Minutes of the Governors of Addenbrooke's Hospital: Volume 31, 1893 - 1895
Scope and Contents
Indexed at front. Includes reports of various committees, including Improvement of Funds Committee, Provision and Bill Committee, Financial Committee, Building Committee etc. Also includes, loose at front, "Notes as to income and expenditure for the years 1893-7", ms.
24 Mar 1893 Drainage Committee ‘when the building had been closed, a large amount of relief work has been carried out at the temporary hospital’ (3126 out-patients attendances) Thanks given to University for lending the hospital rooms in the Medical School.
29 Mar 1893 Letter from Miss Cureton thanking the board for raising her salary.
19 Apr 1893 not advisable ‘to introduce the Electric Light in the hospital at present’
10 May 1893 Letter from House Surgeon to the Board complaining that ‘8 or 10 people or even more’ are crowded round a single bed at visiting time - sub committee formed to consider rules re visitors to patients
25 May 1893 Ladies collection in Cambridge and Chesterton raises £385 for the Hospitals Drainage Fund
13 Jun 1893 Sub committee on visiting recommends visitors to the Children’s Wards be
1. from 2pm to 3pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays only
2. the numbers of friends visiting patients be restricted to 2 per patient at any one time
3. persons not allowed to visit without permission of Medical Officer, house Officer or Matron all adopted at next Quarterly Court.
16 Jun 1893 Rogers Field reports damage to enamelled fire clay sinks by servants using galvanised iron pails to fill up with water. Recommends wood or rubber to be fitted to bottom of pails.
Following closure of Hospital on 26 Dec 1892, the Out patients Department, 2 large wards and several small wards were re-opened by 28 Apr 1893.
Thanks given to all who provided temporary accommodation during closure.
5 Jul 1893 Mr Kerwsell (Clerk of the Drainage Works) received glowing testimonial from the Weekly Board for the way he has carried out his duties.
21 Sep 1893 Drainage Committee reports total of £3602 12s 2d in donations and collections for Drainage Fund. This plus sale of stock had put £4382 at disposal of committee. The remaining balance is £686 19s 9d. Messrs Kerridge have done job so well, committee recommends they be employed in future for drainage repairs.
29 Sep 1893 Finance Committee report on excess of expenditure over income in 1891 and 1892, causes include increase in salaries of nurses and extra hours by cleaners and laundry workers. Increased cost of coal, fish, wine and spirits bread, groceries and meat.
21 Oct 1893 resolved that it be duty of the House Physician and House Surgeon to attend alternate weeks in Dental Department or that GAS should not be administered to any patient except by one of the hospital officers.
8 Nov 1893 Secretary to write to Duke of Devonshire (in his capacity as Chancellor of the University) asking for a donation to Hospital Funds
6 Dec 1893 Board congratulates Mr Peckover on being appointed Lord Lieutenant of the County and requests that he take the Chair of the next Quarterly Court.
13 Dec 1893 Owing to the illness of the Chimney Sweeper, the Chimneys had not been swept properly and a fire had taken place.
Relations between the Matron and one or more of the nurses had become strained. Committee appointed to investigate in the interest of discipline.
Patient’s diets not to be changed to say on expenditure
Average length of stay of patients had recently reduced form 30 days to 23.
20 Dec 1893 Motion carried not to take any further action over past difficulties in ‘relation to Matron and Miss Kelly’.
1 Jan 1894 At Quarterly Court the President of Queen’s College present cheque for £1,000.
26 Feb 1894 Amelia Peile and Fanny Young write letters of thanks for being made ‘Honorary Governors’ of the Hospital
4 Apr 1894 Letter from University Union Society suggesting a collection for the hospital should be made at the Royal Show in June which will be well attended.
Death of Mr Gotobed, who for many years was a Select Governor.
11 May 1894 Messer's MacMillan and Bowes of Senate House failed to sign a recommendation for admission of Elizabeth Kidman daughter of builder Charles Kidman of Sturton Street Cambridge
16 May 1894 Drainage Committee presents final accounts and recommends this be included in next Annual Report.
Cambridge Newspapers thanks for their full reports on action taken to overcome drainage problems.
12 Jun 1894 Medical Officers oppose suggestions that pupils attending Clinical teaching should pay a fee to the hospital in addition to the fee they pay for instruction.
4 Jul 1894 Breaking of Rule 172. Staff Nurse of Albert Ward permitted House Physician to remain in her private room after 9pm and up to 11 pm. Mr Stabb and Miss Kelly appear before the Board and warned.
12 Sep 1894 Sub Committee formed to plan improvements to Probationers accommodations (rooms to replace cubicles)
17 Sep 1894 Sub Committee reports quickly saying probationers complaints fully justified. It suggests measures for improvements but, suggest a separate block of building for sleeping accommodate for Hospital servants.
1 Oct 1894 Sir G M Humphry writes letter of resignation, gives cheque for £500 to be used for improving accommodation for Surgical Outpatients. Recommends Sub Committee to consult architect and prepare plan.
23 Oct 1894 Mr Fawcett (Architect) presents alternative proposal and prices for Probationers Rooms
6 Nov 1894 Recommended that from 1 Jan 1895 Training Course for Probationers to last 3 years (fee for whole course £100). (Full printed report on pp463-4)
23 Nov 1894 Mr Fawcett submits plans for extension building for Surgical Outpatients including new Eye patient Accommodation.
31 Dec 1894 President of Queen’s College gives a second donation of £1,000
24 Jan 1895 Town Clerk writes saying Sanatorium Committee will accept typhus, scarlet fever, diphtheria and smallpox admitted from the County to Addenbrooke’s Hospital ‘in ignorance’. Charge to be £2 2s per week and cost of ambulance plus £2 2s a week for a day and night nurse when needed.
18 Feb 1895 for the first time typed report (by Mr Burdett and Mr Young) for new Nurses Home (the old cubicles to be used for night accommodation only).
21 Feb 1895 Letter from Vice Chancellor (Austen Leigh) requesting a ‘closer and more regular connexion between the hospital and the University teachers in the Department of Medicine’ - meeting of Quarterly Court to consider this on 7th May (p538)
- Creation: 1893 - 1895
1 volume(s) : paper
Language of Materials
Addenbrooke's Hospital
Repository Details
Part of the Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Repository
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