History of New Museums, Vol.1, 1716 - 1867
Scope and Contents
Contents list by John Willis Clark, 1891;
*Notes on the first Professor of Anatomy and his successors, 11 June 1707-11 March 1735 compiled late nineteenth century;
1. History of the New Museums. From the Architectural History of the University of Cambridge. Vol iii. pp. 145-190;
2. Grace to assign the Old Press for lectures in Chemistry and Anatomy, 10 Oct. 1716;
3. Grace authorising repairs of furnace in Chemical Laboratory, 27 Oct. 1767;
4.... Syndics appointed to build rooms in the Botanic Garden for the Professor of Botany and the Jacksonian Professor, 26 May 1784;
5. Minute stating that the S.E. corner of the garden is a proper place, 3 Dec. 1784;
6. £200 allowed for repairs of the Anatomical School, 27 Apr. 1786;
7. £200 allowed in addition for the new building in the Botanic Garden, 9 Mar. 1787;
8. £120 additional allowed for repairs of the Anatomical School, 23 May 1787;
9. Report of Syndics appointed to consider the means proper to be adopted for building a Museum for the Woodwardian Collection, 14 Mar. 1821;
10. Report of Syndics appointed to consider the accommodation of Anatomy, 18 Feb. 1832;
11. Report, recommending Mr Humfrey's plan, 31 Mar. 1832;
12. Grace to authorise expenditure of £2500 on Chemistry and Anatomy, 6 Apr. 1832;
13. Grace to authorise expenditure of £600 on two additional rooms, one of which is to be used for Mineralogy (rejected), 6 Apr. 1832;
14. Minute of the Syndics, accepting Fromont's tender, 25 June 1832;
15. Mr Humfrey's report on the Anatomical School submitted to Senate, 24 June 1833;
16. Plan of the Botanic Garden, 1838;
17. Notice of Grace to appoint Syndicate to consider: (1) what use can be made of the Old Botanic Garden; (2) what steps can be taken to erect new Museums and Lecture Rooms, 13 Dec. 1852;
18. Grace nominating Syndicate, 2 Feb. 1853;
19. Report of Syndicate on [no.17] (1), 17 Mar. 1853;
20. Further reports on [no.17] (1), 25 Oct. 1853;
21. First draft of report on [no.17] (2), corrected by Dean Peacock, 17 Dec. 1853;
22. Letters from Dean Peacock to Professor Willis, 21-26 Dec. 1853;
23. Letter from Professor Clark to Professor Willis, 22 Dec. 1853;
24. Letter from Professor Stokes to Professor Willis, 24 Dec. 1853;
25. Letter from Professor Cumming to Professor Willis, 24 Dec. 1853;
26. Letter from Professor Henslow to Professor Willis, 24 Dec. 1853;
27. Report of Syndicate, 31 Dec. 1853;
28. Grace authorising Syndicate to confer with Mr. Salvin, 8 Feb. 1854;
29. Dr Cookson to Mr Salvin, 9 Feb. 1854;
30. Circular by Professor Willis to the scientific Professors, asking for particulars of accommodation required, 17 Feb. 1854;
31. Description of Salvin's plans, by Professor Willis, 17 Feb. 1854;
32. Report of Syndicate, stating that the building will cost £23,166, and suggesting means to raise funds, 20 May 1854;
33. Circular of Vice-Chancellor to Colleges, informing them which Colleges have subscribed towards the erection of Museums, 30 May 1854;
33a. Grace to allow £50 for an increase in the cases in the Museum of Anatomy, 22 Apr. 1858;
34. Grace to authorise Property Syndicate to inquire into funds available for building museums, 22 Nov. 1860;
35. Grace allowing time for Syndicate to report to end of Lent term, 2 Feb. 1861;
36. Report of Syndicate, 16 Mar. 1861;
37. Report of Council of the Senate, proposing scheme for a Building Fund, 19 Apr. 1861;
38. Flysheet against [no.37] scheme by J. Rigg (Christ's College) and W.M. Gunson (Christ's College), Dr Cartmell (Christ's College) concurring, 22 Apr. 1861;
39. Flysheet (anonymous) respecting Library funds, 22 Apr. 1861;
40. Graces to confirm the [no.37] scheme, 22 Apr. 1861;
41. Report of Council proposing supplemental scheme [to that of no.37], 29 Apr. 1861;
42. Report of Council, advocating purchase of Mr Gee's house, 2 Dec. 1861;
43. 43a-h. Nine letters of Salvin and Dr Cookson to Professor Willis on plans, 22 Nov.-19 Dec. 1861;
