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History of New Museums, Vol.2, 1868 - 1891

Reference Code: GBR/0265/UA/Hist. of New Museums 2

Scope and Contents


Contents list by J.W. Clark, 1891;

1. Appointment of Syndics to consider tuition in Experimental Physics, 25 Nov. 1868;

2-40. Fittings of the Bird Room, Zoological Museum;

2. Circular asking for subscriptions from the Colleges, n.d.;

3. Letter from Master of Trinity Hall. College gives £20, 13 Jun. 1868;

4. Letter from Master of St. Catharine's College gives £15, 26 Oct. 1868;

5. Letter from Master of Peterhouse. College gives £10, 29 Oct. 1868;

6. Letter from Bursar of Emmanuel. College gives £15, 29 Oct. 1868;

7. Letter from Master of Clare. College gives £30, 30 Oct. 1868;

8. Letter from Master of Christ's. College declines to subscribe, 3 Nov. 1868;

9. Letter from Master of Jesus. College gives £25, 14 Nov. 1868;

10. Letter from Bursar of King's. College gives £50, 24 Nov. 1868;

11. Letter from Bursar of Corpus Christi. College gives £20, 24 Nov. 1868;

12. Letter from George Dawson Rowley, promising £5.5.0, 24 Dec. 1868;

13. Letter from Master of Trinity College, with cheque for £10.10.0, 30 Dec. 1868;

14. Letter from Bursar of Queens'. College gives £15, 16 Jan. 1869;

15. Letter from Duke of Devonshire, Chancellor, promising £20, 28 Jan. 1868;

16. Letter from Professor Selwyn, promising £5.5.0, 12 Mar. 1868;

17. Second Circular, asking for contributions from members of the Senate, 15 Feb. 1868;

18. Letter from Messrs. Sage, on fittings in general, 15 Feb. 1868;

19. Letter from Messrs. Sage, on fittings in general, 18 Feb. 1868;

20. Letter from Messrs. Sage, on fittings in general, 22 Feb. 1868;

21. Letter from Messrs. Sage, on angle-case, 8 May 1868;

22. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Revised list of cases, with cost of each, n.d.;

23. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Specification, Room A, n.d.;

24. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Specification, Room B, n.d.;

25. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Specification, Room C, n.d.;

26. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Specification, Room D, n.d.;

27. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Specification, Room E, n.d.;

28. Letter from Messrs. Sage. Specification, Room F, n.d.;

29. Messrs. Sage's account for cases supplied, £680.8.0, 9 June, 1869;

30. Messrs. Sage's account for cases supplied, £53.12.0, 10 Jul. 1869;

31. Receipts from Messrs. Sage for above accounts; total £744, May-Apr. 1869;

32. Beall's bill for boards, 7/6, 27 May 1869;

33. Beall's receipt for above bill, 10 Jun. 1869;

34. Bradford's bill for stands, £8.14.0, 14 Jun. 1869;

35. Bradford's receipt for above bill, 3 Jul. 1869;

36. Bradford's further bill for same [stands] £0.18.0, 24 Jul. 1869;

37. Bradford's receipt for above bill, 30 Jul. 1869;

38. Baker for mounting and cleaning skins, £33.10.4, 4 Aug. 1869;

39. J. Vail for ironwork, £7.9.7, 20 Oct. 1869;

40. Account of all the receipts and payments, n.d.;

41. Report of Syndicate appointed 25 Nov. 1868 to consider tuition in Experimental Physics, 27 Feb. 1869;

42. Grace for appointment of Syndicate to consider how funds can be obtained for buildings for the teaching of Experimental Physics, and other purposes, 13 May 1869;

43. Messrs. Sage, specification for cabinets and table-case for invertebrates, at estimated cost of £235.11.0, n.d.;

44. Drawing of the case [for invertebrates], n.d.;

45. Grace to authorise purchase of same [case for invertebrates], 9 Oct. 1869;

46. Grace to authorise purchase of case for Forbes Young collection in Geological Museum (£95.0.0), 9 Oct. 1869;

47. Report of Syndicate appointed 13 May, 29 Mar. 1870;

48. Antiquarian Society to meet in New Museums, 31 Mar. 1870;

49. Entomological Society to meet in New Museums, 31 Mar. 1870

50. Amended report of Physical Science Syndicate, appointed 13 May, 31 May 1870;

51. Attendant to be appointed to do menial work in Chemical Laboratory, 8 Jun. 1870;

52. Report of Museums Syndicate on condition of roof of Museum of Comparative Anatomy. They recommend that Mr Salvin's offer to pay £135 be accepted, and that the work be entrusted to Mr Gray, Builder, Cambridge, 17 Jun. 1870;

