Drawer 2 PC 2: RGO 101
Contains 11 Results:
'Royal Observatory Greenwich Plan No.15 Horizontal Plan nearly at the level of the ground floor of the Dwelling House, shewing the course of the gas pipes and galvanic wires about that level, September 1961', September 1861
Plan in black and red ink on linen paper, with details in blue and yellow wash; text in black ink with pencil annotation.
Bradley's Zenith Sector: draft and final prints, c.1866
Original drawings and prints for the publication 'Verification and extension of La Caille's Arc of Meridian at the Cape of Good Hope' by Thomas Maclear, 1866. Many of the prints are heavily annotated. Bradley's Zenith Sector was sent to the Cape Observatory in May 1837 for the verification and extension of La Caille's Arc of Meridian at the Cape of Good Hope. It was returned to Greenwich in 1850.
Spectroscopes, RO 1/2 prism, Dr Huggins' [drawing 2, untitled], undated [c.1877]
Drawing of the spectroscope in black ink on drafting linen. Most of the page is blank.
Royal Observatory Greenwich Proposed New Library, undated [c.1879]
Plans of the New Physical Observatory and Transit Building, 1880 - 1893
Drawing of Lassell 30ft Dome and Equatorial [1], undated [c.1883-1884]
Section drawing of the Lassell Equatorial (untitled) on paper. Scale: 1 inch to 1 foot.
RO Greenwich: Plans of Astrographic Dome and Building, 1887
A set of five plans and four tracings (tracings are listed last); originally rolled together. Arranged in chronological order.
Untitled instrument drawing, undated [c.1850-1900?]
Printed section drawing of a [?telescope] mounting on thick paper. Originally rolled in an unlabelled metal tube.
26" Plate Carrier and Breech, July 1928
Roll marked 'Drawings, New Plate Carriers Breech and Plate for 26 Inch, 1928 July'. Two drawings.
Plans of Casella Microphotometer, 1933 - 1938
A set of eight blueprints and one tracing produced by C.F. Casella and Co. Ltd. Fitzroy Square, London. Originally rolled together and so labelled.
Hilger Micrometer Projection Device, undated [c.1939]
Two drawings on paper, originally rolled together. The title is written on the reverse of the second drawing.