44. Report of Syndicate advocating a scheme for a new design by Salvin; with Professor Willis' description of the plan, 16 Dec. 1861;
45. Salvin to Professor Willis, 6 Jan. 1862;
46. Professor Selwyn to Professor Willis. The Divinity Professors have not been consulted, 22 Jan. 1862;
47. Professor Willis in reply [to Professor Selwyn], 23 Jan. 1862;
48. Statement of the Divinity Professors, 17 Feb. 1862;
49. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis on general dislike of the design, 19 Feb. 1862;
50. The statement of the Divinity Professors [no.48] in print, 19 Feb. 1862;
51. Report of Syndicate thereon, 27 Feb. 1862;
52. Reply of the Professors, 4 Mar. 1862;
53. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis, 5 Mar. 1862;
54. Professor Babington to Professor Willis: general feeling against the scheme, 12 Mar. 1862;
55. Discussion in the Arts School, 15 Mar. 1862;
56. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Report referred back to the Syndicate, on their decision, 19 Mar. 1862;
57. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Nature of suggested changes to be notified to Salvin, 21 Mar. 1862;
58. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. Salvin absent: will see to amended design, 22 Mar. 1862;
59. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis: suggests a third storey, 24 Mar. 1862;
60. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis: encloses a draft report, 25 Mar. 1862;
61. Professor Willis to Dr. Cookson. A third storey would make no difference in cost, and would offer great difficulties in arrangement, 25 Mar. 1862;
62. Professor Babington to Dr. Cookson: encloses document no.63, and urges a third storey, 26 Mar. 1862;
63. Statement of the scientific Professors in favour of the design, with autograph signatures, 26 Mar. 1862;
64. The same [no.63] in print;
65. Salvin about to send an amended design. Account of this, 27 Mar. 1862;
66. Report of Syndicate, recommending that tenders be obtained, 27 Mar. 1862;
67. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Grace to be brought forward on Apr. 4, 28 Mar. 1862;
68. W. G. Clark (Trinity College) to Dr. Cookson. Urges a third storey, 29 Mar. 1862;
69. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Is canvassing for Grace; urges him to come down, 2 Apr. 1862;
70. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Grace carried by 74-14, 4 Apr. 1862;
71. Salvin to Professor Willis. Delight at victory, 5 Apr. 1862;
72. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Syndicate wishes tenders to be obtained at once, 6 Apr. 1862;
73. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. Will see to the matter, 7 Apr. 1862;
74. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Is coming to London, 17 Apr. 1862;
75. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Sub-syndicate to meet on May 1st, to receive Salvin and Professor Willis, 28 Apr. 1862;
76. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. Names of firms to be asked to tender, 29 Apr. 1862;
77. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Sub-syndicate to meet at 10:30. 30 Apr. 1862;
78. Minute of Sub-syndicate on specifications of contract, and on builders to be applied to, 1 May 1862;
79. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. The 3 builders selected will prepare tenders. 2 May 1862;
80. Salvin to Dr Cookson. Wants Rowe's report on drainage of the ground, 3 May 1862;
81. Vice-Chancellor Phillips to Professor Willis. Will be glad to have tenders in time for Congregation on 22 May or 5 June, 3 May 1862;
82. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis, on drainage, contract, etc., 3 May 1862;
83. Professor Willis to Dr. Cookson. Salvin will send specifications next week, 6 May 1862;
84. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis on drains, 6 May 1862;
85. Professor Clark to Professor Willis, on details of arrangement of the buildings, 7 May 1862;
86. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis, on preparation of contract, etc., 9 May 1862;
87. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson, on preparation of contract, 10 May 1862;
88. Salvin to Dr Cookson, on preparation of contract, 10 May 1862;
89. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Syndicate will meet on May 17th, hopes that Salvin and Professor Willis will attend, 12 May 1862;
90. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. He and Salvin will come, 15 May 1862;
91. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. Is prevented [from attending meeting] by tooth ache, 16 May 1862;
92. Memorandum of Syndicate. Salvin to be asked if he can reduce the cost by £5000 by omitting a building, 17 May 1862;
93. Salvin to Professor Willis. Will confer with him on reduction, 17 May 1862;
94. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Suggests omission of Anatomical Museum, 18 May 1862;
95. Vice-Chancellor Philipps to Professor Clark. Announces suggested omission of the Anatomical Museum, 21 May 1862;
96. Schedule of proposed omissions, 21 May 1862;
97. Draft report of Syndicate, stating amount of tenders, and recommending these omissions, 21 May 1862;
98. Report [no.97] as issued, 23 May 1862;
99. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Account of the discussion of the report by the Council. Willis to come to meeting in the Arts School, 23 May 1862;
100. Discussion in the Arts School, 26 May 1862;
101. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Account of feeling in the University and what he is doing in support of the report, 28 May 1862;
102. Fly-sheet of Professor Clark, accepting the omission of the Museum, 28 May 1862;
103. Fly-sheet of C. B. Clarke (Queens' College), against the scheme, 28 May 1862;
104. Fly-sheet of Drs Cookson and Cartmell in favour of it, 28 May 1862;
105. Fly-sheet against it, by A. Long, M.A. King's College, [1862];
106. Fly-sheet against it, by J.F. Hardy, M.A. (Sidney Sussex College), 29 May 1862;
107. Fly-sheet, stating amount of Building Fund (Dr Cartmell), 29 May 1862;
108. Fly-sheet, Dr Cookson in reply to C.B. Clarke, 30 May 1862;
109. Fly-sheet, Dr Cookson and Dr Cartmell in reply to J. F. Hardy. A Grace to confirm the Report, 30 May, was rejected by 67-44, 30 May 1862;
110. Salvin to Professor Willis. The surveyors to be paid in full, also himself, 15 Nov. 1862;
111. Professor Willis to Dr. Cookson enclosing above letter, 16 Nov. 1862;
112. Report by Council, recommending the appointment of a Syndicate to investigate the liabilities of the University, 1 Dec. 1862;
113. Grace to appoint Syndicate (conc. 11 Dec.), 1 Dec. 1862;
114. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. Reasons for objecting to scheme proposed by a Sub-syndicate, 18 Feb. 1863;
115. Professor Babington to Dr Cookson. Reasons for objecting to scheme proposed by a Sub-syndicate, 18 Feb. 1863;
116. Dr. Cookson to Professor Willis. Account of what had been done, 19 Feb. 1863;
117. Professor Willis to Dr Cookson. Criticism of objections, 20 Feb. 1863;
118. Report of Syndicate, recommending Salvin's plans, in a modified form, 24 Feb. 1863;
118a. Dr Cookson to Professor Babington, with draft of the foregoing Report, 17 Feb. 1863;
118b. Fly-sheet by C.B. Clarke (Queens' College), 3 Mar. 1863;
119. Discussion in the Arts School, 5 Mar. 1863;
120. Fly-sheet by Professor Babington, 7 Mar. 1863;
120a. Notice of Grace to confirm Report dated 24 Feb. on Friday, Mar. 20, 9 Mar. 1863;
121. Flysheet of Dr Drosier (Gonville and Caius College), 10 Mar. 1863;
122. Flysheet of Professors Challis, Stokes, Adams, 16 Mar. 1863;
123. Flysheet of W.M. Campion (Queens' College), 17 Mar. 1863;
124. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Account of feeling in the University, 17 Mar. 1863;
125. Pamphlet by J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), 17 Mar. 1863;
126. Case reported in "Times" having reference to above pamphlet [by J.W. Clark], 17 Mar. 1863;
127. Flysheet of A. Long, M.A. (King's College), 18 Mar. 1863;