53. Grace to confirm this report [no.52], 23 Jun. 1870;

54. Grace to allow Michael Foster, Trinity College, Praelector in Physiology, to lecture in the New Museums, 23 Jun. 1870;

55. Vice-Chancellor announces offer of Duke of Devonshire to build a Physical Laboratory, 13 Oct. 1870;

56. Report of Museum and Lecture Rooms Syndicate recommending that wages of Assistant in Department of Zoology be raised to £70 a year, and that an assistant be allowed at £1 per week, 23 Jan. 1871;

57. Grace to confirm the Report dated 23 Jan., 16 Feb. 1871;

58. Duplicate works on Natural Science to be deposited by Library Syndicate at New Museums, 16 Feb. 1871;

59. Letter from W.G. Clark (Trinity College) on accommodation for Michael Foster, 1 Feb. 1871;

60. Messrs. Sage: estimate for cases for Museum of Zoology, 14 Feb. 1871;

61. Specification for same [cases for Museum of Zoology], 14 Feb. 1871;

62. Drawing [of cases for Museum of Zoology], 14 Feb. 1871;

63. Announcement by Vice-Chancellor of bequest of £1000 by Joseph Gedge, M.B. of Gonville and Caius College to fund a Physiological Prize, 1 Mar. 1871;

64. Appointment of Syndicate to consider site for a building for Experimental Physics, obtain plans, etc. (Grace), 2 Mar. 1871;

65. Office of Superintendent to be continued for a second period of 5 years, at stipend of £150. (Grace), 16 Mar. 1871;

66. Four cases to be ordered for Museum of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, at cost of £188.9.0. (Grace), 16 Mar. 1871;

67. Permission from Inland Revenue Office to distil methylated spirit, 10 Mar. 1871;

68. Grace to authorise purchase of house in Free School Lane, the property of Reverend W. Gee, 30 Mar. 1871;

69. Notice by Vice-Chancellor of day of election of Superintendent, 18 Apr. 1871;

70. Circular by J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), announcing himself a candidate [for Superintendent], 20 Apr. 1871;

71. Vice-Chancellor's notice of lecture by W. B. Carpenter M.D., 11 May 1871;

72. Amended notice of this [Vice-Chancellor on lecture by W.B. Carpenter M.D.], 12 May 1871;

73. Grace to extend time of reporting of Syndicate, appointed 2 March 1871, to consider site and building for Experimental Physics, 17 Jun. 1871;

74. Report of Physical Buildings Syndicate, 18 Nov. 1871;

75. Vice-Chancellor's notice that plans of the proposed new buildings for Experimental Physics may be seen in Fitzwilliam Museum, 21 Nov. 1871;

76. Grace to confirm report [no.75], 30 Nov. 1871;

77. Report of Physical Buildings Syndicate on tenders, 1 Mar. 1872;

78. Grace to confirm this report [no.77], 12 Mar. 1872;

79. Grace to seal contract with Messrs. Loveday, 11 Apr. 1872;

80. Grace to purchase house in Free School Lane belonging to Mr J.W. Sharp, for £800, 10 May 1872;

81. Report of Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate on additional accommodation for Physiology and Zoology, 25 Oct. 1872;

81a. First draft of Dr Foster's letter and J.W. Clark's remarks on it, 18 Oct. 1872;

82. Grace to confirm this report [no.81], and to authorise the Syndicate to consider the scheme suggested, and the sources whence funds may be obtained, 21 Nov. 1872;

83. Notice of non-placet (Grace carried out by 69 placet to 16 non-placet.), 21 Nov. 1872;

84. Fly sheet in favour, by J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), 21 Nov. 1872;

85. List of subscribers with the amount subscribed, to the Gedge Memorial, 1872;

86. Messrs. Sage, account for case supplied for this purpose, 23 Dec. 1872;

87. Mr Gray, Builder, for plinth, Feb. 1873;

88. Letter from Professor Rolleston (Oxford University) to Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University on the position and requirements of Biology, 7 May 1873;

88a. Report of Captain Shaw, on danger of fire in University Buildings, 19 Jul. 1873;

89. Copies of letters between Miss Strickland, Mrs Strickland, and her lawyers, on next subject, Jul.-Nov. 1873;

90. Letter from Miss Strickland's solicitors, proposing to endow a curatorship for the Strickland Collection; with "Suggestions" with reference to the object and duties of proposed Curator, 11 Nov. 1873;

