Showing Collections: 151 - 175 of 552
The Papers of Baron Noel-Baker
The papers cover every aspect of Lord Noel-Baker's very full and varied career and include constituency papers, Labour Party material, extensive sections on domestic and international affairs, peace and disarmament, sport, books and articles, speeches and correspondence.
The Papers of Baron Soames
The Papers of Baroness Thatcher LG, OM, FRS
The Papers of Bernard Donoughue (Lord Donoughue of Ashton)
Papers relating to Donoughue's time as Head of the No 10 Policy Unit, 1974-79, and as Minister for Farming and the Food Industry, 1997-98; with series of earlier and later correspondence
The Papers of Bernard Hurren
Notes and unpublished biography of Sir Barnes Wallis; and "The British Aircraft Industry 1939" produced by Society of British Aircraft Constructors
The Papers of Betty Behrens
The papers consist of: reading notes on both European and British history and also on historiography and other subjects; notes and offprints from Behrens's own writing and publications, on European and British history and also historiography; some reviews; correspondence relating to Behrens's work; lecture notes; some personal material, including sketches and notes for an autobiography; papers relating to the work of Behrens's husband E H Carr.
The Papers of Blazej Vilim
The collection comprises correspondence, personal papers of Blazej and Mirka Vilim, writings by Lausman and Panek, with Vilim, prominent members of the exiled Czech Social Democratic Party and various writings by Vilim himself.
The Papers of Brendan Bracken, Viscount Bracken of Christchurch
The Bracken papers held by Churchill College Archive Centre consist mainly of the source materials used by Andrew Boyle in his biography "Poor Dear Brendan: The Quest for Brendan Bracken" (Hutchinson, London, 1974)". In addition there is a section of xerox copies of letters from Bracken to Lord Beaverbrook made available by the House of Lords Library. M. Whitmore Richards’. reminiscences of Bracken in connection with the Union Corporation of South Africa form a third section.
The Papers of Brian Colquhoun
Papers and photographs, mainly relating to Colquhoun's work as resident engineer during the construction of the Mersey Road Tunnel, Liverpool, also with a report on his work for the Channel Tunnel and on other engineering projects.
The Papers of Brigadier Michael Rookherst Roberts
Diaries and papers relating to the Burma [later Myanmar] Campaign, 1942-5, and papers relating to the 4th Battalion 10th Gurkha Rifles, 1942-7
The Papers of Brigadier Ralph Alger Bagnold
The collection comprises documentation of Bagnold's desert expeditions, the Long Range Desert Group (LRDG) and scientific research, supplemented by maps and photographs. The collection includes drafts of Bagnold's autobiography ("Sun, Wind, War and Water", 1991) and draft chapters on the history of the LRDG, as well as some personal papers and correspondence.
The Papers of Bruno Pontecorvo
Personal papers and correspondence relating to Bruno and Marianne Pontecorvo and their family, including Bruno's scientific correspondence.
The Papers of Bryan Forbes
The collection mainly consists of correspondence with key conservative figures including Edward Heath, Margaret Thatcher and John Major. There is also associated material such as, invitations to social engagements and photographs.
The Papers of C. T. R. Wilson
Papers comprising correspondence, mainly about barrage balloons and airships, 1917-40, photographs and offprints.
The Papers of Captain A. R. Henderson relating to Invergordon
These papers mostly consist of copies of official letters and documents from the time of the Invergordon mutiny in September 1931. There are also letters written to Henderson by Rear-Admiral Tomkinson, as well as press cuttings relating to Admiral Keyes raising a question about the Admiralty's treatment of Tomkinson from 1934.
The Papers of Captain Arthur Clarke
The Papers of Captain Charles Marsden
A photograph album and track chart of HMS Southampton, also including photographs from HMS Tenedos, and notes about Marsden's career in the Royal Navy, 1970.
The Papers of Captain David B N Mellis RN
Letters to Mellis from Lord Cunningham of Hyndhope, many relating to the Royal Naval Pipers Society (Cunningham was its first President)
The Papers of Captain Godfrey Alexander French
The papers cover Captain French's career from 1930, when he attended the R.N. Staff College at Greenwich, until his retirement in 1978.
The Papers of Captain Henry Denham
Papers comprising a memoir, correspondence and official papers about his work as Naval Attaché in Stockholm, 1940-5
The Papers of Captain John Creswell
Papers comprising manuscripts of books, lectures, research notes and correspondence.
With Ralph Hudleston's notes on the defence of seabourne trade, 1911.
The Papers of Captain Nicholas John Barker
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre comprises Barker's personal and naval papers, particularly on his service in the South Atlantic.
The Papers of Captain Robert Ellis
Papers comprising a draft memoir and official naval papers.
The Papers of Captain Russell Grenfell RN
This small collection of material consists of correspondence and drafts comprising materials for Grenfell's books: "The Bismarck Episode" (1948); "Main Fleet to Singapore" (1951); "Unconditional Hatred" (1953) and for a projected book on the Norwegian Campaign 1940.
The Papers of Captain William Richmond Fell
Papers comprising diaries, log books, correspondence, official papers and photographs
Including papers about the Second World War, 1939-45; post-war salvage operations, 1952-5; and salvage operations during the Suez Crisis, 1956-7
With diaries of Captain Fell's father, Dr Walter Fell, 1915