128. Flysheet of J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), 19 Mar. 1863;
129. Grace to confirm report (placet 83, non-placet, 62), 20 Mar. 1863;
130. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Account of voting. Suggestions for contract, 21 Mar. 1863;
131. Salvin to Professor Willis. Will have contract prepared, 28 Mar. 1863;
132. Dr Cookson to Professor Willis. Professor Babington's objections, 31 Mar. 1863;
133. Offer of Professor Clark to lend the sum required to build the Anatomical Museum, 27 Sept. 1863;
134. Vice-Chancellor Atkinson to Professor Clark, 29 Sept. 1863;
135. Same to same [Vice-Chancellor Atkinson to Professor Clark], 5 Oct. 1863;
136. Professor Clark to Vice-Chancellor Atkinson. Renewal of offer, 6 Oct. 1863;
137. Vice-Chancellor Atkinson to Professor Clark, 7 Nov. 1863;
138. J.W. Clark to Dr Cookson. Explanation of plan for a macerating-room in the yard, 15 Oct. 1863;
139. Salvin to Dr Cookson. Sends tracing of plan for this. Will cost £218, 15 Oct. 1863;
140. Plan of macerating room, etc., 15 Oct. 1563;
141. Vice-Chancellor Atkinson to Dr Cookson. Encloses above letter with remarks, 16 Oct. 1863;
142. Professor Clark to Dr Cookson. Approves plan, and offers to include cost in his loan. Fixes 10 years as limit for repayment, 16 Oct. 1863;
143. J.W. Clark to Dr Cookson. Remarks on amended plan, 19 Oct. 1863;
144. Salvin to Dr Cookson. Sends amended plan, 20 Oct. 1863;
145. Plan as amended, 20 Oct. 1863;
146. Messrs. Smith, contractors, offer to build this for £94, 20 Oct. 1863;
147. Report of Syndicate, asking for authority to build this, and the Museum with Professor Clark's loan (Lect. et conc. [read and confirmed] 12 Nov.), 24 Oct. 1863;
148. Discussion in Arts School, 31 Oct. 1863;
148a. Formal proposition by Professor Babington that the Reports be referred back to the Syndicate, with the view of ascertaining whether a third storey might not be added, 28 Oct. 1863;
148b. Draft of a circular (?) apparently based on this suggestion [Professor Babington's proposition], n.d.;
149. Dr Atkinson to Professor Clark on loan, 11 Nov. 1863;
150. Professor Clark to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Will pay the money at once, 13 Nov. 1863;
151. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Professor Clark. The money may be paid when he chooses, 16 Nov. 1863;
152. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Salvin. Encloses report passed 12 Nov. and the requests contract to be prepared at once, 16 Nov. 1863;
153. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Salvin. Urges speed, 10 Dec. 1863;
154. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. On contract for Anatomical Museum, 14 Dec. 1863;
154a. Representative of Council, recommending sale of Consols for Museums Building Fund (15 Feb.) with confirming Grace 25 Feb., 15 Feb. 1864;
155. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Sends plan of Museum. Has altered lightly, added pilasters, etc., 23 Mar. 1864;
156. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Has consulted Mr Potter on heating, 13 Apr. 1864;
157. Mr Potter to Salvin. Scheme of warming, 14 May 1864;
158. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Encloses Mr Potter's letter [no.157], 16 May 1864;
159. Report of Syndicate, recommending employment of Potter, on estimated cost of £391.5.0, 20 May 1864;
160. Estimate by Tompkins, builder, of fittings for Botanical Department at estimated cost of £1060, 2 Aug. 1864;
161. Report of Council on assistant in Woodwardian Museum, 7 Oct. 1864;
162. Grace to confirm this [no.161], 13 Oct. 1864;
163. Grace to authorise sale of Consols for Museums Building Fund, 13 Oct. 1864;
164. Certificate by Mr Salvin that certain new buildings are ready for use, 13 Oct. 1864;
165. Report of Syndicate that the west wing is ready for occupation, and that the time has come for considering fittings, and reception of the collections, 1 Nov. 1864;