90a. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Professor Newton, with his reply, 12 Nov. 1873;

91. Draft regulations (for use of Council of Senate), 8 Dec. 1873;

92. Messrs. Sage: estimate for proposed wall-case for Bird Room, 4 Nov. 1874;

93. Estimate of cost of Cabinets for Bird Room (Henry Burridge), 12 Jan. 1875;

94. Comparison (by O. Salvin, M.A. Trinity Hall) of Burridge's estimate with Sage's, n.d.;

95. Cost of proposed additions to cabinets and cases. By the same [Salvin], n.d.;

96. Salvin to Mr Sage, inquiring cost of wall cases, etc., 15 Jan. 1875;

97. Sage to J.W. Clark in reply, 16 Jan. 1875;

98. J.W. Clark to Sage: orders case, 20 Mar. 1875;

99. [No item with this number]

100. Sage's bill for those cases [no.99], 31 May 1875;

101. Sage supplementing bill for plinth, 21 May 1875;

102. Appendix to Report of Additional Buildings Syndicate, Dec. 1874-May 1875;

103. [No item with this number];

104. Messrs. Sage: on cost of show-case, 25 Nov. 1875;

105. Messrs. Sage: estimate for same [show-case], 24 Dec. 1875;

106. Drawing of the case, 25 Dec. 1875;

107. Letter addressed by J.W. Clark M.A. Superintendent, to the Vice-Chancellor, on the duties, salary, etc. of his office, 24 Feb. 1876;

107a. Report of W.M. Fawcett, architect, on proposed alteration of rooms occupied by Mr M. Foster, 9 May 1876;

108. D.O. Boyd: report on warming and ventilating the new buildings, 25 Nov. 1876;

109. D.O. Boyd: tabular statement on the new buildings, 25 Nov. 1876;

110. D.O. Boyd: specification and estimate for the new buildings, 6 Dec. 1876;

111. Report by G.H. Morgan (Jesus College) and J.W. Clark (Trinity College) on a visit paid to certain board-schools in London where Boyd's system was in working order, 2 Dec. 1876;

112. Report of Syndicate on difference respecting lights with a Mr Southward, who owned property in Corn Exchange Street. [The Council were nervous about circulating this Report and it never saw the light. The consequence was that the University purchased Mr Southward's house. He was a bully and a coward, and would never have taken action against the University. J.W.C.], 11 Dec. 1876;

113. Report of Syndicate on substitution of concrete for slate on the roof of the new buildings, 1 Feb. 1877;

114. Report of Council recommending appointment of a Curator in Zoology with stipend of £100, 7 May 1877;

115. Boyd's estimate for warming and ventilating the new buildings, 7 May 1877;

116. Report of Syndicate on warming new buildings at cost of £745.3.5, 12 May 1877;

117. Report of Syndicate on cost of gas and water. £195 and £348, 26 May 1877;

118. Report of Syndicate on necessary fittings, 8 Dec. 1877;

119. Letter of J.W. Clark, M.A. (Superintendent), to the University Commissioners, 30 Dec. 1877;

120. Messrs. Sommerville and Smith: estimate for cases, 21 Jan. 1878;

121. Messrs. Sommerville and Smith: specification, 21 Jan. 1878;

121a. Messrs. Drew, Hatton Garden: specification, 11 Feb. 1878;

122. Mr Tompkins. Report on old Anatomical Museum, 23 Feb. 1878;

123. Similar report [to 122], 25 Feb. 1878;

124. Report of Syndicate recommending: (1) that balance due from maintenance fund (£249.1.6) be charged to Chest; (2) new cases for Bird Room in Museum of Zoology; (3) alteration of Department of Botany to form Museum; (4) to throw the two rooms in the South front into one; (5) to build a workshop for the Department of Mechanism; (6) on the provision of funds. [Confirmed 6 Jun.], 10 May 1878;

125. Letters from Mr Fawcett, enclosing opinion of Mr Baldwin Latham on concrete, 27 May 1878;

126. Mr Baldwin Latham on the use of gault-bricks, 31 May 1878;

127. Fly sheet of Professor Newton against throwing the two rooms into one, 4 Jun. 1878;

128. Fly sheet of J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), in reply [to Professor Newton in no.127], 5 Jun. 1878;

129. Letter of Mr Baldwin Latham to W.M. Fawcett on stability of new building, 9 Jun. 1878;

129a. Report of Syndicate, giving history of construction of new building, 24 Oct. 1878;

