Drawer 8 PC 1: RGO 101
Contains 4 Results:
'Plans of Airy's Transit Circle', 1848 - 1853
20 drawings on paper originally rolled together and so labelled. Many are in colour. Arranged in order of drawing number.
'Greenwich Observations 1852 Description of Transit Circle', Plates I-XVI, 1852
A set of original drawings for Plates I-XVI of Airy's 1852 publication, 'Description of the Transit Circle for the Royal Observatory, Greenwich'. All are drawn in pencil on card and are titled. Many have additional annotations.
'Greenwich Observations 1852 Description of Transit Circle', preliminary drawings for plates, 1852
Various drawings of Airy's Transit Circle. Most or all are preliminary plate drawings for Airy's 1852 publication, 'Description of the Transit Circle for the Royal Observatory, Greenwich', drawn in pencil (bulk) or pencil and ink. Many are untitled. Includes a set numbered I-XI.