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GCPP Seddon 2/2


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Letters from Helen McMorran to Laura Seddon, 1949 - 1979

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Seddon 2/2
Scope and Contents The letters contain the following: personal news; Girton College news (including news of L S’s daughter Vivien [Girton 1957, music] - a letter of 8 December 1957 mentions Vivien’s performance in the Freshers’ concert; arrangements for mutual visits; suggestions for potential new members for the Manchester Association of Cambridge University Women and other MACUW matters; thanks for books and other items donated to Girton, also donations to the ‘Third Foundation’ [later New Hall, now Murray...
Dates: 1949 - 1979
Conditions Governing Access: This file contains personal data: access is restricted in line with the Data Protection Act.