166. Statement by Professor Miller of fittings required, 11 Nov. 1864;
167. Statement by Professor Stokes of fittings required, 23 Nov. 1864;
168. Statement by Professor Babington of fittings required, 28 Nov. 1864;
169. Professor Willis to Vice-Chancellor Cookson, 29 Nov. 1864;
170. Report of Syndicate, recommending the appointment of a resident attendant, 26 Nov. 1864;
171. Estimate by Mr Tompkins for cases in the Botanical Department, 30 Nov. 1864;
172. Criticism by Professor Babington, 2 Dec. 1864;
173. Criticism by Professor Babington, 6 Dec. 1864;
174. Professor Miller on his cases, with enclosures, 174a, 174b, 7 Dec. 1864;
175. Further estimate by Tompkins, 7 Dec. 1864;
176. Professor Babington to Vice-Chancellor Cookson, on reception of Philosophical Society in the new buildings, 21 Dec. 1864;
177. F. Sage: specification for detached cases, 31 Jan. 1865;
178. Report of Syndicate, recommending an upper row of windows in the Museum of Comparative Anatomy, 2 Feb. 1865;
179. Professor Willis to Vice-Chancellor Cookson on removal of his department, ditto cost, 8 Feb. 1865;
180. Requirements of the Plumian Professor, [8 Feb. 1865];
181. Salvin on warming apparatus; and lights in the Museum of Comparative Anatomy etc., 9 Feb. 1865;
182. The same, [Salvin] on warming-apparatus, 10 Feb. 1865;
183. Application of Professor Thompson (President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society) for a room in the new buildings, 14 Feb. 1865;
184. Mr. Reynolds Rowe on boundary-wall of Old Botanic Garden, 14 Feb. 1865;
185. Application of Professor Kingsley to store the historical library in New Museums, 20 Feb. 1865;
186. Estimate for laying out the grounds, by Mr. Mudd, Curator of the Botanic Garden, 23 Feb. 1865;
187. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor enclosing above estimate of Mr Potter, 23 Mar. 1865;
188. Estimate of Gas Company, 25 Mar. 1865;
189. [Letter enclosing estimate for cases, no.190, 9 Mar. 1865];
190. Estimate [for cases], 9 Mar. 1865;
191. Salvin's memorandum of amount of extras, 10 May 1865;
191a. Report of Syndicate, recommending outlay of £925, on adapting the old Anatomical School, to the use of Anatomy and Chemistry, 18 Mar. 1865;
191b. Grace to appoint Syndicate to consider what accommodation could be provided for the use of the Literary and Theological professors. For report see no. 192, 11 May 1865;
192. Report of Syndicate as to what rooms might be adapted to use of Divinity and Literary Professor, 18 May, 1865;
193. Authority from Vice-Chancellor Cookson to remove large skeletons to new Museum of Comparative Anatomy. Report about cases, to cost £550, about to be issued, 1 Jun. 1865;
194. Report of Syndicate, recommending expenditure of £550 on cases, 2 Jun. 1865;
195. Grace to confirm this report [no.194], 8 Jun. 1865;
196. Grace to allow Cambridge Philosophy Society to meet in New Museums, 8 Jun. 1865;
197. Grace to allow Syndics to provide books, and to assign lecture rooms to those who are to use them, 8 Jun. 1865;
198. Sage's specifications for wall-cases, detached case, and table-cases with drawers against west wall, 14 Jun. 1865;
198a-b. Plans of these cases [no.198], 14 Jun. 1865;
199. Copy of letter of Vice-Chancellor to Salvin. The official contract provided that the ground before and behind the Museums should be laid out. This having been abandoned, deductions should be made for the omission, 8 Jul. 1865;
200. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Does not know how the provision got into the contract, but, as it is there, the contractors must abide by it, 10 Jul. 1865;
201. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Salvin. Urges the importance of getting the matter settled, 12 Jul. 1865;
202. The contractors, Messrs. Smith, to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Acknowledge receipt of £3279.19.5, the amount of levelling omitted from the contract, 14 Jul. 1865;
203. Same to same [Messrs. Smith to Vice-Chancellor Cookson]. Admit their liability, 21 Jul. 1865;
204. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Salvin (copy). Suspects that Messrs. Smith should deduct £76, Mudd's estimate for levelling the ground, from the amount still due to them, 31 Jul. 1865;
205. Mudd's plan and contract, 31 Jul. 1865;
206. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Messrs. Smith accept his offer made 31 July, 5 Aug. 1865;
207. Vice-Chancellor Cookson to Messrs. Smith (copy). Has paid £224 in full settlement of their claims, 8 Aug. 1865;
208. Messrs. Smith to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Enclose receipt, 15 Aug. 1865;
209. Professor Babington to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Additional fittings required, 4 Oct. 1865;
210. Report of Syndicate, recommending: (1) fittings for Mineralogy; (2) for Botany; (3) warming of Old Anatomical School, 19 Oct. 1865; with Graces to confirm 2 Nov. 1865;
211. Statement by J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), on removal of Osteological Collection, 19 Oct. 1865;
212. J. W. Clark to Vice-Chancellor Cookson. Shelves wanted for gallery; rules for admission of visitors desirable, 23 Oct. 1865;
213. Dr Bond (Regius Professor of Physic) complains that he has not been recognised, 6 Nov. 1865;
214. Professor Babington to Vice-Chancellor Cartmell. Wants gas in his workroom, 15 Nov. 1865;
214a. Grace to allow Syndicate to continue functions granted to it by Grace 24 Nov. 1864, 23 Nov. 1865;
215. Messrs. Tompkins (builders) to Professor Miller. Estimate for cases, 25 Nov. 1865;
216. Messrs. Tompkins (builders) to Professor Miller. Estimate for cases, 28 Nov. 1865;
217. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cartmell. Tries to explain defects in roof of Museum of Comparative Anatomy, 15 Dec. 1865;
218. Sage's estimate for cases in Woodwardian Museum, 15 Dec. 1865;
219. Drawing for the same [cases in the Woodwardian Museum], 15 Dec. 1865;
220. J.W. Clark M.A. (Trinity College) to Vice-Chancellor Cartmell. Encloses drawing of roof by Professor Willis; purchase of walrus skeleton; admission of visitors, 30 Jan. 1866;
221. Drawing by Professor Willis, 30 Jun. 1866;
221a-t. Appointment of a Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy and his election; together with that of a Professor of Anatomy, on the resignation of Professor Clark;
221a. Grace to appoint Syndicate to consider how best Anatomy and Zoology may be taught in the university, 11 May 1865;
221b. Report of Syndicate recommending: (1) a Professor of Anatomy with a stipend of £300 per annum; (2) a Demonstrator of Anatomy with a stipend of £100 per annum; (3) a Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy with a stipend of £300 per annum. The rules to [be] given his office are appended, 12 Jun. 1865
221bb. Notice of Congregation on 8 Feb. 1866, where the above report will be presented for confirmation, 30 Oct. 1865;
221c. Notice of Alfred Newton, M.A. (Magdalene College), that he intends to be a candidate, should the Professorship of Zoology be founded, 1 Nov. 1865;
221d. Similar notice by W.H. Drosier, M.D. (Gonville and Caius College), 2 Nov. 1865;
221e. Notice of resignation by Professor Clark, 8 Nov. 1865;
221f. Notice by G. Lestourgeon, M.A. (Trinity College), that he will be a candidate for the Professorship of Anatomy, 13 Nov. 1865;
221g. Notice by G.M. Humphry, M.D. (Downing College), that he will be a candidate for the Professorship of Anatomy, 14 Nov. 1865;
221h. Dr. Drosier to Professor Clark, asking for a testimonial, with Professor Clark's reply, 16 Nov. 1865;
221i. Fly sheet by Henry Latham, M.A. (Trinity Hall), advising temporary measures, 30 Jan. 1866;
221k. Fly sheet by R. Burn, M.A. (Trinity College), in favour of the Professorship, 3 Feb. 1866;
221l. Fly sheet by J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), on the financial question, 4 Feb. 1866;
221m. Fly sheet by Will. Walton, M.A. (Trinity College), in answer to Mr. Latham, 5 Feb. 1866;
