Semi-official letters from Shanghai to Hankow, 23 Apr. 1929-14 Dec. 1933
Scope and Contents
Semi-official letters nos 106, 108-117, 119-206, 208-247 and 249-321 from R.M. Austin, B.D.F. Beith, W.J. Keswick and G.W. Sheppard, Jardine Matheson, Shanghai, to W.S. Dupree, J.P.B. Eastwood and A.E. Smith, Jardine Matheson, Hankow, with enclosed letters and papers, including an extract from letter no. 105 of 5 April 1929.
The file includes the following subjects (among others):
A: J.R. Allan (staff); annual accounts.
C: Changsha Agency; Changsha claims;... China grass; China Produce Department.
F: Finance; floods.
G: Glen Line.
I: Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. Ltd; Indo-China Steam Navigation Co. Ltd claims against Chinese Government.
J: W.G. Johns (staff).
L: L. Lockwood (staff) - poor health.
P: P. & O. Agency, Hankow.
R: E.F. Ratti (staff); W.B. Rigden (staff).
S: Sesamum seed; staff.
T: Tallow; tea; Tea Department.
W: Wood oil; wood oil - Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Ltd; wood oil - business with New York; wood oil joint account with Watts Ltd.
The folder is labelled 'Ports. To Hankow. General'.
- Creation: 23 Apr. 1929-14 Dec. 1933
- From the Fonds: Jardine, Matheson and Co. Ltd (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
Access to the collection is subject to special conditions and is at the discretion of Matheson and Co. Ltd, part of the Jardine Matheson Group. A statement of the conditions and an application form are available in the Manuscripts Reading Room. Printed copies of the form are available by post (please contact the University Library). An electronic version can also be found at
Records described... in the catalogue as being in a bad condition are in a fragile state that precludes them being made available to readers.
Access is generally available to documents dated up to 1969. Access to some earlier records may be restricted under the terms of the Data Protection Act, 1998.
1 folder(s) (1 folder)
Language of Materials
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Received from Matheson & Co. Ltd, London, October 2010.
- Austin, Reginald Mein, 1888-1934 (businessman) (Person)
- Beith, Benjamin David Fleming, 1884-1960 (businessman) (Person)
- Dupree, William Sherlock, 1881-1975 (businessman) (Person)
- Eastwood, John Patrick Basil, b 1889 (businessman) (Person)
- Keswick, Sir William Johnstone, 1903-1990 (Knight, businessman) (Person)
- Sheppard, George Walter, d 1943 (businessman) (Person)
- Smith, Alexander Edward, b 1888 (businessman) (Person)
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