Lovell, Alfred Charles Bernard, Sir, 1913 (Knight, astronomer)
Found in 20 Collections and/or Records:
Correspondence on a joint dinner, 1968-10-21 - 1969-11-18
Correspondence regarding the joint Royal Society Club/Worshipful Company of Clockmakers dinner, including correspondence with G.B.R. Feilden, Deputy Director General of the British Standards Institution; W.H. McCrea of the University of Sussex; R.C. Pennefather; R.R. Race of the Lister Institute; Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank; Colonel H. Quill; P.M.S. Blackett; and D.G. Evans of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Correspondence on the 14th I.A.U. Assembly, 1968-05-13 - 1971-02-26
Correspondence regarding the National Committee for the 14th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, including correspondence with D.C. Martin of the Royal Society and with Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank.
Correspondence on the Astronomy Committee, 1967-01-04 - 1971-12-07
Correspondence and some related papers regarding the British National Committee for Astronomy, including correspondence with H. Bondi of King's College, London; correspondence with D.C. Martin of the Royal Society; various British National Committee for Astronomy circulars; correspondence with Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank; and a paper on the Copernicus Quincentenary.
Correspondence on the Clockmakers' Dinner, 1969-01-22 - 1969-07-22
Correspondence regarding the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers' livery dinner, including correspondence with R.C. Pennefather; Admiral Sir John Frewen; Rear Admiral G.S. Ritchie, the Hydrographer of the Navy; Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank; the Earl of Halsbury; J. Needham, the Master of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; E.W.H. Christie; and the Lord Mayor of London. There is also a draft speech by Sir Richard Woolley for the dinner.
Correspondence on the D.S.I.R. Committee, 1963-09 - 1965-05
Correspondence regarding the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research Astronomy Sub-Committee, including correspondence with J. Tuson and C. Joliffe of the D.S.I.R., and with Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank.
Correspondence on the Institute for Theoretical Astronomy, 1963-12-09 - 1968-04-23
Correspondence on the U.K. observing time, 1974-03-21 - 1975-05-22
General correspondence 'C' and 'D', 1965-11 - 1967-06
General correspondence with, among others, the Commonwealth Trading Bank of Australia, the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers, Professor T.G. Cowling of the University of Leeds, various amateur astronomical societies, Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratory, and Jodrell Bank. The subjects include the award of the Gold Medal and the Eddington Medal, insurance matters and tax issues.
General correspondence 'K' and 'L', 1968-08 - 1972
General correspondence 'S', 1966-11 - 1970-12
General correspondence with, among others, R.H. Stoy of the Royal Observatory, Cape Town; the Mount Wilson and Palomar Observatories, California; A. Curtis, Literary Editor of the 'Sunday Telegraph'; the University of Southampton; the Chambre Suisse de l'Horologerie; and G.M. Sisson of Sir Howard Grubb, Parsons and Co. Ltd. The subjects include a review by Sir Richard Woolley for the 'Sunday Telegraph' of 'The Story of Jodrell Bank' by Sir Bernard Lovell.
Letter to Bernard Lovell, 1969-02-05
A letter from Sir Richard Woolley to Sir Bernard Lovell of the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank, regarding stars common to Lovell's list and Gliese's catalogue.
Meteors, Comets and Meteoric Ionization, 1948
A combined paper by Porter, A.C.B. Lovell, J.P.M. Prentice, R.W.B. Pearse and N. Herlofson entitled 'Meteors, Comets and Meteoric Ionization', from 'Reports on Progress in Physics', Vol. 11, pp. 389-454, including Porter's 'Comets and Meteor Streams', pp. 402-409. There is also an 11-page typescript of Porter's piece.
Paper on radio astronomy, 1960
A paper by A.C.B Lovell and M. Ryle titled 'The Future of Radio Astronomy in Great Britain', discussing radio astronomy in various parts of the world, including a lengthy discussion on the setting up of a National Radio Astronomy Observatory in the United Kingdom.
Papers for the Astronomy Sub-Committee, 1965
Papers for the British National Committee for Astronomy, 1972
Papers for the Radio Astronomy Committee, 1962
Papers for the Radio Astronomy Committee, 1961 - 1962
Papers on the Astronomy, Space and Radio Board, 1965-04-26 - 1970-03-10
Review of 'Comets and Meteor Streams', 1952-12
A detailed, typescript copy of a review of Porter's 'Comets and Meteor Streams' by A.C.B. Lovell, which appeared in 'Proceedings of the Physical Society of London', 65B, Part 12, December 1952, pp. 1011-1012.
Sir C. Bernard Lovell, 1986-09-24
Sir C.B. Lovell talking to Andrew Shaw about his memories of the ORO, RGO and his work.