Contains 1 Result:
Office extract of FINE, 1716-05-11 - 1818-05-02
Reference Code: GBR/0269/DCAR/1/1/1/1/6c
Scope and Contents
Office extract of FINERoll 203 Cambridge Easter Term 2 George 17161. John Pedley Esq., and Gregory Whale Esq., Plaintiffs2. George Downing Bart., and Mary his wife, DeforciantsOf the Manors of East Hatley, Tadlow, Hobledods, Clopton, Momplers, Hamond otherwise Birds, Tumbridge otherwise Tumbridge Hall otherwise Tunbridge Hall otherwise Botisham Hall; and the scite of the Monastery of East Hatley; also of 82 messuages, one brewhouse, two water mills, 20 dovehouses, 95 gardens,...
1716-05-11 - 1818-05-02
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From the Sub-Fonds:
Records are generally open, although some closure periods may apply for more recent records.