Showing Collections: 5576 - 5600 of 9059
Postcard views of Sierra Leone, circa 1903
A small album (photographs now housed in a box file) containing monochrome postcards of Sierra Leone scenery and people. An inscription on the inside cover of the album reads 'For the use of the Royal Colonial Institute, Northumberland Avenue, London WC from J.W. Paris for Paris and Co., Photographers, 50 Kissy Road, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 28/9/03'.
Postcards of Busselton, Western Australia 1925
Collection of photographic postcards, 138 x 85 mm., with 'Busseldon [sic] W.A. 1925' written on the back of each. Busselton is a holiday resort on Geographe Bay, 149 miles by rail south of Perth. Though settled by the Bussell family in 1832, it made little progress until it received an impetus, about 1921, under the group settlement policy of the State Premier, Sir James Mitchell. The photographs are not captioned and the following descriptions are derived from their content.
Postcards of Glen Cavaliero
A group of picture-postcards accumulated by Cavaliero. The majority of the cards were addressed to Cavaliero, but some older ones were apparently acquired by him as collectables, and a few were written by him. Other writers of cards include Gillian Beer, David J. Hall, Paris Leary, Evangeline Paterson, Anne Ridler, Peter Scupham, Edmund de Waal and Victor de Waal.
Powell Associated Papers
Material distinct from Enoch Powell's own papers as it has a different provenance (it was not maintained with Powell's own archive) and cannot be considered as having been generated by the same processes as Powell's papers.
Power of attorney, Arrington, Cambridgeshire
Power of attorney, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire
Power of attorney, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire
Power of attorney, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire
Power of attorney, Great and Little Eversden, Cambridgeshire
Gilbert West of Great Eversden appoints John Wrythe of the same place as his attorney to deliver seisin of land in Great and Little Eversden to Richard Adam of Orrewelle [Orwell]. White round seal. Endorsed in pencil in a modern hand: '2 / 6 Hen IV (1405) / Power of Attorney'.
Power of attorney, Milton, Cambridgeshire
Power of attorney to deliver property, Papworth Agnes, Cambridgeshire
Holds seal of John of [Sawtrey?].
Power of attorney, Toft, Cambridgeshire
Richard Adam, executor of the wills of Alexander and Thomas Kynge (late of Toft), appoints Thomas Adam as his attorney to receive and pay debts under the terms and provisions of these wills. Seal wanting. Endorsed in pencil: '5'.
'Lectoris in Theologia morali & casuistica Praelectio inaugurales.' Beg.: 'Cum vir admodum reverendus qui nuper ex hec... '. Ends: '... & virtuti unice litare et constanter adhaerere'.
Praxis of a French Physician
250 folios: a collection of formulae, prescriptions and medical recipes arranged according to the class of remedy described, and divided into two books, the second dealing with external remedies only. Each book is subdivided into sections. On p. i the name Boussac occurs in the same hand as the writer of the book, and the same name occurs stamped on the binding. There are no initials.
Prayers and Devotional Exercises
Prayers and Meditations
Prayers for a Nine Days' Devotion to Our Lady of Refuge
'Novena de Nossa Senhora dos Remedios', Prayers for a nine days' devotion to Our Lady of Refuge, 66 folios. The title is contained within a roughly drawn frame of thick bands of foliage, with five putti interwoven. Similar though smaller frames occur at the heads of fos 8 and 14, the former containing two hearts pierced with a cross and a sword respectively, the latter the letters I. M. T.
Precedents for ecclesiastical courts
The volume includes (fo. 135v) 'The True Briton's Answer to a farmer's letter, April 8th 1752', and (fo. 261) a treatise on communion. Recipes and accounts are also scattered throughout.
Premises Records
Prescription book of an apothecary
Presentation to Randall Ellison 1961
[President] Kruger photographs
Collection of modern copies (circa 1932) of original prints circa 1896, which are uncaptioned. The whereabouts of the originals of these copies has not been traced.
Press Cuttings about Sir Robert Mowbray
Albums of press cuttings about Sir Robert's political career. A few menus are included in the albums.
Press cuttings and papers of Sir Oswald Raynor Arthur
Cuttings and a few other papers regarding Sir Arthur and his family, the Royal Family, Bermuda and the Falkland Islands.