Contains 1 Result:
ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE, 1678-10-24 - 1678
Reference Code: GBR/0269/DCAR/1/1/1/2/5/15
Scope and Contents
1. John Sparhake of Leiston, Suffolk, Gent. [heir of Henry Sparhake under his will dated 23 Nov 1671]2. Isobell Gossling of Dunwich, Suffolk, spinsterASSIGNMENT OF LEASE for residue of term of 900 years of 2 messuages with appurtenances together with adjoining croft, c. 2 acres; 2 other closes in Dunwich of 5 acres and 5 roods; close called Long Fenn in Westleton of c. 2 acres and all other lands and tenements in Dunwich and Westleton.Consideration: £40.5.0 in hand paid and a...
1678-10-24 - 1678
Conditions Governing Access:
From the Sub-Fonds:
Records are generally open, although some closure periods may apply for more recent records.
Found in:
Downing College
Administrative Records of Downing College
Records of the Bursar / Bursarial Office / Bursarial function
College Estates Records
Title deeds
Dunwich and Westleton, Suffolk: Conveyancing of divisions of estate
Bundle 5: conveyancing of divisions of Dunwich and Westleton estate