's service with the East African Railways.
East Circular Quay, Sydney
Edmund Stoneham collection
A file of loose prints collected by Stoneham during his tenure in India.
Edred John Corner Collection
Material complementing John Corner's photograph collection which is stored at Y3031M.
'Education in Catholic missions in Ceylon': MA thesis
'Education in the Roman Catholic missions in Ceylon in the second half of the nineteenth century (1842-1905)', a M.A. (Education) thesis for the University of London, 517 pages.
Education packs
Twelve education packs containing reproductions of contemporary documents relating to the settlement of Australia and Canada, military conflicts, maritime exploration, Africa and the Caribbean. The first eight packs are from the Jackdaw series.
Edward Enoch Jenkins and Muriel Alice Jenkins (née Ackermann): personal papers and photographs
Edward John Dunn Collection
Effects of the cyclone at Townsville
Egypt, Burma [i.e. Myanmar] and Borneo
An album containing albumen prints (with three others loose). The prints are of various sizes and by various photographers. A number of the images are captioned, although some of these are hard to read. Captions enclosed in square brackets have been composed by the cataloguer.
Egyptian scenes
Loose photographs, measuring approximately 204 x 190 mm, with handwritten captions on their borders (shortened for this catalogue). The prints show scenes, mainly archaeological, in Egypt.
E.J.H. Corner photographs
'Eleven exciting years': typescript on the Cameroons
Letters from Elizabeth O'Kelly in the Cameroons (224 pages), itinerary and diary notes (18 pages) and 23 black and white photographs. The document is a photocopy of the original 1965 typescript. Part one covers Buea, 1950-1952; part two covers Nsaw, Barenda Province, 1952-1961. There are accompanying notes, supplied by Miss O'Kelly, describing her career, assignments as a freelance consultant and publications.