Showing Collections: 251 - 275 of 552
The Papers of Ivo Geikie-Cobb
The Papers of J Philip Smith
The collection includes Smith's files on individual aircraft including the Airbus; plans and technical drawings and correspondence relating to the aircraft industry and aircraft design.
The Papers of Jack Le Vien
The collection includes correspondence, papers and photographs relating mainly to the films made by Le Vien based on Churchill's war memoirs.
The Papers of Jack Oughtred
Papers mainly comprising letters to his fiancée, Phyllis Bentham.
The Papers of Jack Pole
The Pole Papers consist of a file of Pole's own material on the 1968 Race Relations Bill and also photographs from the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia [Czech Republic and Slovakia], the "Prague Spring".
The Papers of Jack Ratcliffe
Papers relating to physics, including articles, lectures, research notes and correspondence.
With biographical material, 1987-9.
The Papers of Jackie Broome
Correspondence and papers mainly relating to a libel action against David Irving and Cassell and Co Ltd over the publication of "The Destruction of Convoy PQ 17".
With a photograph album of Louis Egerton Broome, 1900-10.
The Papers of James Cornford
The Papers of Jan Svoboda
The papers consist mainly of writing on politics and articles from the magazine Perspektivy Socialismu, founded by Blazej Vilim, and also relate to the activities of exiled members of the Czech Social Democratic Party.
The Papers of Jean Barker (Baroness Trumpington)
Photograph albums and papers.
The Papers of Jeremy Bray
The Papers of Jim Moulton
Papers comprising correspondence, notes and press cuttings relating to military history
The Papers of John Antony Crawford Hugill
The collection includes Hugill's contemporary diaries of the Normandy landings and the liberation of France, photographs and a file relating to Operation Alacrity, an expedition to take over fuelling and other facilities in the Azores. It also includes his notebooks containing his manuscript draft for "The Hazard Mesh", his autobiographical account of his wartime exploits. Files 10 - 15 were deposited by Fanny Hugill and contain her papers regarding Admiral Bertram Ramsay.
The Papers of John Biffen
Personal and political papers, including, correspondence, press cuttings, campaign material, drafts of memoir, administrative, articles, speeches and appointment diaries. The collection covers his early life, university life and political career.
The Papers of John Bradshaw Wood
This material includes correspondence, papers and publications relating to economic issues particularly the work of the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA).
The Papers of John Burns Hynd
The Papers of John Cowper Powys
Papers comprising a copy typescript of "Porius", a typescript of a dramatisation of Dostoevsky's "The Idiot", and a press cuttings album.
The Papers of John David Lawson
This is a small collection covering aspects of Lawson’s professional career as a physicist in government laboratories from immediately after the Second World War to his death.
The Papers of John Ernest Silkin
The papers held at Churchill Archives Centre cover Silkin's Parliamentary and Ministerial career, and his other public interests, including the Channel Tunnel, the E.E.C. and the dairy industry. There is material of particular interest on Silkin's difficulties with his Constituency Party in Deptford, and on the Labour Party Leadership and Deputy Leadership elections in 1980 and 1983.
The Papers of John Evelyn Moore
Memoir and related correspondence.
The Papers of John Gridley
The Papers of John Lloyd
Papers relating to aviation and aircraft design
The Papers of John Newbigin
Speech drafts written for Neil Kinnock, as Leader of the Labour Party, with notes on speech writing strategy, and also papers on Labour's Black Sections policy and ethnic minority representation in the Party.
The Papers of John Pater
This small collection consists of notebooks of official visits to USA, Poland and Scandinavia, as well as his unpublished autobiography.
The Papers of John Redwood
Papers relating to Redwood's membership of the Conservative Party's Public Sector Policy Group, his work on gas for the Department of Energy, his membership of the Nationalised Industries Study Group of the Centre for Policy Studies
Also includes various publications by or about Redwood.