Showing Collections: 226 - 250 of 552
The Papers of Geoffrey J. Gollin
These papers fall into three sections. Firstly there are the memoranda, calculations and diagrams relating to work for Frank Whittle. Secondly, there are papers from the experiments carried out on the Shell rocket. Finally, there is the typescript of a lecture by Gollin on the development of the shell rocket.
The Papers of Geoffrey Pyke
Papers relating to key moments in Pyke's career, including 'Project Habakkuk'.
The Papers of George Alexander Steven
Papers comprising a diary, photographs and miscellaneous papers.
Also including a midshipman's log book of his son, Donald Steven, 1952-4.
The Papers of George Allen
This small collection of autobiographical material comprises Allen's recorded recollections of working as a naval adviser to Sir Winston Churchill on the History of the Second World War and an account of his life and career.
The Papers of George Guise
Papers authored by Guise for the Prime Minister as a member of the Prime Minister's Policy Unit papers, 1986-90 (circa 135 separate items)
The Papers of George Henry Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers
The papers include: papers relating to GPR's anthropological and other scientific work, including involvement in eugenics; papers relating to his political activities, including letters to and from the British Union of Fascists, mostly concerning his 1935 run for Parliament; and large number of documents related to GPR’s 18B detention and internment.
The Papers of George Leggett
The collection comprises George Leggett's diary of the Potsdam conference, souvenirs and papers connected with his time in Potsdam, and electronic transcripts of the diary.
The Papers of George Steiner
The Papers of George Strauss
Copy of an unpublished autobiography, 1901-90.
The Papers of George Urban
Papers relating to Urban's informal advice on foreign policy for Margaret Thatcher
The Papers of Gerald Wilkinson
The Wilkinson Papers include three war journals, official telegrams and several files of official correspondence, and provide an extremely valuable record of British Intelligence in the Far East in the Second World War.
The Papers of Gordon Welchman
This collection contains Gordon Welchman’s personal papers, including engagement diaries, correspondence, notes, drafts, articles, and reports. Subjects include intelligence, communications, codebreaking, and computing in the twentieth century.
Much of the collection (including the correspondence with Bletchley Park alumni in WLCH 2) is book research, gathered to inform Welchman’s own writings about Second World War intelligence.
The Papers of Grace Hamblin
This small collection of papers comprises Grace Hamblin's notes for speeches about her work for Sir Winston Churchill and his family. She recalls getting her position as secretary and what it was like to work for Churchill. Churchill Archives Centre also owns Grace Hamblin's OBE which is on permanent loan to the National Trust, Chartwell.
The Papers of Group Captain Hugh Williamson
The collection comprises unpublished memoirs, articles and other papers relating to Group Captain Williamson’s service in both World Wars and the inter-war period.
The Papers of Group Captain Malcolm Christie
The Papers of Guy Chapman
Second World War campaign maps; "Les grandes unites francaises", 1939-40 (published, 1967, 1 volume); and manuscript copy of "A passionate prodigality", 1930 (2 volumes)
The Papers of Harford Montgomery Hyde
The Papers of Harold Harington Balfour, 1st Baron Balfour of Inchrye
The Papers of Harold Ingrams
Papers mainly comprising official reports, minutes and correspondence about the British Control Commission in Germany, 1945-6.
The Papers of (Harold) Montgomery Belgion
The Papers of Helen Cam
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre concern Cam’s career at Harvard and to some extent her interests after retirement.
The Papers of Horace Finlayson
Comprising diaries and correspondence
The papers of Hugh Clausen
Papers comprising official reports, articles, lectures, correspondence and press cuttings
The Papers of Hugh Lunghi
Includes: Lunghi's wartime papers from the British Military Mission to Moscow and the "Big Three" wartime conferences, including files and a book found by Lunghi in the Reich Chancellery and Hitler's bunker; photographs and other papers from Lunghi's time at the British Embassy in Moscow.
The Papers of Ian and Cecil Jacob
The papers cover Jacob's adult life from his early army career, his work as Assistant Military Secretary to the War Cabinet and as Director General of the BBC, to his retirement where he remained active in many important public services. Also included are some Boer War papers which were kept by Jacob's father-in-law.