Contains 1 Result:
Correspondence relating to officer cadets, 1951 - 1956
Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/SLAV.1.C.4
Scope and Contents
From the Sub-Fonds:
During the Second World War, Russian language courses had been provided in Cambridge for the War Office. In response to the request from the Inter-Services Language Committee that training be continued formally from 1945, the Inter-Services Russian Course for trainee translators and interpreters was organised for officers in all branches of the armed services, who attended on secondment for 6 months. A similar course was offered at London University at the School of Slavonic and East...
1951 - 1956
Conditions Governing Access:
This material is closed to scholars for 80 years from the date of creation under data protection legislation.
Found in:
Cambridge University Library
Cambridge University Archives
Teaching, learning and research records
Archives of the Department of Slavonic Studies
Papers of Professor Elizabeth Hill relating to the Russian language courses provided for the armed services
Papers relating to the Joint Services Russian courses