130. Messrs. Sommerville and Smith: estimate for table-case, 2 Nov. 1878;

131. Drawing of the case, n.d.;

132. Report of Syndicate on expenditure for mechanical workshops, 16 Nov. 1878;

133. Messrs Sommerville and Smith: estimate for cabinets to stand on drawers in Bird Room, 15 Jan. 1879;

134. Circular issued by order of Syndicate on state of the Maintenance Fund, 12 Mar. 1879;

135. Memorial by Syndicate to Commissioners, 14 Feb. 1880;

136. Report of Syndicate on state of repair of Museum of Human Anatomy, Feb. 1880;

137. Report of Syndicate on cases for Bird Room, and purchase of apparatus for Chemical Laboratory, Feb. 1880;

138. Report of auditors on Professor Stuart's workshop, 30 Apr. 1880;

139. Offer by Mr Vail to attend to furnaces for £80 per annum, 11 Sep. 1880;

140. Report of Syndicate recommending that £3000 instead of £2000 be allowed for Maintenance Fund, 19 Oct. 1880;

141. Report of Syndicate on attendant in Cavendish Laboratory. His stipend to be £80 per annum, and the house to be used henceforth as a Porter's Lodge, 19 Oct. 1880;

142. Estimate of Messrs. Johnstone and Jeanes for books, 22 Oct. 1880;

143. Report of Syndicate on differences between the University and Messrs. Bell, contractors for the new buildings, 2 Nov. 1880;

144. Report of Syndicate on (1) addition to Workshop; (2) estimated cost of cases in Bird Room, 4 Dec. 1880;

145. Report of Messrs. Tompkins, Builders, on proposed alterations in Porters' Lodge at Cavendish Laboratory, 13 Dec. 1880;

146. Memorandum by Coutts Trotter, M.A. (Trinity College), on expenditure out of Maintenance Fund, 14 Dec. 1880;

147. Circular of Secretary to Syndicate enclosing above Memorandum [by Coutts Trotter on expenditure out of Maintenance Fund], 14 Dec. 1880;

148. Professor Stuart on the wants of his department, 29 Jan. 1881;

149. Professor Stuart on the wants of his department, 12 Feb. 1881;

150. Professor Newton on fire and theft, 14 Feb. 1881;

151. Memorandum of Sub-syndicate and Committee of Council of Cambridge Philosophical Society on transfer of the Society's Library to the University, 16 Feb. 1881;

152. Memorandum of Syndicate, giving the conditions of transfer in an amended form, 8 Mar. 1881;

153. Report of Council of the Society to the Society, 8 Mar. 1881;

154. Minutes of Library Syndicate, 9 Mar. 1881;

155. Professor Stuart on cost of desks (see above, no.142), 28 Feb. 1881;

156. Professor Stuart on cost of show-case, 14 Mar. 1881;

157. Report of Syndicate on cost of desks, 15 Mar. 1881;

158. Messrs. Johnstone and Jeanes on desks, 8 Apr. 1881;

159. Letter of Professor Newton to Vice-Chancellor on behalf of Cambridge Philosophical Society offering the Library, 9 May 1881;

160. Report of Syndicate recommending that the cost of curtain fittings and alterations amounting to £340.17.2, be charged to Building Fund, with confirming Grace 2 June, 10 May 1881;

