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Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer, Sir, 1874 - 1965 (Knight, statesman and historian)



  • Existence: 1874 - 1965

Found in 8 Collections and/or Records:


Literary: correspondence with consultants and others on WSC's war memoirs ("The Second World War", mainly volumes 1 to 4), C-I., Jun 1946 - Dec 1950

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 4/19A-B
Scope and Contents Correspondents include: 1st Lord Cherwell [earlier F A Lindemann] on the atomic bomb; R V Jones; Sir Laurence Collier [British Ambassador to Norway]; William Deakin (12); Ian Colvin (4) including (2) on his book on [General Paul] von Kleist; Robert Sherwood; Sir Alfred Duff Cooper [later 1st Lord Norwich] (2); Sir Stafford Cripps sending on extracts from his diary for summer 1939; [George Gordon] Allen (2); Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall (3) including (2) on sending draft chapters to...
Dates: Jun 1946 - Dec 1950
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes., 05 Mar 1952 - 26 Jun 1952

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/47A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes, typescript and galley proofs for WSC's speech (5 March, House of Commons) entitled "Defence" on subjects including: WSC's resignation as Minister of Defence; the Conservatives' voting on defence while in Opposition; the short-fall of defence spending; aid from the United States; the scarcity of home defence, and the training of new forces, including the registration of the Home Guard and forming of new battalions; the extension of National Service; armoured forces and new...
Dates: 05 Mar 1952 - 26 Jun 1952
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/45A-C
Scope and Contents Speech notes and extract from Hansard for WSC's speech (6 November, House of Commons) for the debate on the address, on subjects including: the political divisions in the country; the charge of war-mongering laid against the Conservatives, and the need for steady government; the restoration of university representation in Parliament; the repeal of the Iron and Steel Nationalization Act; future parliamentary business, including the defence debate; keeping the Minister of Education out of the...
Dates: 06 Nov 1951 - 22 Dec 1951
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes and source material., 07 Dec 1953 - 30 Jun 1954

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/54A-B
Scope and Contents Speech notes, typescript and copies of Hansard for WSC's speech (17 May, House of Commons) entitled "Address of Welcome to the Queen on her return from her Commonwealth Tour" on the value of the tour by Queen Elizabeth II [earlier Princess Elizabeth] and the importance of the monarchy. Published: Complete Speeches VIII pp 8566 - 7.Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (27 May, Conservative Women's Meeting, Albert Hall [London]) entitled "The Conservatives' Tasks" on subjects...
Dates: 07 Dec 1953 - 30 Jun 1954
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: House of Commons and Non-House of Commons: Speech notes, prints and source material., 14 Jan 1952 - 26 Feb 1952

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHUR 5/46A-C
Scope and Contents Speech notes and typescript for WSC's speech (14 January, Banquet given by the Canadian Government, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa) entitled "Britain and Canada", on subjects including: a tribute to Mackenzie King [late Prime Minister of Canada]; Canada's part in the war and the effort still needed for peace; the shift of power from Europe to Canada and the United States; the broadening of NATO, support for a United Europe and a European Army, and Britain's future in Europe; Britain's economic...
Dates: 14 Jan 1952 - 26 Feb 1952
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes and other material., 09 Oct 1940 - 24 Dec 1940

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/145
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (9 October, [Caxton Hall, London]) on his leadership of the Conservative Party and the retirement of Neville Chamberlain. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6294-6.Notes for WSC's broadcast (21 October, BBC) to the people of France entitled "Dieu protege la France". Also includes French translation of WSC's broadcast. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6296-8.Notes for WSC's speech (9 November, Mansion House [London]) entitled "A long road to tread" on the illness of...
Dates: 09 Oct 1940 - 24 Dec 1940
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes and other material., 14 Jul 1941 - 11 Nov 1941

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/152A-B
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (14 July, County Hall, London) entitled the "Grit and Stamina of London" on the German bombing of London, the prospects for the future, and British bombing of Germany. Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6448-52.Brief notes for WSC's speech (14 July, Civil Defence Review, Hyde Park, London). Published: Complete Speeches VI, pp 6447-8.Also includes cuttings from the Yorkshire Post and the Glasgow Herald reporting the above two speeches.Cutting from the Times on the...
Dates: 14 Jul 1941 - 11 Nov 1941
Conditions Governing Access: Open

Speeches: speech notes and source material., 18 Feb 1937 - 25 May 1937

Reference Code: GBR/0014/CHAR 9/125
Scope and Contents Notes for WSC's speech (18 February, [Grosvenor House, London] British Iron and Steel Federation Annual Dinner) on the state of the iron and steel industry and defence spending. Part published: Complete Speeches VI pp 5827-8.Notes for WSC's speech (22 February, [Porchester Hall] Paddington [London]) supporting the Municipal Reform Party in the London County Council election, criticising local Labour policy and Herbert Morrison [Leader of the LCC]. Source material includes election notes,...
Dates: 18 Feb 1937 - 25 May 1937
Conditions Governing Access: Open