Drawer 7 PC 1: RGO 101
Contains 5 Results:
'Airy's Altazimuth: drawings and plans', 1847 - 1855
Nine drawings on paper, originally rolled together in a metal tube so labelled, with drawing numbers 8250-8257a. Arranged in order of drawing number.
'Greenwich Astronomical Observations, 1847, Altitude and Altazimuth Instrument': Drawings for Plates I-IV, 1847
Original drawings of plates I-IV [by George Airy?]
'Greenwich Astronomical Observations, 1847, Altitude and Altazimuth Instrument': Prints of Plates I-IV, 1848
Prints of Plates I-IV, many annotated in pencil [by George Airy]: Pl. I (four copies; three annotated, two marked 'Proof'), Pl. II (two copies; one annotated); Pl. III and IV (four copies of each; one of each annotated).
'Plans and Drawings of Transit Instrument 3.B', 1848 - 1853
A set of 14 drawings on paper of the RO Cape and RO Greenwich Transit Instrument(?s). Originally rolled together in brown paper so titled. Arranged in order of drawing number.
'Plans of Airy's Transit Circle', 1848 - 1853
20 drawings on paper originally rolled together and so labelled. Many are in colour. Arranged in order of drawing number.