161. Report of Syndicate recommending that offer of Philosophical Society be accepted, 13 May 1881;

162. Boyd on warming of Cavendish Laboratory, 23 May 1881;

163. Plan of this [Boyd's warming of Cavendish Laboratory], 23 May 1881;

164. Report of Syndicate on offer of Library (amended): with confirming Grace 2 June, 24 May 1881;

165. Report of Syndicate on warming Cavendish Laboratory according to Boyd's plan: confirmed 9 June, 24 May 1881;

166. Report of Syndicate on book cases for Philosophical Library confirmed 16 June, 7 Jun. 1881;

167. Estimate of Waterworks Company on precautions against fire, 10 Jun. 1881;

168. Letter from Messrs. Loveday and Mr Champneys on wood floors in Divinity School, 28 Sep. 1881;

169. Letter from Messrs. Loveday and Mr Champneys on wood floors in Divinity School, 1 Oct. 1881;

170. Letter from Messrs. Loveday and Mr Champneys on wood floors in Divinity School, 4 Oct. 1881;

171. Report of Syndicate on estimated cost of bookcases for Philosophical Library, confirmed 10 Nov, 18 Oct. 1881;

172. Rules for Philosophical Library, 28 Oct. 1881;

173. Professor Stuart: estimate for Strickland bookcase £38, 11 Nov. 1881;

174. Report of Syndicate on an extension of Professor Stuart's workshops: confirmed 15 December, 2 Dec. 1881;

175. Messrs. Tompkins: specifications and estimate for building Morphological Laboratory, 23 Mar. 1882;

176. Messrs. Favell and Ellis: estimate for cleaning windows at Divinity School, 30 Mar. 1882;

177. Report of Syndicate, recommending building of Morphological Laboratory, at cost of £1500, confirmed 11 May, 28 Apr. 1882;

178. Report on warming new building and Professor Stuart's workshops. [This report was mislaid at the Press, and never issued. It was subsequently incorporated in a Report dated 16 Jan. 1883. J.W.C.] 6 Jun. 1882;

179. Mr Boyd on ventilation etc. of Morphological Laboratory, 6 Jul. 1882;

180. Messrs. Tompkins: estimate for balance-room for Professor Liveing - £15, 11 Sep. 1882;

181. Circular of Syndicate on expenditure, 18 Oct. 1882;

182. Circular respecting Memorial to Professor F.M. Balfour, 24 Oct. 1882;

183. Report of meeting for the above purpose [memorial to Professor F.M. Balfour] held 21 Oct. 1882;

184. Professor Stuart on the needs of his department, 3 Nov. 1882;

185. Estimate by Messrs. Tompkins of cost of transferring windows of Professor Babington's private room from west to east wall, 1 Nov. 1882;

186. Messrs. Tompkins on proposed attractions in Physiological Laboratory, 20 Nov. 1882;

187. Messrs. Tompkins on ceiling of Bird Room, 20 Nov. 1882;

188. Messrs. Tompkins on proposed alterations in Cavendish Laboratory, 27 Nov. 1882;

189. Report of the Syndicate on the Maintenance Fund, recommending that the balance due for the Fund (£804.16.5) be charged to Chest, confirmed 1 Feb. 1883, 20 Nov. 1882;

190. Report of the Syndicate on cost of Morphological Laboratory; on warming of that and Professor Stuart's workshops, and on coast of balance room. Confirmed Feb. 1883, 16 Jan. 1883;

191. [No item with this number];

192. Report of Syndicate on appliances for extinction of fire at New Museums. Confirmed 15 February 1883, 31 Jan. 1883;

193. Report of Syndicate on alterations in Cavendish Laboratory; Professor Babington's private room; ceiling of Bird Room. Confirmed Mar. 1883, 13 Feb. 1883;

194. Estimate of Professor Stuart for bookcases in Divinity School, 23 Feb. 1883;

195. Report of Syndicate, recommending new Rules for the Strickland Curator. Confirmed 15 Mar. 1883, 9 Mar. 1883;

196. Memorandum of Syndicate on creation of a Museums Reserve Fund, 15 Mar. 1883;

197. Information from different departments appended to report of General Board of Studies, 11 Jun. 1883;

197a. Syndicate appointed to obtain plans for Geological Museum and Chemical Laboratory, 23 Jun. 1883;

198. Professor Stuart on bookcases for Divinity School, 18 Jul. 1883;

198a. J.W. Clark, M. A. (Trinity College), added to Geological Museum and Chemical Laboratory Syndicate, 13 Dec. 1883;

199. Messrs. Tompkins: estimate for new classroom for Botany, 12 Feb. 1884;

200. Mr Boyd: warming-apparatus for this [new classroom for Botany], 12 Feb. 1884;

200a. [No item with this number];

201. Professor Stuart on balance due to him for case in Zoological Museum, 15 Feb. 1884;

202. Messrs Tompkins: estimate for partition in old Anatomical Buildings, 16 Feb. 1884;

203. Professor Stuart: estimate for drawers and cabinet, 18 Feb. 1884;

204. Report of Syndicate on proposed extensions of Department of Mechanism and Botany. Confirmed 20 Mar. 1884, 19 Feb. 1884;

205. Professor Stuart: estimate for showcase, 3 Mar. 1884;

206. Offer by Mr Lyon to construct new Biological Laboratory, 10 May 1884;

207. Mr Fawcett on proposed new building for Physiology, 20 May 1884;

208. Messrs. Tompkins: estimate for cases in Comparative Anatomy Museum and Library, 9 Jun. 1884;

209. Proof of flysheet issued by Huddleston (King's College), Mollison (Clare College) and R.D. Roberts (Clare College) against employment of a Professor of the University to erect University buildings, 12 Jun. 1884;

