Box PRESS 3/1/1/104-251
Contains 150 Results:
Moore, E.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
Letter concerning a proposed commentary on a British Museum manuscript of Dante's 'Inferno'.
It was not undertaken in this form.
Mullinger, James Bass: Correspondence with the Press, 1880 - 1885
Letters concerning his 'History of the University of Cambridge'.
It was published in 1873, 1884, 1911.
Munro, J.E.C. and Clark, Edwin Charles: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
Letters on Munro's proposed volume of 'Leading cases in public international law both English and American'.
It was declined.
Naftel, E.L.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882 - 1884
Letter offering his services as an editor first of French and then of German school texts.
Napier, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1885
Letter proposing an edition of Burke's works.
This was declined.
Wilson, R.K.: Correspondence with the Press, 1883
Letter concerning a proposal to publish Colonel Osborn's lectures on 'Mohammedanism in India'.
It was not undertaken.
Paley, F.A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1883 - 1885
Letters concerning Aeschylus' 'Supplices' and 'Choephori'.
They were published in 1883.
Pearman, W.D., Reid, J.S. and Smith, W.F.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882 - 1883
Letters concerning Pearman's edition of Cicero, 'Somnium Scipionis'.
It was published in 1993.
Lumby, Joseph Rawson and Westcott, Brooke Foss: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
They were respectively Norrisian Professor of Divinity and Regius Professor of Divinity.
Letters concerning Sinker's edition of Pearson on the Creed.
It was published in 1883.
Perowne, John James Stewart: Correspondence with the Press, 1882 - 1883
Correspondence concerning the Cambridge Bible for Schools.
Peskett, A.G.: Correspondence with the Press, 1883
Letter proposing an edition of Caesar's Gallic Wars Book VIII.
It was published in 1885.
Philit, C., Rev.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
Letters (two in French) soliciting copies of the Cambridge Greek Testament and the Cambridge Bible for Schools.
Plarr, G.: Correspondence with the Press, 1884
Letter concerning errata in his translation of Tait's 'Elementary treatise on quaternions'.
It was undertaken in 1877.
Plummer, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
Letter concerning a cheque received and Epistles of St John for the Cambridge Bible for Schools.
Postgate, J.P.: Correspondence with the Press, 1883
Letter concerning a publication proposed by Clay.
Pretor, A.: Correspondence with the Press, 1880
Letters concerning a proposed edition of the entire 'Anabasis' of Xenophon.
This was published in 1881.
Pulling, J.L.: Correspondence with the Press, 1883
Letter proposing an 'Essay on the law of possession'.
It was declined.
Quick, R.H.: Correspondence with the Press, 1880 - 1883
Letters concerning his edition of Locke's 'Thoughts on education' [published in 1880] and proposing an edition of Mulcaster's 'Positions' [not undertaken].
Ree, S.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
Letter with a correction to the Minion Crown octavo Parallel New Testament.
Reid, J.S.: Correspondence with the Press, 1880 - 1885
Letters concerning editions of Cicero, 'Pro Archia', 'Pro Balbo', 'De finibus', 'Pro Sulla', 'Laelius', 'Academia', 'De senectute' and 'De amicitia'.
A letter from Oxford University Press concerning a charge of plagiarism in De Amicitia, is included.
Reiff, Dr and Taylor, Henry Martyn: Correspondence with the Press, 1880
Letters concerning Reiff's proposed translation of Lamb's 'Treatise on the mathematical theory of the motion of fluids'.
Harris, J. Rendell: Correspondence with the Press, 1882
Letter proposing a reprint of mathematical examination papers, 1867-82.
Ridgeway, William: Correspondence with the Press, 1880
Letter proposing a 'Manual of Latin orthography', with an outline.
This was accepted.
Roby, H.J.: Correspondence with the Press, 1882 - 1883
Letters proposing an edition of the 'Digest' VII:I and 'An introduction to the study of the Digest'.
This was published in 1884.
Cartmell, J.W.: Correspondence with the Press, 1885
Letter concerning proof-reading for Dr Schlottmann.