Three political tracts, Seventeenth century
Scope and Contents
(1) 'The Humble Answer and Plea of George Duke of Buckingham to the Declaration and impeachment made against him before your Lordships by the Commons House of Parliament. Anno 1626.' (2) 'A Brief and faithfull relation touching matters of Priviledges, ordered and adjudged by the Commons in Parliament assembled at the Parliament beegunne and holden at Westminster, in the 19th day of Febr. in the 21st yeare of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord King James and there continued untill the 24th day of May following, and then prorogued untill the second day of November, 1624.' (3) 'A Collection of divers Arguments and Speeches delivered to Kinge James, and propounded to the House of Parliament touching the necessitie of callinge a Parliament with divers consideracions of his Majesty's Estate, and his Majesty's Propositions thereof to the Lords of the Councell, with the councells answere thereunto: by Robert late Earle of Salisbury, and Lord High Treasuror of England.' The matters collected are described in the following table of contents: (a) A Collection of such things as Robert, late Earle of Salisbury thought fitt to offer unto his Majestie, uppon the necessity of callinge a Parliament. (b) A Coppy of his Lordship's first speech delivered to the Lower house of Parliament. (c) A Coppy of G. D. his letter to his friend A. W. at Middleborrough, advertiseinge him of occurances in the Parliament, and withall sending him a Coppy of your last speech which hereafter followeth. (d) A Coppie of his Lordshipp's last speech, delivered unto his Majestie in the presence of bothe houses of Parliament, Assembled att Whithall on Thursday the xixth day [of July] 1610 wherein is decreed [declared] the true causes of his Majestie's layinge the late Impositions uppon Merchandises. (e) The first part of your Lordshipp's Treaties to his Majestie shewing as well by arguments as presidents that his Majestie's estate cannot bee supported in any proportion without levyes from his people. (f) The second part of your Lordshipp's treatie with his Majestie that it is inconvenient to straine his prerogative too farr for leavying of treasure [Levie of Treasurie], and therefore necessary to call a Parliament. (g) Considerations uppon his Majestie's estate xxiii of January. (h) Propositions made by his Majestie to the Lords of his councell after hee had received a declaracion of his estate by the Earle of Salisbury Treasurer of England. [12 Januarii. 1609.] (i) The humble answere and advice of [his] Majestie's Councell, uppon certaine Propositions. Of these articles the second is preserved in her Majesty's Publick Record Office. Domestick Series, Anno 1610. Vol. LII. 70. The third gives this account of itself and of the fourth: 'I hope I have satisfied you in sending you as perfect a coppie of the Lord Treasurer's speech as you could have from any other hands, for I did dilligentlie imploy my tables, and made use of the like collections of two gentlemen of the Lower House who had both better braynes and swifter penns than I.' 'I looke to bee soe well requited as there may noe notice be taken of any name to bee the reporter of such speeches as come out of the mouthes of men in great places, under princes, much more of the prince himselfe who for learning, etc. Your friend G. St.' [sic?] dated from London the xxviith July 1610.
- Creation: Seventeenth century
- Cecil, Robert, 1563-1612 (1st Earl of Salisbury, 1st Viscount Cranborne and statesman) (Person)
- Villiers, George, 1592-1628 (1st Duke of Buckingham) (Person)
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Unless restrictions apply, the collection is open for consultation by researchers using the Manuscripts Reading Room at Cambridge University Library. For further details on conditions governing access please contact Information about opening hours and obtaining a Cambridge University Library reader's ticket is available from the Library's website (
1 volume(s) (121 leaves)
Language of Materials
Custodial History
In the Library by the mid 1750s.
Physical Description
Repository Details
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