210. Professor Stuart: corrected estimate for case in Bird Room, 6 Jul. 1884;

211. Report of Syndicate, recommending loan from University for purchase of microscopes, 15 Nov. 1884;

211a. Discussion of this report [no.211], 28 Nov. 1884;

212. Circular of Marine Biological Association, 6 Dec. 1884;

213. Professor Stuart: estimate for cases in Bird Room, 8 Dec. 1884;

213a. Reappointment of Geological Museum and Chemical Laboratory Syndicate, 11 Dec. 1884;

214. Letter from Professor Liveing to J.W. Clark on fees, 21 Dec. 1884;

214a. Similar letter to 214 [from Professor Liveing to J.W. Clark on fees], 22 Dec. 1884;

214b. Similar letter to 214 [from Professor Liveing to J.W. Clark on fees], 26 Dec. 1884;

215. Description of the plans for new Chemical Laboratory, 23 Dec. 1884;

216. Report by Professor Stuart on construction of new classrooms for Elementary Biology (above Mineralogical Museum), 20 Jan. 1885;

216a. Report of the Geological Museum and Chemical Laboratory Syndicate, 10 Feb. 1885;

216b. Discussion of Report of Chemical Laboratory and Geological Museum Syndicate, 13 Feb. 1885;

217. Mr Fawcett on proposed extension of Department of Physiology, 14 Feb. 1885;

217a. Communication of Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate to Council of Senate on their Secretary's salary, 17 Feb. 1885;

218. Mr J.J. Stevenson on new buildings for Elementary Biology, 19 Feb. 1885;

218a. His [J.J. Stevenson's] receipts for £15.5.0, 19 Feb. 1885;

219. Report of Syndicate on: (1) cost of new building for Mechanism; (2) cost and construction of new Biological Laboratory, with letter from Professor Stuart, on Mr Stevenson's report, 24 Feb. 1885;

220. Report of Syndicate on proposed extension of buildings for Physiology, 3 Mar. 1885;

221. Mr Sindall: estimate for partition in Dr Hills' room, 3 Mar. 1885;

222. Letter from Reverend C. Trotter (Trinity College) to Vice-Chancellor on taking over the Mechanical Workshops, 11 Mar. 1885;

222a. Amended report of Geological Museum and Chemical Laboratory Syndicate, with Grace to confirm (15 May), 29 Apr. 1885;

222aa. Report of Syndicate, recommending: (1) erection of new buildings for Professor Foster; (2) erection of a Biological Laboratory and Department of Mineralogy; (3) creation of a microscope fund, 24 May 1884;

222aaa. Discussion of this [no.222aa.], 30 May 1884;

222b. Report of Syndicate asking for authority to accept tender to build Chemical Laboratory, 8 Jun. 1885;

223. Messrs. Slater on alterations to warming apparatus in Cavendish Laboratory and Museum of Zoology, 6 Jul. 1885;

224. Messrs. Slater: estimate of cost; at Cavendish Laboratory, Jul. 1885;

225. Messrs. Slater: estimate of cost at Museum of Zoology, n.d.;

226 (1). Minute of Sub-syndicate, 17 Jun. 1885;

226 (2). Letter to Messrs Slater, 17 Jun. 1885;

226 (3). Minute of Sub-syndicate after reading Messrs. Slater's report dated 6 Jul. [nos.223-5], Aug. 1885;

226 (4). Draft letters to Messrs. Slater, 1 Aug. 1885;

226 (5). Messrs. Slater to J.W. Clark, 9 Aug. 1885;

226 (6). J.W. Clark to Messrs. Slater, 12 Aug. 1885;

226 (7). Messrs. Slater to J.W. Clark, 14 Aug. 1885;

226 (8). J.W. Clark to Messrs. Slater, 17 Aug. 1885;

226 (9). Messrs. Slater to J. W. Clark, 26 Oct. 1885;

226 (10). Messrs. Slater to J.W. Clark, 2 Nov. 1885;

226 (11). Report of Professor Stuart on work done by Messrs. Slater, 10 Nov. 1885;

226 (12). J.W. Clark to Messrs. Slater, 17 Nov. 1885;

