Showing Collections: 176 - 200 of 552
The Papers of Cecil Roberts
The Papers of César Milstein
Papers including correspondence and research notes.
Including some correspondence of his wife, Celia Milstein, to 2003.
The Papers of Charles Eade
The collection relates to Charles Eade's connection with Sir Winston Churchill. It includes Eade's diary of meetings with Sir Winston; biographical material about Sir Winston and Sir Winston's own speaking notes for his speech made on 20 June 1940 which Churchill gave to Charles Eade.
The Papers of Christopher Child
Papers from Child's work as part of Neil Kinnock's private office, including: briefings and other papers relating to South Africa and the Commonwealth; General Election papers, particularly briefings on key seats and marginals and briefings for the 1992 election tour.
The Papers of Christopher Hall
"Britain, America and the Search for Comprehensive Naval Limitation, 1927-36" is Dr Hall's thesis which examines the regulation of naval competition between the major naval powers, particularly Britain and the United States, in the period 1927 - 1936.
The Papers of Christopher Prout
Papers including correspondence, diaries and research material on Europe.
The Papers of Clement Attlee, Earl Attlee
The small collection of Clement Attlee's papers held at Churchill Archives Centre consists of material relating to Attlee's autobiography (published in 1954), "As It Happened" (Heinemann) and some correspondence.
The Papers of Clementine Ogilvy Spencer-Churchill, Baroness Spencer-Churchill of Chartwell
The Papers of Colonel R S Macrae
The papers include: Millis Jefferis's copies of M.D.1 correspondence; administration files on staffing and weapons development; research files on the development of individual weapons; Macrae's patent claims, which include original material on the development of the weapons concerned; Macrae's diaries from his time at M.D.1; some material from Macrae's memoirs, "Winston Churchill's Toyshop".
The Papers of Commander A. A. Fraser Macliesh
This collection mainly consists of Macliesh's diaries that deal with events at Gallipoli but there are also some letters and photographs.
The Papers of Commander Colin Buist
The Papers of Commander Harold Fawcett
The papers consist of: photographs and later correspondence relating to the Battle of Jutland; papers on Fawcett's work in the Anti-Submarine Warfare Division during the Second World War; a personal journal from Fawcett's early days in the Navy, including his time in the Persian Gulf; biographical material.
The Papers of Commander John Owen
The papers chiefly consist of letters from Churchill to Owen while Owen was working as naval historical adviser to Churchill. All letters are typed, one has an extra hand-written paragraph. There are also a number of hand-written letters from Admiral of the Fleet Sir Roger Keyes.
The Papers of Commander Robert Bower
Commander Bower's papers consist of press cuttings and correspondence with some of the leading naval figures of the time, chiefly dating from the Second World War and the late 1930's. Subjects covered by the correspondence chiefly include concerns about the state of the Navy (particularly its relations with the Royal Air Force) and also criticism of the leadership of Winston Churchill.
The Papers of Con Condren
Photographs of subjects including air defences, wireless equipment and V2 rockets and a letter on the Blitz, 1940.
The Papers of Correlli Barnett
The Papers of Cynthia, Lady Gladwyn
Includes correspondence with family and friends and CG's diaries, both particularly covering her time with Gladwyn Jebb as a political hostess in New York [United States] and Paris [France], and also some speeches and articles and material relating to CG's book "The Paris Embassy".
The Papers of Dame Athene Donald
The majority of the collection relates to Donald's scientific career and research: including publications; academic conferences; papers relating to scientists collaborating and working for Donald; scientific findings and data. It also includes material, including articles, relating to Donald's role as a gender equality champion and a copy of her blog.
The Papers of David Francis Hubback
The material includes correspondence and papers relating to Hubback's time at the Treasury, his memoir of Sir Richard (Otto) Clarke and population issues.
The papers of David Howell (Lord Howell of Guildford)
Political and personal papers
The Papers of David Wightman
Comprising research notes and photocopies of original documents from United States archives about United States international economic policy, 1941-71.
With notes on oral history interviews, 1971-87.
The Papers of Davidson Nicol
The Papers of Denis Kelly
The papers mainly consist of Kelly's recollections of his work for Churchill, in the form of memoirs and other papers, taped interviews, and in correspondence, particularly with Churchill's official biographer, Sir Martin Gilbert. There is also a small amount of correspondence dating back to Kelly's time as Churchill's literary assistant and two volumes of Winston Churchill's, "The Second World War" heavily annotated by Kelly, presumably for his own abridged version of these volumes.
The Papers of Douglas Eden
Papers relating to Eden's role as co-founder and Secretary of the Social Democratic Alliance
The Papers of Dr George Clifford Evans
The papers include reports, correspondence, photographs and research materials, including some xerox copies of other related archival documents.