Showing Collections: 326 - 350 of 552
The Papers of Major Charles Terry
The Papers of Major-General John Scott Crawford
The Papers of Major General Richard Clutterbuck
Papers relating to Clutterbuck's work and research on political issues including unrest and terrorism.
The Papers of Major-General William Hasted
The papers are entirely concerned with projects during Hasted's appointment as the first Controller of Development for the ruler of Kuwait.
The Papers of Major-General William J Donovan
Transcripts and microfilm of papers and interviews used by Anthony Cave Brown in his biography of General Donovan; including microfilm of records of OSS, 1941-5, including Director's cables
The Papers of Major P G Hampton
Account of Hampton's experiences as a battery Commander, Royal Artillery, in France and Belgium, 1940, and in Normandy, 1944. No other biographical details for Hampton are known to Churchill Archives Centre..
The Papers of Mark Abrams
The Papers of Mark Bretscher
The collection held by Churchill Archives contains the professional scientific papers of Mark Bretscher, starting from his early work on the genetic code and protein biosynthesis, then moving into his work on cell membranes and cell movement. Predominantly working papers with some correspondence and photographs.
The Papers of Mary Agnes Hamilton
The collection comprises a small collection of personal papers, ephemera, and photographs; printed copies of Hamilton's published articles and talks; biographical materials prepared by Hamilton's niece and nephew; and a series of Mary Agnes Hamilton's handwritten private diaries in small notebooks compiled between January 1938 and August 1945. The sequence of diaries is complete, apart from one diary dating from November 1942-March 1943.
The Papers of Maurice Hankey
The Papers of Mavis Batey
Papers relating to Mavis Batey's work at Bletchley Park. The collection is mainly comprised of later articles and notes for speeches by Batey including memories about her work and her colleagues, and a small amount of correspondence with historians of intelligence. Also includes copies and transcripts of wartime documents.
The Papers of Max Ferdinand Perutz
The Papers of Michael Ashburner
The papers relate to the activities of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and Committee of 100 and other non-violent disarmament and anti-nuclear pressure groups with whom Ashburner was involved in the 1960's.
The Papers of Michael Bonavia
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre consists of research papers for Bonavia's books "The Nationalisation of British Transport" and "The Channel Tunnel Story" and includes photocopies of government material held at the Public Record Office.
The Papers of Michael (Mischa) Zvegintzov
The Papers of Michael Wolff
The papers consist chiefly of political files (many of which are marked as containing information relating to Edward Heath), with a few personal papers and a quantity of papers relating to Michael Wolff's work as Randolph Churchill's Research Assistant. There is also a considerable volume of correspondence with the Solicitors who were engaged to settle Randolph Churchill's estate.
The Papers of Michael Young
The Papers of Mogens Bramson
Personal papers and photographs.
The Papers of Mr Ronald Thompson
Photograph albums and personal and career documentation.
The Papers of Neil Kinnock
The collection contains Kinnock's papers as Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition, 1983-92, and also from his work for the European Commission, 1995-2004.
The papers include political papers (mainly relating to Kinnock's leadership of the Labour Party), engagements diaries and visits papers, copies of his speeches and public statements, constituency correspondence, photographs and some audio-visual material.
The Papers of Nigel Spearing
Personal and political papers relating to European and parliamentary affairs, including correspondence; working papers and press cuttings on European Economic Community (EEC) and European Union (EU) organisation, policies, and procedures; campaign materials, including papers connected with the Belgrano Action Group; and Spearing's own publications, speeches, and other parliamentary contributions.
The Papers of Nina, Lady Onslow
The collection chiefly compiles Lady Onslow's personal letters written to her parents and sister "Jim" from her travels in Churchill's service. They provide first hand evidence of her experiences and include lively recollections of Churchill, descriptions of her work and colleagues, and descriptions of journeys, accommodation and surroundings. The letters are supplemented by a small number of photographs and other mementos.
The Papers of Oscar Nemon
The Papers of Oswald Tuck
Papers mainly comprising diaries, letters to his family, photographs, printed books, pamphlets and lectures notes. The collection also includes a medal awarded to Tuck whilst at the Greenwich Hospital School, 1891.
The Papers of Ove Arup
The collection reflects Sir Ove's commitment to his philosophy of "Total design". It was his desire that architects and engineers should work together more closely, so that they could approach the problems of the Built Environment from a united standpoint. The papers fall into 10 sections, and include examples of project work, published articles and architectural plans.