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Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 09 Oct 1954 - 08 Dec 1954

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/56A-B

Scope and Contents

Speech notes and transcripts for WSC's speech (9 October, Conservative Party Conference, Winter Gardens, Blackpool [Lancashire]) entitled "'Peace Through Strength'" on subjects including: the achievements of the Government, including restored national solvency, the dismantling of wartime economic controls and the work done by Conservative MPs; the corrective influence of the press on politics; the need for stable government; the 2-Party system, and common ground between Conservatives and Labour in times of national crisis and on foreign policy; the Labour Party delegation to Moscow [Soviet Union]; Conservative principles of national and individual freedom, a property-owning democracy and a continuing rise in the standard of living; old age pensions, the cut in their value under the Labour Government and the purpose of national insurance; Labour's hostility against Germany, and the uselessness of revenge for the war and for the crimes of Stalin; the duty to try for peaceful co-existence with the Soviet Union since Stalin's death, and also the peace through strength policy; the chairing of the London Conference by Anthony Eden [later 1st Lord Avon, Foreign Secretary], and its success; the nuclear superiority of the United States, and the dangers of a return to isolationism by the United States. Also includes Press Association corrections for the speech. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8593 - 601.Notes for WSC's speech (9 November, Lord Mayor's Banquet, Guildhall [London]) entitled "A Calmer and Kindlier Age", noted missing June 1986. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8601 - 4.Speech notes, typescript and transcript for WSC's speech (23 November, Woodford [Essex]) entitled "The Unity of the Free Nations" on subjects including: improvements under the Conservative Government to the economy and in the removal of wartime economic controls; WSC's early recognition of the threat from the Soviet Union and his telegram to General Sir Bernard Montgomery in 1945 on the possible need to reissue arms to German soldiers against the Soviet Union; the general agreement in Britain on rearming West Germany [later part of Germany] because of the Soviet Union's actions; Britain's part in the world front against Communist aggression; seeking closer contact with the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin; improved relations with the United States; the redistribution of constituencies, including the Woodford constituency; Conservative success in recent Bye-Elections and the timing of the next General Election; the fall in the value of old age pensions and new improvements to the pension system; the work done by Conservative MPs and the growing rigidity of the Labour Party. Also includes a press-cutting from the Times on the speech. Part published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8604 - 5.Speech notes giving subject headings for WSC's speech (25 November, Merchant Venturers' Society Banquet, Bristol).Speech notes for WSC's speech (26 November, Degree Conferment, Bristol University) entitled "'A Treasure House of the Country's Future'" on WSC's time as Chancellor of the university, from 1929, changes since then, examples for the new generation and possibilities for the future. Also includes a press-cutting from the Times reporting WSC's speeches at Bristol. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8605 - 7.Speech notes for WSC's speech (26 November, Colston Hall, Bristol University) on the duty of the young to follow politics. Also includes a note on arrangements for the speech.Speech notes for WSC's speech (26 November, Bristol University Luncheon) conferring Honorary Degrees on Herbert Tanner, Treasurer of Bristol University, R A Butler, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Hartley Shawcross, Sir Alan Lascelles [former Private Secretary to King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II] and Chairman, Historic Buildings Council for England, Sir Norman Brook [later 1st Lord Normanbrook], Secretary to the Cabinet, and Sir Walter Monckton, Minister of Labour and National Service.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (30 November, Presentation from both Houses of Parliament, Westminster Hall] entitled "Eightieth Birthday" on the unique honour bestowed on him, as a sign of underlying political unity and fairness, events during his and Clement Attlee's premierships, the gifts from Parliament, including the portrait of WSC by [Graham Sutherland], the importance of WSC's speeches during the war, including the phrase "I had the luck to be called upon to give the roar". Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8607 - 9.Speech notes, typescript and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (1 December, House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: WSC's reference (in his speech at Woodford, 23 November) to the telegram sent to Montgomery in 1945 on the surrender of German arms; the realization of the threat from the Soviet Union in 1945, particularly to Poland and Denmark; WSC's "Iron Curtain telegram" sent to Harry S Truman, President of the United States, in May 1945; the protection of German prisoners-of-war and the prevention of further Soviet advances in 1945; the Soviet reaction to WSC's Woodford speech and that of the British press; changes in defence policy since the development of the hydrogen bomb, and the possibility of attack by nuclear or conventional weapons; the uses of a confidential cross- party discussion on defence. Also includes a press-cutting from the Manchester Guardian on the German arms issue. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8609 - 22.Notes for WSC's speech (8 December, Reception for Civil Service Centenary [London]) noted missing June 1986.


  • Creation: 09 Oct 1954 - 08 Dec 1954

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2 file(s) (2 files (288 loose folios))

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