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Press Cuttings about Sir Robert Mowbray

Reference Code: GBR/0014/MOWB

Scope and Contents

Albums of press cuttings about Sir Robert's political career. A few menus are included in the albums.


  • Creation: 1873 - 1898

Conditions Governing Access

The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill College, Cambridge.

Conditions Governing Use

Researchers wishing to publish excerpts from the papers must obtain prior permission from the copyright holders and should seek advice from Archives Centre staff.

Biographical / Historical

Sir Robert Mowbray was a Conservative MP for the Prestwich Division of South East Lancashire, 1886-1895, and the Brixton Division of Lambeth, 1900-1906. He was also Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Joachim Goschen, 1887-92. Mowbray was a member of the Royal Commission on Opium, 1893-1895, and of the Royal Commission on Indian Expenditure in 1896.


2 volume(s)

Language of Materials


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