Showing Collections: 1 - 25 of 552
Associated Papers of Lise Meitner
This small collection comprises material relating to Professor Lise Meitner, namely correspondence by her and concerning her.
Associated Papers of Sir Alan Lascelles
Letters from Sir Alan Lascelles to Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, chiefly on the Literary Society, of which Lascelles was President and Hart-Davis Secretary, and on books edited by Hart-Davis.
Audio cassette tapes of oral history interviews with Mr L. C. Wild
These audio cassette tapes are recordings of oral history interviews with Mr Wild about his experiences in World War I, 1914- 1917, including the Battle of the Somme, 1916, and Passchendaele, 1917.
Belgion Associated
Biographical material collected by Donald McLachlan relating to Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound
Pound's own papers were destroyed (by burning), shortly after World War Two, by his fellow admirals Cunningham and Geoffrey Blake.
British Diplomatic Oral History Programme
The programme comprises transcripts of interviews with senior diplomats.
British Naval Intelligence Papers, mainly of Donald McLachlan and Patrick Beesly.
The collection includes: McLachlan's papers for "Room 39"; Beesly's papers for "Very Special Intelligence" and for "Very Special Admiral"; and papers of Commander Lloyd Hirst, an intelligence officer.
Cabinet Office Indexes to Prime Minister's Speeches in the House of Commons
The collection chiefly consists of indexes to Prime Minister's speeches in the House of Commons, but also includes an index to pledges made by the Prime Minister and an index to Prime Minister's parliamentary questions.
Chartwell Manuscripts
Christison Family Papers
The small collection of Christison papers held at Churchill Archives Centre comprises a bound volume of Sir Philip's autobiography and two items relating to his father Sir Alexander Christison, who was a medical officer in the 2nd Burmese War.
Churchill Archives Centre Miscellaneous Holdings
The collection comprises a wide variety of material from a number of different sources which have been deemed too small to be considered individual collections in their own right and have been grouped together under the heading "miscellaneous". Subjects covered include First and Second World Wars, the Falklands Campaign, and recollections of Sir Winston Churchill.
Churchill Heritage
Photographs of paintings by Sir Winston Churchill. There is significant overlap in the paintings imaged in the two series.
Churchill Oral History
Interviews with former staff and colleagues of Sir Winston Churchill, and also interviews with politicians and soldiers on subjects including the foundation of Churchill College.
Churchill Pamphlets
Comprising a collection of pamphlets featuring speeches, articles or other text by Sir Winston Churchill.
Churchill Press Cuttings
This is a large and comprehensive collection of press cuttings covering Sir Winston Churchill's political activities from Dec 1919 and also includes references to him after his death.
Churchill Press Photographs
Photographs of WSC throughout his career.
Cockcroft Associated Material
Papers relating to Cockcroft, particularly his research work and correspondence with the Cavendish Laboratory, and lectures by and concerning him.
Commemorative issues of magazines and newspapers 1897, 1953, 1965 and various
Includes copies of "the Times", "The Graphic", "Sphere", "Country Life" and "Illustrated London News"
Copies of the Papers of the 1st Earl of Halifax (Edward Frederick Lindley Wood)
Microfilm of part of the "Hickleton papers", now in Borthwick Institute, York; papers and printed notes including meetings with Gandhi, Feb-Mar 1931, and time in Washington.
Cosslett Associated Papers
Drawings relating to the construction of the first UK high voltage transmission electron microscope at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
Day files of Sir Malcolm Robertson, Chairman of the British Council 1942-5
The correspondence reveals Sir Malcolm's close contact with the Foreign Service, Parliament and University circles as well as depicting something of the daily routine of the British Council. The range of British Council activities is clearly illustrated as is its contribution towards the war effort.
Diaries of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall
The collection held at Churchill Archives Centre consists of photocopies of Pownall's diaries.
Diary of Libyan Desert Expedition
Copy of Peel's diary, kept during an expedition to Libya and Egypt led by Brigadier Ralph Bagnold, in areas including Wadi el Aqaba and the Gilf Kebir Plateau.
Edwards Associated Papers
Material relating to Sir Robert Edwards.
Extracts from the diaries of Sir Roger Casement
Photocopy extracts from Casement's diaries 1903-4 and 1910 and cash ledger, 1911, prepared for case Rex v Casement, 1916. Including details of his visits to the Congo [later Democratic Republic of the Congo] and Peru and of his sexual activities. The diary entries are not continuous and there are gaps between entries in some places.
There has existed for many years a widely held belief that the diaries were forged.