Showing Collections: 3001 - 3025 of 9078
Gifts and Benefactions
Gilbert Cannan: Writings and Biographical Correspondence
Novels, essays, memoir, and biographical correspondence.
Gilbert Elliot Murrary Kynynmound, 1st Earl of Minto: Letters sent from Calcutta to Lord Melville
Includes typescript transcriptions.
Gilbert Murray: The Wife of Heracles
Gilbert White: Sermon
A sermon upon I Cor. xiii. 1-3, 10 folios. This is preceded by a list of places where the sermon was preached, 1765-1791. On a fly-leaf in the hand of Alfred Newton is 'From R. Holt-White Christmas 1906'.
Giles Randall: translation of Theologia Germanica
The first German edition of the Theologia prepared by Luther, 1518. Slip attached to fo. 1: 'The following treatise was first written in the German language, above three hundred years since, by one who then was of the Order of the Knights of Rhodes, after about 100 years since turned into Latine, since made English November 10th 1681.' fo. 34v: 'Robert Baker his Book 1721'.
Ginger Lilies (Hedychium coronarium) 1891
178 x 117 mm. Showing a kneeling Indian boy holding a large bunch of lilies and was used as a Christmas card by Sir Everard Im Thurn. The mimeographed message on the reverse reads 'Ginger lilies' (Hedychium coronarium). Xmas 1891. With best wishes from Everard F. Im Thurn.' Im Thurn's fine collection of ethnographical photography is in the possession of the Royal Anthropological Institute (of which society he was President 1919-20).
Giorgio Baffo: Poesia fisico-naturale
Written in the hand of P. C. Montchaussé, 212 folios.
Giovanna Giubelli: The Poetry of Dylan Thomas
A typescript copy of Dr Giubelli's thesis on Dylan Thomas, 185 pages.
Giovanni Cibo: 'Genuensium res gestae', History of Genoa
Giovanni Francisco Brocardo: Diploma
Diploma of doctorate in canon law awarded by the University of Bologna to Giovanni Francisco Brocardo, 6 August 1615, endorsed by Francisco Bocchio and Vincentio Orlandino (fo. 7v), 8 folios. On fo. 8 is 'Hieronymous Grillus scripsit et miniauit'. Inside the front cover is the bookplate of Samuel Sandars.
Giovanni Rizzetti: Challenge to Newton's Optical Experiments
The volume contains a draft letter from Rizzetti to Christino Martinelli, c.1720, with a description of Newton's experiment leading to the discovery of the aberration of light, and Rizzetti's experiment contradicting Newton's results; and two diagrams on refraction (p.13), the 'Anatomical composition of the eye' and the 'Aberration in telescopes with different lenses'. There are references to Descartes, Huygens and Tschirnhaus.
Giovanni Valleggio: Verse commonplace book
'Varin Statu d'Amuri', a manuscript verse commonplace book, possibly 17th century.
Girl Guide activities in Nigeria (Mary Johnson collection)
Girl Guiding in Malaya [i.e. Malay Peninsula]
Collections of prints of various sizes. The captions have been recorded as found and may contain offensive, inappropriate or outdated terms.
Alexander Cavendish served in Malaya from 1901 to 1933 and became Director of Co-operatives. His wife, Mrs Jean Cavendish, had been appointed Organising Commissioner for Malaya by Lady Baden-Powell in 1920 and became Chief Commissioner in 1921, a post she held until retiring to England in 1933.
Girolamo Lupi: manual for train-bearers at Papal courts, c.1650
Girolamo Venier: Report of the Venetian Ambassador to the Court of Louis XIV
G.J. Hogg: Economic development in Papua New Guinea
A study of the Papua New Guinean economy, including chapters on industry, manufacturing, tourism, population, urbanisation, manpower, and workforce and localisation. There are forty pages accompanied by tables, references, appendices and a bibliography.
Glen Cavaliero Papers
Glimpses of New Zealand
An album containing 39 mounted black and white prints, measuring approximately 195 x 140 mm, and 11 coloured reproductions of scenes in New Zealand. All the photographs are mounted on thin card which has printed on it a caption followed by descriptive notes on the picture. The album contains an advertisement for holidays in New Zealand.
Glossary to King's College Cambridge MS 13
The words are arranged, first in the order in which they occur in the MS., and, second, alphabetically. Verso is blank throughout. fos. ii-v: blank.
Godfrey Harold Hardy: Mathematical Papers
Drafts for publication in the hand of Hardy.
Goepel Collection
A collection of modern copies of photographs taken by John Goepel. The photographs have been inserted into Goepel's typescript 'Journeys in Arabia' which contains letters to his parents written during his time in Aden, April-November 1939. The typescript is stored at RCMS 67.
‘Gold Coast 1944-5’: Photograph album of Flt. Lt. Edmund Bell
Gold Coast [i.e. Ghana] Castles
A series of photographs of castles.