227. Professor Stuart: estimate for case, 16 Oct. 1885;

228. Professor Stuart: estimate for case in Botanical Museum, 24 Nov. 1885;

229. Drawing of the case [in Botanical Museum], 24 Nov. 1885;

230. Messrs. Sage: estimate for same [case in Botanical Museum], 2 Dec. 1885;

231. Drawing of the case [in Botanical Museum], 2 Dec. 1885;

232-6. Temporary dissecting-room for Human Anatomy, 1885-6;

232. Messrs. Watson, Glasgow, estimate: £275, 3 Nov. 1885;

233. Croggon and Co. London: £295, 13 Nov. 1885;

234. Croggon and Co. London: drawings of rooms built by them, n.d.;

235. Croggon and Co. London: specifications, n.d.;

236. Mr Sindall: estimate for W. C., 5 Feb. 1886;

237. Department of Botany: want of space, 26 Feb. 1886;

238. Report of Syndicate on want of additional buildings for Physiology, 9 Mar. 1886;

239. Mr Sindall: estimate for room on roof of Comparative Anatomy building, 21 May 1886;

240. Messrs. Slater: estimate for proper heating of Cavendish Laboratory, 7 Jun. 1886;

241. Messrs. Slater: letter to Secretary of Syndicate, 9 Jun. 1886;

242. Messrs. Slater: detailed estimate [for proper heating of Cavendish Laboratory], 7 Jun. 1886;

243. Report of Syndicate: recommending that cost of appliances against fire (£97.1.8) be charged to Reserve Fund. (This report was never circulated.), 2 Nov. 1886;

244. Mr Tindall: estimate for classroom for Professor Foster; on east side of Museum of Comparative Anatomy, 6 Nov. 1886;

245. Report of Syndicate: recommending (1) that cost of appliances against fire be charged to Reserve Fund; (2) that a classroom be built for Professor Foster, 9 Nov. 1886;

246. Letters from Mr Bond on the warming of the Cavendish Laboratory, 3 Dec. 1886-21 Feb. 1887

247. Vice-Chancellor Taylor to Secretary of Museum Syndicate on the proprietor of the "Merry Boys" tavern next the Divinity School (he had displayed certain advertisements on the wall next to the Divinity School), 26 Jan. 1887;

248. Dr Westcott (Regius Professor of Divinity) on this [no.247], 26 Jan. 1887;

249. J.M. Francis (Solicitor to the University) on this [no.247], 11 Feb. 1887;

250. Circular of Syndicate on state of Maintenance Fund, 22 Feb. 1887;

251. Estimate of Scientific Instrument Company for case to contain Foraminifera presented by H. B. Brady, 7 Mar. 1887;

252. Report of Fire Syndicate, 18 Mar. 1887;

252a. Professor J.J. Thomson on warming of Cavendish Laboratory, 16 May 1887;

253. Statement of Botanical Department on want of a classroom, 26 May 1887;

253a. Professor Geikie: measurements of Jermyn Street Museum, 29 Apr. 1887;

254. Mr Sindall's estimate for constructing this [Jermyn Street Museum], 6 Jun. 1887;

255. Mr Sindall's estimate for repairs required in Morphological Laboratory, constructed by Mechanical Department, 22 Jun. 1887;

256. Mr Sindall: estimate of dilapidations at Nos. 11, 12 Free School Lane, 21 Jan. 1888;

257. Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. Estimate for altering table-case in Museum of Zoology, 20 Feb. 1888;

258. Mr Tindall, estimate for skylights in gallery of same [Zoology] Museum, 22 Feb. 1888;

259. Report of Building Sites Syndicate, with plan, 5 Mar. 1888;

260. Professor Lewis on the construction of the roof of his Museum, 8 Mar. 1888;

261-3. Mr Boyd on the warming-apparatus in the Cavendish Laboratory and elsewhere, which had been altered by Messrs. Slater, 2-4 Jun. 1888;

264. Report of the Council of the Senate on the Geological Museum, 11 Jun. 1888;

265. Mr Sindall on proposed alterations to Old Chemical Laboratory. On this estimate the Report of the Syndicate dated 20 Oct. 1888, recommending the conversion of the Old Chemical Laboratory into a Pathological Laboratory, was based. Reports, 1888-9, p.102. It was confirmed by the Senate 8 Nov. (Ibid. p.165), Oct. 1888;

265a. Report of Syndicate on alterations to boiler in South West corner of Museums, 20 Nov. 1888;

266. Draft statement by Syndicate to General Board of Studies, 4 Dec. 1888;

266a. Report of Syndicate recommending (1) £200 to be spent on apparatus for Pathological Laboratory; (2) wages to Thomas Metcalfe and the boys in the Physiological Laboratory, 29 Jan. 1889;

