Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 41
A journey to Asia and Africa
Albumen prints of China
Framed albumen prints, measuring approximately 280 x 210 mm (500 x 400 including card frames).
Y302F/1-4: Chinese interiors.
Y302F/5-6: Canton flower boat and interior view.
Y302F/7: Western suburbs looking North (Canton) by Afong Lai, 1874 (after the devastating typhoon of 1874).
Y302F/8: Chinese grave on White Cloud Mountain, c. 1870s.
Alistair W. Hay Collection
Articles from 'The Field'
Astronomical calculations in Asia
Calculations made during Clementi's journey through India, Tibet and China, 1907-1908.
British civilians interned by the Japanese in World War Two
Prepared by the Association of British Civilian Internees Far East Region. The volume is a full size replica of the original which was dedicated and placed in the Church of St Michael's Cornhill on 24 May 2009.
Canton Disturbances, December 1927
Central Office of Information photograph collection
China, Hong Kong and Siam [i.e. Thailand]
Album of albumen prints, by unknown photographers, with pencilled captions. The majority of the photographs show scenes in China, but there are also some of Hong Kong and, towards the end, Siam, though the different countries are intermixed.
Commonwealth in Focus Slides
Diary of Kenneth Albert Watson
Douglas Moore: Portraits of Hong Kong
Dr Lewis Paton album of missionary work in China

Fisher photograph collection
General views of South-East Asia, 1960s
A collection of loose prints, mostly measuring approximately 190 x 140 mm, with typewritten captions pasted to the reverse. The collection contains general views of landscape and architecture in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Brunei and Borneo.

'Hong Kong as seen from the anchorage'. Drawn by Lieutenant L.G. Heath of HMS Iris (1846)
Hong Kong: History
A collection of photographs, some of engravings.
Illustrations of China and its People
A volume measuring 36 x 48 cm containing plates with illustrations of various Chinese provinces, Hong Kong and Macao.
John Thomson (1837-1921) was a distinguished photographer and traveller, and this is volume I of his magnum opus, published in four volumes in 1873-74. It contains excellent Woodbury-type reproductions of his photographs taken in the early 1870s, and substantial notes on each illustration.
Imagining Hong Kong: historic photographs at the time of change
A study of aspects of Hong Kong's history, 1841-1997, 63 pages, illustrated with black and white and colour photocopies, submitted as a dissertation at Goldsmiths, University of London.
Institute of Education Collection
Inter-University Council Collection

Inter-University Council Slides
Letters of Hugh Drummond Pearson
Log of the 'Houghton'
'The log book of Capt. John Edwards, R.N. Given to Robert Stafford Edwards by his Aunt Miss Jane Edwards 1880. Solihull. Warwickshire.'