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Reference Code: GBR/0269/DCAR/1/1/1/2/4/10

Scope and Contents

1. Gabriell Bateman of Huntingfeild, Suffolk, singleman
2. Robert Buxton of St Margetts, Suffolk, Esq.
3. Francis Heatly of Staple Inn, London, Gent., and George Downing of East Hatley, Cambridge, Esq.
CONVEYANCE TO MAKE A TENANT TO THE PRECIPE FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUFFERING A COMMON RECOVERY [by form of Bargain and Sale] of all that messuage with appurtenances lying in Dunwich between highway leading from market of Dunwich to Westleton on part of south, church yard of All saints, Dunwich on part of north, abutting upon tenement and lands late Richard Bobbett's on part of east, and upon way leading from Milgate Street by the churchyard of All Saints on part of west, containing by estimation 1 acre; and all those 2 pieces of land and pasture called Paledick Close of c.18 acres, in Dunwich between way leading by the long hills from the burrow of Dunwich to the common of Dunwich on part of east, and lands late of John Back in part and lands of hospitall of Dunwich in part on part of west, abutting upon the common way on part of south and highway leading from Dunwich to East Bridge on part of north; and all that close called Claypitt Close of c.12 acres, in Dunwich, between Paledick Close in part and piece next following in part on part of east, and lands late William Bird's on part of west, and abutting a way leading from Paledicke to East Bridge on part of north, and upon highway leading from Paledicke to East Bridge on part of south; and all that close called Bushes Close of c. 14 acres, lying in Dunwich, between way leading from said Burroughs [Burrows?] to East Bridge on part of south, and Gildengate Way leading from the Claypitts to Westleton on part of north, abutting land called Gallowes Closes in part and lands called Moryses in part on part of west; all that close called Tenn Acre Close, lying in Dunwich between a certain way on part of south, and land late Ralph Bowther's on part of north and abutting lands late of Francis Wrott Esq. on east and west; and all that pightle called Butchers of c. 2 acres, in Dunwich Tryangle Wayes, between lands late Ralph Owner's on part of west, and way leading from the Burrough to the fresh fenns on east, and abutting on way leading from said Burrough to Westleton on part of south; all which lands were late of Edmund Back, Gent.; and all those lands, meadows and pasture now divided into 4 parts, containing c. 12 acres, lying in Dunwich between common river on part of north, common way leading from market place of Dunwich to Westleton on part of south, and abutting upon a small piece of land late Robert Allowe's and upon kings highway leading to the bridge of Dunwich on part of east, and abutting lands late Thomas Withingham's on part of west; and one piece of ground with a house formerly built of c. 60 feet in length and 30 feet in breadth, in Dunwich, between lands late John Back's the Elder on part of east, and kings highway on part of west, and abutting churchyard of All Saints on part of north and lands late John Back's on part of south; plus all other freehold lands and tenements of said Gabriell Bateman in Dunwich, together with all appurtenances.
To hold unto Robert Buxton that he may become a perfect tenant until a Common Recovery may be brought by Francis Heatly
Consideration: 5s. to 1. by 3.


  • Creation: 1709-05-30 - 1709


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1 item(s) (Piece)

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Not conserved

Former / Other Reference


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