267. Report of Financial Board on cost of Chemical Laboratory, 11 Feb. 1889;

268. Professor Newton to the Syndicate on the plans for the new buildings for Anatomy and Physiology, 18 Feb. 1889;

269. Report of Syndicate, recommending that they be authorised to obtain tenders for those buildings, 19 Feb. 1889;

269a. Report of Syndicate, detailing result of a conference with the Financial Board, and recommending that they be authorised to have the quantities taken out for the 3 blocks of building mentioned in their reports dated 19 Feb. 1889 and to invite tenders; with Grace to confirm 9 May, 30 Apr. 1889;

269b. Report of Syndicate recommending (1) that £185 be spent on warming-apparatus for Pathological Laboratory; (2) that £104.10.9. for extras in this Laboratory be charged to Reserve Fund. Confirmed 23 May, 30 Apr. 1889;

270. Tender of John Bentley, £14,791, 1 Jun. 1889;

271. Tender of Claridge and Bloxham, £14,428, 31 May 1889;

272. Tender of Law and King, £14,250, 31 May 1889;

273. Tender of Luscombe and Son, £14,500, 31 May 1889;

274. Tender of W. Sindall, £12,400, 1 Jun. 1889;

275. Messrs. Favell and Ellis. Estimate for cleaning windows in Chemical Laboratory, 22 Aug. 1889;

276. Report of the Mechanical Workshops Syndicate, 15 Jun. 1889;

277. Report of New Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate, 22 Nov. 1889;

278. Leave from Town Clerk to put guttering between the Corn Exchange and the new buildings for Human Anatomy, 13 Dec. 1889;

279. Report of Syndicate on: (1) alterations in Chemical Laboratory (£35.16.11) to be charged to Reserve Fund; (2) ditto warming-apparatus £35.3.4; (3) £400 for maintenance of Chemical Laboratory to be made for year ending 31 Dec. 1890 (confirmed 27 Feb. 1890), 4 Feb. 1890;

280. Memorandum from Mechanical Workshops Inquiry Syndicate asking for fresh powers, 12 May 1890;

281. Report of Mechanical Workshops Inquiry Syndicate, 31 May 1890;

282. Discussion of this [no.281], 7 Jun. 1890;

283. Report of Museums Syndicate on expenditure to be charged to Reserve Fund, 28 Oct. 1890;

284. Report of Museums Syndicate on fire-proof room, 11 Nov. 1890;

285. Report of General Board of Studies on request of Mr J.W. Clark, Superintendent, to be allowed to appoint Mr J.J. Lister (St John's College) as his assistant, 4 Feb. 1891;

286. Offer of Professor Newton's portrait: with Grace to confirm, 7 Feb. 1891;

287. Report of Mechanical Workshops Inquiry Syndicate, 9 Feb. 1891;

288. Report of Museums Syndicate, asking for leave to spend £1450 on fittings in new buildings for Anatomy and Physiology, 10 Feb. 1891;

289. Report of General Board of Studies on fees in Mechanical Workshops, 16 Feb. 1891;

290. Report of Perse School Buildings Syndicate, 20 Feb. 1891;

291. Discussion of this [no290], 5 Mar. 1891;

292. Duties of Under-Porter, 2 Mar. 1891;

293. Report of Mechanical Workshops Inquiry Syndicate, 13 Mar. 1891;

294. Amended Report of Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate on a fire-proof room, 28 Apr. 1891;

295. Report of Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate on increase in expenditure occasioned by new buildings for Human Anatomy and Physiology. Additional grant of £400 suggested, 28 Apr. 1891;

296. Report of Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate on proposed new buildings in various departments, 12 May 1891;

296a. Discussion of this [no.296], 28 May 1891;

297. Report of Museums and Lecture Rooms Syndicate on fittings for room for Medieval and Modern Languages, and Classical Studies, 26 May 1891;

298. Report of Geological Museum Site Syndicate, with Grace to confirm, 30 May 1891;

298a. Discussion of this [no.298], n.d.;

299. Report of General Board of Studies on teaching in Chemical Laboratory, 3 Jun. 1891;

300. Discussion of this [no.299], 10 Jun. 1891;

301. Report of Syndicate on extras for new buildings for Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9 Jun. 1891;

302. T.M. Francis (University Solicitor) on Messrs. Bell's liability for the fire in the Bird Room, 28 Dec. 1891.


  • Creation: 1868 - 1891


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1998-03-20 15:27:14+00:00

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