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Letters from Helen McMorran to Laura Seddon, 1949 - 1979

Reference Code: GBR/0271/GCPP Seddon 2/2

Scope and Contents

The letters contain the following: personal news; Girton College news (including news of L S’s daughter Vivien [Girton 1957, music] - a letter of 8 December 1957 mentions Vivien’s performance in the Freshers’ concert; arrangements for mutual visits; suggestions for potential new members for the Manchester Association of Cambridge University Women and other MACUW matters; thanks for books and other items donated to Girton, also donations to the ‘Third Foundation’ [later New Hall, now Murray Edwards College] (a letter of 29 Nov 1953 thanks L S for a cheque for the Third Foundation which she has sent on to Rosemary Murray); condolences on the death of L S’s friend Constance Sykes (Girton 1928, mathematics) in a letter of 2 November 1954; discussion of L S’s application (unsuccessful) for the post of Bursar at New Hall in letters of 21 March and 20 May 1961; news of H M’s upcoming East African safari in October in a letter of 19 July 1971; and news of H M’s move to a nursing home (in a letter from Isabel Clarke, H M’s sister, 19 November 1978).
The file also contains a printed private circular from H M to Roll members on the occasion of her retirement, October 1962, thanking them in detail for individual gifts given to her to mark her work as Librarian, Registrar of the Roll and Vice-Mistress.
[H M first addresses L S by her first name in August 1958. Some of the letters are typed, some handwritten.]


  • Creation: 1949 - 1979


Conditions Governing Access

This file contains personal data: access is restricted in line with the Data Protection Act.

Biographical / Historical

Helen McMorran: Girton 1916, Modern Languages; librarian of Girton College 1930-62; Vice-Mistress 1946-62; and Registrar of the Roll 1947-69.


1 file(s) : Paper

Language of Materials



McMorran, Helen

Finding aid date

2015-04-20 09:18:58+00:00

Repository Details

Part of the Girton College Archive Repository

The Archivist
Girton College Archive
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Cambridge CB3 0JG United Kingdom
+44 (0)1223 338897