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Minutes of the Governors of Addenbrooke's Hospital: Volume 36, 1901-11 - 1903-01

Reference Code: GBR/1919/AHGR 3/1/1/36

Scope and Contents

Indexed at front. Includes papers of various committees, including Improvement of Funds Committee, Provision and Bill Committee, Financial Committee, Building Committee, Advisory Council etc. Also, pasted in between pp. 221-222, printed report on Heating Arrangements June 1902; and pasted between pp. 309-310, printed proof copy of "Regulations for the Guidance of the Sisters", Aug 1902.
20 Nov 1901 Letter from Recommender concerning patient named Charles Gervase who was admitted as an urgent case by telephone.
27 Nov 1901 Report of an official visit by Margaret Morgan. Contains details of porter, toilet facilities etc.
2 Dec 1901 Printed suggested changes in the Constitution of the Hospital
16 Dec 1901 New Constitution discussed and paying patients to be allowed.
27 Dec 1901Conversion of Colonnade outside Griffiths Ward for Open Air Treatment is a success. Mr Sedley Taylor offers to pay for conversion of Hatton Ward.
30 Dec 1901 Mr W Warren writes enclosing a cheque for 100 guineas as an acknowledgment of the kindness and treatments he received as an in patient in 1852.
1 Jan 1902 Mr T Dent admitted as an urgent case. Dr Griffiths writes to say he can make a contribution towards his treatment
15 Jan 1902 Hobsons Conduit Trust decide to stop supply of water from Hobsons Conduit for 4 months pending an inquiry
22 Jan 1902 Report on Porters duties, hour’s uniform etc.
29 Jan 1902 L’de Brunsen writes to say he wants to pay for treatment of a servant Ellen Loveday on top of his annual subscription.
29 Jan 1902 Water from Hobsons Conduit has been used for laundry only because it is soft while water from the Water board is hard. Proposal to Hobsons Conduit Trust that the hospital would pay for new pipe if they can carry on using the water (as it had for over 70years)
5 Feb 1902 Mr Bonnett writes to Hobsons Conduit Trust and again on 12 Feb 1902
19 Feb 1902 Printed draft constitution of Hospital. Administration of the hospital to be managed by a General Committee, all other sub and adhoc committed to be appointed by General Committee.
26 Feb 1902 Mr Hattesley (a board member) dies leaving a bequest of £1000
12 Mar 1902 Policeman in charge of a suicide case in the hospital has been given rations. Watch committee to be informed that this will stop.
9 Apr 1902 The paper publishes a letter from Willingham Parish Council and a reply re a case of measles, Harry Smith the son of James of Willingham and a reply of the House Physician and John Bonnett. Details of the incubation period for measles (p179-80) to be published in the paper. See also 30 Apr 1902.
15 May 1902 Special General court to discuss proposed new constitution.
21 May 1902 Rules for Patients on the Balcony include only being allowed to expectorate in the spittoons provided.
30 May 1902 Colonnades on Victoria and Albert being considered for conversation for open air treatment
6 Jun 1902 Printed report on Heating Arrangements
9 Jun 1902 Dr Aldren Wright to be appointed second Assistant Physician
17 Jun 1902 Advisory Committee recommends charges to outpatients receiving supply of medicines and dressing from the hospital agreed at Quarterly Court charge not to exceed 3d per visit (p255)
16 Jul 1902 Concern and request for inquiry into excessive hours, overwork and food for Nurses (pp263-4). Matron to be interviewed re complaints (p274). Grateful patient A M Roe, sends small donation for treatment on Hatton Ward.
13 Aug 1902 Members of Medical & Surgical Staff (6 signatures) express misgivings about proposals to heat the wards with hot water pipes and radiators.
14 Aug 1902 The hot water and heating committee does not agree with the Medical & Surgical Staff
20 Aug 1902 The RRP Clifford Allbutt supports Medical & Surgical Staff misgivings. He complains about the lack of consultation and thinks that at a time when the hospital is ‘so poor’ the money would be better spent on scientific instruments.
24 Aug 1902 Dr Latham adds his concerns about the heating
7 Sep 1902 Printed proof draft of regulations for guidance of Sisters re hours and conditions of service for nursing staff. Adopted as amended (pp313-4)
19 Sep 1902 Miss Noble complains about bad state of repair of her house.
24 Sep 1902 Complaint from vicar of Horningsea about Mrs Maria Clark and the manner of her discharge (she was kept waiting in the lodge for 3 hours)
1 Oct 1902 Dr Lloyd Jones has received a complaint from Samuel Day - not received enough food.
3 Oct 1902 Bequest of £1000 from Mr Hatttersley to be invested in stock to provide stipend for the Honorary Chaplain. Also report on the fire on 1 Oct in Victoria Ward. Insurance to be increased from £12,000 to £20,000
6 Oct 1902 Insurance for the Main Building increased from £12,000 to £20,000
20 Oct 1902 The fire Committee ask the architect to obtain tenders for an exterior stair case, a lift a flat roof and also a fire proof roof and ceiling.
22 Oct 1902 Special committee to enquire into origins of fire in Victoria Ward feel sure it was the result of a lighted candle used by workmen in the roof space
27 Oct 1902 3d tickets requested by outpatients to get medicines or dressings from hospital dispenser. No fresh medicines to be given until out patients ‘return empty bottles, gallipots or boxes’
10 Nov 1902 Hot water and heating committee point out to protests against radiators in single room that each radiator will have a valve so that it can be left cold id desired.
19 Nov 1902 £249 14 s 3d received from Sun Firs Office (Insurance Co)
3 Dec 1902 Inquires made into admission of May Morley and Mrs Steadman explanations satisfactory.
18 Dec 1902 Letter from Patience Pemberton of Trumpington Hall enclosing a cheque for £405 10s 4d as proceeds from a Hospital Ball. She suggests sum raised could be used partly for the Children’s Ward as dressing’s steriliser and ‘an apparatus’ for the Roentgen Rays’.
27 Dec 1902 The Hospital has during the past quarter suffers a severe loss by the death of Mr EJ Mortlock who had sine 1859 to his death acted as Honorary Treasurer of the Institution
29 Dec 1902 Resolved ‘£110 now standing to the credit of the Transvaal War Fund’ be sent to the Lord Mayor of London as per request in The Times
7 Jan 1903 Drug Committee recommends use of printed tickets or labels perforated and gummed to be given to outpatients at 3d each. No medicine to be given by the dispenser without a label or a special exemption ticket. Miss Nobel asks for repair to her leaking cart shed where she keeps bath chairs and bicycle.
12 Jan 1903 Mr Wherry chairs Committee to consider sterilizer and Roentgen Ray apparatus
14 Jan 1903 Recommended that the fire hoses in the hospital to be inspected annually
21 Jan Fire Engine to be tested in grounds of the hospital


  • Creation: 1901-11 - 1903-01


1 volume(s) : paper

Language of Materials



Addenbrooke's Hospital

Includes index.

Repository Details

Part of the Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Repository

Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge
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Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ United Kingdom
+441223 586737