221n. Fly sheet by J.B. Lightfoot, M.A. (Trinity College), in favour of the professorship, 6 Feb. 1866
221o. Grant to confirm Report of Syndics dated 12 June 1865 (no. 221b), 8 Feb. 1866;
221p. Notice of Dr Drosier offering himself as a candidate for the Professorship of Zoology, 8 Feb. 1866;
221q. Similar notice by Alfred Newton, offering himself as a candidate for the Professorship of Zoology, 13 Feb. 1866;
221r. Notice of Vice-Chancellor fixing March 1st as the day of polling for the two Professorships, 14 Feb. 1866;
221s. Notice of G.M. Humphry, offering himself as a candidate, 14 Feb. 1866;
221t. Notice of G. Lestourgeon, withdrawing as a candidate, n.d.;
222. Rules for the admission of visitors, Feb. 1866;
222a. Notice of meeting at Christs' College Lodge to consider memorial to Dr Clark, 16 Feb. 1866;
222b. List of Committee, and first list of subscriptions for bust, n.d.;
222c. Further list of subscriptions [for bust], n.d.;
222d. Letter from Dr Drosier, stating that Mr. Butler has been engaged since June last on the bust, 10 Dec. 1866;
223. Salvin to Vice-Chancellor Cartmell. Commission still due on roof, 13 Feb. 1866;
223a. Grace to allow Building Syndicate to propose Scheme of Management for New Museums, 22 Feb. 1866;
224. Report of Syndicate proposing: (1) Syndicate of Management; (2) use of lecture rooms; (3) use of Museums; (4) Superintendent, 2 Mar. 1866;
225. Graces to confirm (1), (2), (3) [of no.224], 16 Mar 1866;
226. Fly sheet against (2) [of no.224]. Said to be by Dr Drosier, n.d.;
227. Notice by J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), that he is a candidate for the office of Superintendent, 16 Mar. 1866;
228. Vice-Chancellor Cartmell to Salvin. Roof of Museum still unsatisfactory, 26 Mar. 1866;
229. Vice-Chancellor Cartmell's notice of election of Superintendent, 11 Apr. 1866;
230. Messrs. Johnstone and Jeanes on new cases for Geological Museum, 17 Apr. 1866;
231. Specification for these [no.230], n.d.;
231a. Drawing, 17 Apr. 1866;
232. Mr Sage on case for gallery of Museum of Comparative Anatomy, 17 Apr. 1866;
233. Second letter from Johnstone and Jeanes on cases for Geological Museum, 26 Apr. 1866;
234. Specification, 26 Apr. 1866;
234a-b. Drawings, 26 Apr. 1866;
236. J.W. Clark, M.A. (Trinity College), to Vice-Chancellor on table case for gallery, 6 May 1866;
236a. Grace to allow £97.16.0 for cabinets in Woodwardian Museum; and £95.18.0 for cabinets in Museum of Comparative Anatomy, 17 May 1866;
237. Messrs. Harwood on proposed line of fence next Downing Street, 19 May 1866;
238. Plan of same [fence next to Downing Street], 19 May 1866;
239. Minute of Improvement Commissioners approving plan for fence next Downing Street, 15 May 1866;
240. Salvin's estimate for the fence, 18 May 1866;
241. Corrected estimate [for the fence], 21 May 1866;
242. Salvin's description and estimate for fence, 1 Jun. 1866;
243. Assent of Perse Trustees to fence, 6 Jun. 1866;
244. Letters from Town Clerk pointing out that the consent of the Town must be obtained previous to any ground being taken in, 13 Jun. 1866;
245. Vice-Chancellor Cartmell to Johnstone and Jeanes, ordering estimate for Geological Museum, 11 Jul. 1866;
246. Town Clerk on space in front of Museum gates, 24 Jul. 1866;
247. Professor Babington to Vice-Chancellor. Wishes to engage a lad as assistant, 18 Oct. 1866;
248. Messrs. Johnstone and Jeanes to Vice-Chancellor. Have lost by Geology Cabinet, 18 Oct. 1866;
249. Messrs. Johnstone and Jeanes to Vice-Chancellor. Estimate for new cabinet, 6 Oct. 1866;
250. Specification for same [new cabinet], 6 Dec. 1866;
251. Messrs. Johnstone and Jeanes. Acknowledge receipt of order, 27 Dec. 1866;
252. Report of Council that a Syndicate should be appointed to consider the demand of St. Edward's Parish to assess the Old Botanic Garden for a Poor Rate, 17 Jun. 1867;
253. Grace to confirm this report [no.252], 20 Jun. 1867;
254. Mr Potter on boiler at New Museums, 13 Aug. 1867.
- Creation: 1716 - 1867
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